Morphane wrote:Reading Watt's The Book was a revelation that has changed my perspective, but the illusion of my ego is still intact. I only know the theory, not the experience. Thus I am left with many questions.
It's funny but i just made reference to this book in "wisdom section" thread.
I believe explaining god conscious might be kind of like trying to explain love or even consciousness itself.We might be able to explain feelings or manifestations of all three but to pinpoint a definition imo is impossible.
My experience has been when reality as i know it dissapears infront of my very eyes and everything my ego has grown to love or comfort dissappears there is initially some fear and i can only explain it as ego death.
Once i can except it or surrender to it and get past my initial fear of "Letting Go" of my ego it opens me to what people call god consciousness.
I believe there to be many way's to attain this state of being,not just through ethneogens and psychedelics,although they can be used as tools to gain that isight to further spiritual growth.
This is only based on my experience and belief
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti