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1st Breakthrough (not what was expected) :D Options
#1 Posted : 1/19/2011 4:02:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So, I've been experimenting with spice for a few weeks now after my first attempt at an extraction (Q21Q21's tek). I've probably smoke over 10 times no more than once in a day. Occasionally if I don't get quite to where I want I'll finish off whatever is left in the pipe just to extend the OEV/CEV's.

I've been eagerly trying to break through and have only come close maybe twice. I relate these experiences in my essay post here in the nursery. Well I finally managed to lift off! And I must say it was nothing like anyone elses experiences I've read. Not particularly an experience to outshine everyone elses fine reports. But utterly unique, I guess since it happened to me! Pleased

Somehow I knew this was the day. I was listening to dear Mr. McKenna discussing DMT and he related that you get kind of a vibe before you ever smoke and you 'just know'. He said the pyshic energy somehow reaches back in history and thus the trip begins before you ever ingest anything. It was this way for me.

I loaded up some of the fluffy crystaline magic dust into my makeshift pipe (approx 35-40mg) and sandwiched it between a layer of mj ash and fresh mj. I slowly heated it to melt the crystals and then took one slow toke. Didnt get a very large hit. Took another long slow deep toke and midway through I felt the strong hot plastic vapor hit my throat. As soon as it hit my lungs I thought 'oh shit' and quiclky sat down the pipe. I sat back in my bed and I was gone!

How to describe what happened? It's so hard to put into words. It can't be related using conventional language. But I will try to touch upon it. Upon laying back the visual kaliedescope of whirling fractal madness crashed down upon me. Or maybe I crashed into the visual explosion, I don't know.

I immediatley left my body, a thing I only ever experienced previously with Salvia. It wasn't so much that I left my body but more like I forgot I had a physical body. As I began to wonder about my lack of a material body suddenly it was as if every concept I had about my personality and who I was began to fall apart piece by piece. My ego ceased to exist, I ceased to be however something was still there conscious and aware having this bizzare experience.

About the time I was beginning to come to terms with my new existence or lack thereof I suddenly senses another presence in the room and possibly another not quite sure but one for sure. I never actually saw a figure but someone was there. I sort of felt as if before I launched someone was there with me and now I was trying to communicate with them but after a moment I remembered I was alone in my apartment. So this entity I was sensing was from the other side. It was sort of an erry feeling but the but I felt completely save with 'them'.

After the entitied seemed to have left I began to regain my composure, ego, etc. The above can barely even scratch the surface of where I went. I launched into eternity, time stopped, time never existed there. I was there for a millenium but in 'reality' it was maybe 5 minutes. Even after the peak it seemed that the intense OEV's would never end. I think it may have been what I have heard is a 'white-out' where the dose was to large and the biggest memory is white light and later amnesia of what happened.

Not sure but when I peaked the visuals went away, my bedroom dissappeared and I remember mostly radiant whiteness. What I related above was somehow extra-sensory, none of the five senses could grasp it.

Finally a question. After I was back to baseline I lit a cigarette. As I smoked I noticed what I guess was vasoconstriction. I became a little dizzy and though I could feel a deep breath go in I didnt think I was getting enough oxygen. I don't think this was from the tobacco. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Could it be a side effect from the harsh DMT vapor?

Sorry for the long winded post but I had to get that off my chest!
AKA Hanuman Dass
http://hanumandass.wordpress.com A blog on nonduality, entheogens, and other such topics.

"It can be what you want it to be but in the end it's all just sensory enhancement." -The thought stream that once saved my life.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 1/20/2011 4:17:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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NIce post. A lot of what you say has been described so well that it feel like you are referring to my experience. I am still struggling to find the words for mine so your words kinda help me a lot. Thanks for that. I also had that same vascular constriction when I desperately lit a smoke after my experience. It kinda hit me for a six and I NEEDED that smoke. hehe
#3 Posted : 1/20/2011 4:55:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice post!

Enjoyed reading it...

I also experience vasoconstriction, when I was coming back I could see the oxygen in the room kinda & it felt like oxygen was really gas, after a few minutes everything when normal. I experienced a burning sensation in my throat near my thyroid gland as well.
It is what it is
#4 Posted : 1/20/2011 5:15:19 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the comments!

Glad you guys enjoyed my experience and can relate.

Also I'm relieved to hear a least a few others have experienced the vascular issues. I don't think I'd have worried so much if it had happened while I was still fairly intoxicated but this happened when I was almost at baseline. Definately believe it had something to do with the smoke in my lungs and throat. It was my first huge pull so it was sort of a new thing.

Thanks again for reading!
AKA Hanuman Dass
http://hanumandass.wordpress.com A blog on nonduality, entheogens, and other such topics.

"It can be what you want it to be but in the end it's all just sensory enhancement." -The thought stream that once saved my life.
#5 Posted : 1/20/2011 5:52:07 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi Psikotrope,

Great trip report. Thank you for sharing such an intense experience. It is chock full of the hallmarks of a breakthrough. Funny how they never are what we expected. There really is no way to describe it. I think part of the DMT effect, in addition to stimulating entity/human recognition centers also lights up, for lack of a better term, our, WOW! centers.

I am no medical expert. I do not smoke tobacco but I am a heavy cannabis smoker. Couple of thoughts.

I think you can solve some of these comfort issues with a change in your smoking technique. Here's a list of ideas:

1.) Invest in a vaporgenie pipe, a glass one if you can afford it. It is the premiere vaping device for DMT in my opinion. I got rid of ALL my other DMT pipes after awhile once I had the Glass Vaporgenie (GVG). I'll never go back.

2.) Do not smoke tobacco or mj significantly before a spice session. Tobacco will screw our lungs (as will mj if not vaped) and mj never helps with the spice trip memories in my experience.

3.) If you need to stick with your current pipe, quit smoking the spice with mj. Spice vapes at a very low temperature whereas it takes a lot of heat to burn pot. Instead, place as many screens down as possible and smoke on a bed of mullein or banisteriopsis caapi leaf or even parsley. Or, burn some herb, any type of herb down to white ash on top of a couple screens and put the spice on that. Now hold a lighter 1/4 inch away and hit real slow and gentle. Try not to touch the spice with the lighter, just draw the heat through. You'll see it melt and vape after awhile (take your time) - now hit gentle and easy. Take as much in as you comfortably can but don't push it. Hold as long as you comfortably can but don't push it. Take a nice deep hit of air before your next hit. Repeat as desired. Remember after the visible spice is gone, there will still be some caught up in the screens.

4.) BEFORE you attempt to launch intentionally and deeply hyperventilate. Do it until you nearly feel light headed. This way you are super-saturated with oxygen as you take that first hit and you don't launch hypoxic. I'll just bet you feel A LOT less vasoconstricted at the end if you try this.

5.) Hold off on the post trip cigarette or bowl or joint or whatever until fully baselined from the spice trip, in other words, for about an hour. Give your lungs a chance to do their work. Yeah, DMT is a caustic chemical and yeah it's even worse when you burn it rather than vape it.

I sincerely hope this helps. It's all just a bunch of suggestions from a middle aged leather lunged pot head in her 40's. No real expertise, just like to be comfortable when I use DMT and these are the techniques that help.

Peace & Love
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#6 Posted : 1/23/2011 2:39:25 PM

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Pandora- Thanks for the tips and sorry it's taken a few days to reply. Been busy with my 1st anniverary being with my special someone! Anyway, all your suggestions were spot on.

I will be looking into a VG when my tax return arrives. Not to mention I'm going to start a sizable ethnobotanical garden in my apartment. Large enough to experiment with several preparations of our favorite hyperspace vehicle but not to big to immpede comfortable living, lol.

I took your advice about switching smoking devices and fabricated a bubbler type device from stuff easily available. I used a Mountain Dew bottle ( the smaller 16 ouncer I think), polyurethane (sp) tubing for the stem which was pushed through a hole dug out in the lid. I used the dettachable bowl from a small aluminum pipe which seated easily into the poly tube. Finally a bic mechanical pencil shaft was used to enhale the spice by sticking it though a hole in the upper side of the bottle. I superglued the pencil shaft and the poly tube to seal the device. I placed a carb hole on the opposite side of the bottle.

This was my first attempt at a device like this, plus I've never even used a bubbler so I didn't know what to expect. I switched from mj to chamomile (procured from a tea bag). I placed two screens in the bowl (all I had) followed by chamomile, then about 25mg of spice, then more chamomile.

I just used a small amount of spice since I wanted to see if this system would work. I lit it up carefully while standing in my kitchen not expecting more than some fractalizing patterns. I tryed to vaporize all the spice into the chamber of the bottle. The bubbler method of cooling the vapor was a big plus! After confident the spice was all vaped I enhaled the smoothest pull I've had yet.

I remember thinking 'this works to well!' I hurried to the livingroom and sat down. It wasn't a breakthrough but it was more than I'd experienced with almost twice that amount via my small makeshift pipe!

It was really easy on my lungs and throat and I skipped the post trip cigarette all together. No breathing issues whatsoever to report, success!

As a side note, me and the GF went and watched Tron: Legacy 3D last night. I couldn't help but notice striking similarities to hyperspace in the film. Most importantly were the ISO entities which supposedly created themselves in the grid. They were wise perfect beings which were basically a product of that reality. This struck me deeply as a reflection of the DMT entities.
AKA Hanuman Dass
http://hanumandass.wordpress.com A blog on nonduality, entheogens, and other such topics.

"It can be what you want it to be but in the end it's all just sensory enhancement." -The thought stream that once saved my life.
Cosmic Rift
#7 Posted : 1/24/2011 1:42:47 AM

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I'm no expert on DMT, but vaporizers really do help. I have many herbal vaporizers myself and it really makes an incredible difference. Although, I would recommend an electric vaporizer if you are willing to put more money into it. Let me know if you want some suggestions. Wink
Anything said by this account, "Cosmic Rift", is complete and utter bullshit. In the event that it's not completely made up then it is a lie, exaggeration, or I am caught up in the act of role playing.
#8 Posted : 1/24/2011 2:37:52 AM

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Nice trip report!

