All rivers flow effortlessly into one. As the moment continuousily incarnates, it becomes that which sits forever on the horizon in the place where the scorching rays of the setting sun seem to burn theyre way into infinity..
An alchemist lies within the heart of each one of us...
Syntactically dreaming, distilling the crown jewel of being..the metaphore crystalizes and precipitates back into the dream as a shimmering diamond..the stone to be retrived by the seeker..realization of boundless landscapes in a place known only as thing immerges from the depths of the soul and for the first time is seen with the clarity of that first moment..before the masks, the suits, the ties and the unfolding of the cosmic script..anticipated since the beginning, forever unfolding.. me it is one of the greatest tools cosmos has gifted to this hominid race of beings..attached intrinsically to it's very existance there is fear, love, hate, desire, wonder and dread..heaven and hell..DMT is contoversial, as it goes with anything so close to the true face of the great mystery..a work of pure intention with the sacrament can bring one to the greatest hights of alchemical illumination.. while to the misguided, DMT can reel ones ego far closer than desired and one may get burned..
too often I get caught in these silly(yet necessary) loops of ideation..I will sit and ponder yesterday..I will hope for tommrow..I will wish for a better now.. ...It's such a long road we've been walking on..
The way foreward is into the moment..the way foreward is through the distillation of presence..a forever, directly felt reality..'s been a very long road..and roads are far too often seen as one way streets..tracks carefully laid out for the traveler to follow..the road is far too often seen as the place where the journey become triveal to the far off ideation of the destination..a treadmill of sorts where syntax dangles as some far off idea never to fully manifest in the present..
I havent bothered to write a report in a while now..not from a lack of experiences by any stretch. Something deeper has opened is so intensely personally and I dont know how to communicate these things anymore without loosing so much of the ontological meaning inherant in such an experience that what comes out is nothing more than a cheap hollywood rip off of the fact of the matter..
It's beyond any one single thing at this point. It is everything. My life is starting to look more like somethng I might have dreamed up reading a middle earth sci-fi fantancy than the current modality soceity brought me up to believe in. I dont know if I brought all this into my life or if somehow I was just destined to be here..really that doesnt seem to be a coherant enough point of view..nothing is ever so linear..I am convinced that what lies ahead of us pulls on the present, shaping the syntax of the moment just as significantly as moments that have gone by..It's not about going backwards, or's about something's about going deeper..
The dreamer, lucid..a craftsman of vision capable of buildng a raft to soar the unconscious mind of cosmos, recognizing the symbols of the road as they go is one of inherant lack of motivation..for goals effectivly offer no fruit to the one who travels the realm of the dream..
I dont know where minxx came from, but I love that girl to death. I knew it before I knew her. I knew she was comming..I didnt know it was her, who who or what it was, just that it was comming. Dreams are like that. The moment unfolds like that. The archetypes line up and the creases you once saw are, if only for a moment, no longer there..syncronity takes they're place as the great paradox of being incarnates one again, and forever into the bounless ocean of now..
I have been smoking frequently..nearly every day in between long mushroom and ayahuasca sessions..really there is just way way too much to talk about in one little would read like a short book, but this one in particular comes up again and again in my thoughts so I will try my best to share what transpired..
I smoked one day..maybe 2 months ago. Sitting in half lotus on my bed, slowly making my way back from hyperspace a download took place. In the time of about 8 seconds I recieved instructions on how what we have somewhat metaphorically called "ascention" takes place through the utilization of internal technologies..I somehow had this instant understanding of the toroidal shape of time and how time gates open and close simultaniousily..the past is never any more "over" than the future..this is all simply due to the angle from which we view the timestream. Every time we smoke and get to that place we ascend...however one of 2 things tend to happen..we experience complete ego death..or we simply remain aware. Durring the ego death the core of the soul experiences a higher state of being(neurological or otherwise I make no speculation), this is what we call the "higher self". Often in religion and theology the ego is seen as only distraction and a level of distain is associated with it's presence. This is, however a limited misunderstanding of the dynamics of the complete human being as a multi-dimensional space time vehicle..
Okay I am aware of how insane this sounds..really I am! Take all this as metaphore for complex psychological processes if you me it doesnt matter is what it is and this is just my experience as it unfolded in my life.
With certain technique(s), the consiousness system we call the "ego" is carried through into the state of being we refer to as hyperspace. This is the state where ego death will usually take place and full immersion is subjectivly experiened. The egoless state(or higher self etc) is always operating on a level above the filtration system of the ego, so while these experiences of ego death obviousily have they're importance and value in the personal cosmology of an individual, they are essentially like baby steps into a more integrated state of the human nervous system.
With the application of a (or set of) technique(s), the ego will be able to distill itself within the scaffolding of hyperspace..this whole process seems sort of counter-intuitive when I concider traditional forms of spiritual/religous practice. I dont see anymore how any truely new paradigm of being can blossom when all our appraoch consists of is a continuous rejection of ego. This is dicotemy. This is a symtom of a bifurcated mind..incongruent hemispherical communication.. My opinion is that the conception of higher states of order takes place within an event of unification or integration. No left brain or right right subjective vs objective..something greater.. Ego death has it's place, but if the ego cant experience first hand the elegance inherant within hyperspace, you still have this dicotemy. You are here, or you are there.
How does the left brain effectivly come to terms with the underlying realities experienced within the dream of the right brain?
I know there is inherant paradox in what I am saying..this is all just a metaphore. This was just my trip so take it as that and nothign more..
So once the ego mind-consciousness system is able to stabalize within hyperspace(and by ego I mean some shred of persnal identity), a sort of reasonance with specific nodes within the timestream will take place. This is the unification with the localized ego mind system with the non-local, and(usually) non-ego state of being. I dont know what happens at this point..that part was not really part of the download..just that it was this set of events, but alot more complicated, that would bring a human being into a state of hyper-connection with all points in the life of the organisms experience. This was the opening of the timegate. All this could be seen as either a psychological process inherant only subjectivly within the nervous system of a given human or some sort of concrete dimenionsal phenomenon somewhat exteriorized to the individual..I wont speculate but Im at the point where such dicotemy really doesnt serve me any coherant purpose just is what it is..
Looking back I find the metaphore interesting in a more general sense. I think in a way the same could be said of society as a collective. We all have these experience..the phenomenen seems to incarnate into the life of a given individual at some point..more than once I suspect..and perhaps at times this experience is collective..but still a dicotemy prevails..light and dark..dreaming and awake..too many times we forget the death of ourselves as we traverse the road we call life..too many times we awaken to the what point did we forget to dream the awake?..those moments..each one..fleeting..we forget..we forget..we forget..
If only we could collectivly remember..
Among subscribers of popular modality we are nothing more than freaks. That is our niche within the syntax of popular culture. on the edge, riding it we we wander..we are the ones who remember(at least to a degree)..quick glimpses of something greater..the fact that none of us could ever put into words just what that is is beside the point..the point is that we COULD build it...what it would do I dont know..thats not even for me to say..but once enough of us see the thing..I am sure we will..
I feel the closest to insane, yet more on the ball than I ever have..maniacally reeling in the paradox, carefully coaxing the thing out of its cleaverly crafted shell...yet inherant in it's very nature it will never fully be fibonacci forever lingering in the tail of the golden ratio.. the thing is that which cannot be touched..the infinite nature of the self..on it goes..this must be the acceptance of the alchemist..a final distillation so incomplete in all it's completely beautiful is the dream of the dreamer..
Long live the unwoke.