now this will sound very strange due to the moral stigmatisms that have been attached over the last few centuries (if using 'drugs' for 'spirituality' already doesn't haha)...but here we go, and ill keep it short.
before beginning i should mention that the historical 'manna' or 'mannas,' whether psychoactive mushrooms, the potentially dangerous monoatomic gold, or a sacrament unknown, its good to note that manna derives from the word moon.
"It's also fascinating to appreciate that prior to the appearance of manna in approximately 1960BC, kings and othe leaders ingested menstrual (men="moon"
blood in the belief that it was infused with the moon's power of creativity, and hence, the elixir of life [the power to stimulate the third eye]. We now know that during menses or the moon time, a woman's body produces hormones such as DMT (dimethyltryptamine), which are found in abundance in the menstrual blood." (DMT is always in everybody's's produced in higher amounts at this particular time, coming out this area, for some reason)
so girls.. and boys with really healthy girlfriends or wives... and who are willing to drink menstural blood hehehehe...
"Thus, every month, due to the release of these hormones, a woman is capable of traveling along the path of the priest-kings of old and entering the heart of the Great Mother [ocean of possibilities/void/'God'/black hole/wormhole]. There she receives messages and insights that will benefit not only her spiritual evolution but also that of her family and tribe. On her return from this altered state, she shares her visions with the men..."
It's thought that women could purify the negativity of a family or whole tribe in just one adventure. And more importantly than just sharing his/her visions, the traveler should begin to eMBODy this energy, acting as a lightning rod or conduit for higher vibrations.
C. Page, M.D
Dr. R. Strassman
wierd, interesting haha.