Psikotrope wrote:
As I smoked I noticed what I guess was vasoconstriction. I became a little dizzy and though I could feel a deep breath go in I didnt think I was getting enough oxygen. I don't think this was from the tobacco.

I get this feeling from time to time but never from DMT. I smoke weed daily but don't smoke cigs.

Feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen no matter how deep I breathe. It helps if I just try to relax.
Transcend The Limitations of Physical Reality.
#9 Posted : 1/24/2011 1:32:11 PM

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Cosmic Rift~I am not familiar with electronic vaporizers. Suggestions would be great. Always willing to give someting new a shot. Are you refering to the e-cig thing?

RobMarley- Deep intentional breathing seems to be key. I think the issue is two fold. One part being the inhaltion of a chemical not probably meant for the lungs. And two being anxiety. I notice that it reflects the anxiety I have experienced without intoxication. The only addition is the lung and throat irritation. I would recommend common excercises for dealing with anxiety or panic attack disorder. These techniques are easily found via google.

Thanks for the input fellow travelers.
AKA Hanuman Dass
http://hanumandass.wordpress.com A blog on nonduality, entheogens, and other such topics.

"It can be what you want it to be but in the end it's all just sensory enhancement." -The thought stream that once saved my life.
Rising Spirit
#10 Posted : 1/24/2011 2:03:29 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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1st Breakthrough (not what was expected) Very happy

Greetings Psikotrope,

Thank you for sharing your inspiring trip report. Many of us have had the same experience, although we all describe it with slightly different language. Ironic isn't it? Such shattering experiences take us deep into places that transcend anything we know and yet... we can't stop thinking and talking about it, when we return. I personally feel it is a wonderful thing to share our impressions. Communication is a beautiful thing. I love the Nexus for this reason.

Yeah, I can relate to the white-out phenomenon, as it has happened to me many, many times (usually with LSD). I'm not at all surprised that your DMT journey was not what you had expected, since it isn't really a Breakthrough if is is something we can recognize or fully comprehend. Kudos to you, Hanuman! I also have had this strange sensation with my breathing. Salvia Divinorum also brought this odd feeling on. Let's face it, burning anything will irritate our lungs. It sounds like you are on the right track, though. Pandora is right about the whole smoking issue. The more care and preparation we take, the better the voyage. Still, it's a relatively small price to pay for Immortality, eh? Shocked

Peace, love & light
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#11 Posted : 1/25/2011 11:10:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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A bubbler always helps make the spice go down smoothly Smile
Try make a blend of aromatic, frangrant, sacred and benign herbs to smoke on. A half bowl of herbs then the spice then a thin layer on top to protect from the flame works well. The spice doesn't like the flame, try to light a just corner and take the flame away, using the now glowing coal to vape across the rest of the bowl. Whatever you don't smoke isn't burn't. Burning the spice makes it go harsh quick.
Nice herbs are homegrown nicotiana tobaccum or likes, mints (standard, julep, chocolate etc), sages (white and pineapple etc..), buchu, rose and lemon pelargonium, artemesia afra (african wormwood), lavender flowers, dash of sceletium, dash of salvia, dash of luuuurvely bud...U get the picture..
Let that bowl B a celebration. A symphony of higher order sacred aromatic chemistry! The plants spirits that you put into the bowl will all join you in being witness to the tech of the MOST HIGH. Puffin the spice will be smooth as silk after a bit of practice thereafter, very efficient too. Burn aromatic incense and oils around you while you smoke and be in a beautiful space and good mind and distill your intent before a journey. Running water, plants and nature will show you things too you never dreamed of. Stay warm.
Sing chants to spirits that are great before you journey.. Om gan ganapataya namah! Om shri shivaya namah! Om shri khristos namah! Brahman, Parvati, krishna, ama, psilocybe, lakshmi . Om Om Om. The most high has many faces, there are many more that we have not yet seen, you are one. Call some highly advanced ones to join you, U might be suprised when they join you to be witness to the wonder and show you some of their own. Sing prayers of guidance and protection, if they mean something to you they will work.

"And two being anxiety. I notice that it reflects the anxiety I have experienced without intoxication."
And Smile dont fear, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in seeing it as it is. "Whatever" "it" "is"? Just have reverance, respect and humility.
Njoy the rebirth and all and all. Good luck with your journeys.
#12 Posted : 1/29/2011 5:21:57 AM

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Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for the inspiring comments guys. I'm noticing that spice is openning huge doors into the beyond for me I'm so glad I found it!

I'm going to be taking a little break since I have developed quite a tolerance suddenly. My trips are still very intense but never breakthroughs anymore. I haven't been partaking more than 3-4 times a week but I see noticable drops in intensity.
AKA Hanuman Dass
http://hanumandass.wordpress.com A blog on nonduality, entheogens, and other such topics.

"It can be what you want it to be but in the end it's all just sensory enhancement." -The thought stream that once saved my life.
the Cake
#13 Posted : 1/29/2011 5:46:02 AM

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I think part of the DMT effect, in addition to stimulating entity/human recognition centers also lights up, for lack of a better term, our, WOW! centers.

yep. that's all i could say afterwards, was " WOW" and "thank you"
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