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#1 Posted : 1/25/2011 11:04:56 AM


Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Jan-2011
Last visit: 28-Dec-2013
Location: the day dreams of a mad man
Those of you that frequent the Shroomery might recognize me. For those that don't, nice to meet you!

I am not new to the DMT experience, I have many successful flights under my belt. That being said, I still have much to learn and look forward to doing so. It's been quite a while since my last launch, and I'm not unhappy about that. It has given me time to think on things, integrate what lessons might have been presented, and develop a more mature attitude towards the whole experience.

The first time I tried it, I fell instantly in love with the intensity of it all. The rush of onset, the colors! Oh god, the colors... But more interesting to me than the blissful blanket of technicolor, that it wrapped around my soul, was the way it so quickly and completely crushed the crap out of my reality. (can I say crap in the nursery?) This was a new experience for me, and I liked it. I mean, up until that moment, I had considered myself fairly educated with the psychedelic experience... But not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined such an experience possible!

So I experimented with it some more, going on these fantastic journeys that you know as well as I do, words would not do justice. When I was doing it, I was doing it often. There would be fairly large breaks in between my supply... but when I had it, chances were I wouldn't have it for very long. I was just so infatuated with this powerfully bizarre experience that I couldn't help myself.

But as circumstance would have it, it has been a while. And during this time I have realized some things about DMT... and feel I have a better, more respectful appreciation for what it is and has to offer.

For starters, I still have no idea what DMT really is... but i know what it isn't, and it is most definitely not a toy. Smoking DMT simply for the sake of it is not a valid mindset for me anymore. While it inst technically a "bad" mindset, as far as the experience is concerned... it is if my goal is to get something out of it. I'm curious to see what happens when i go into it with more clearly defined motives.

I bet something nice happens Very happy

How's your WOW?

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 1/25/2011 11:57:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Welcome to the Nexus!

Its nice to read about your respectfully developing relationship with DMT.

I think a lot of us have gone through a 'honey moon' period with DMT, only to realize the power of this substance, that it is not just 'roses, roses', and that we should take better care of intentions, set and setting.

Did you try oral DMT yet? If when you say "getting something out of it" you also mean life/personal lessons, I think oral dmt might lend itself better for this (at least for me). I still think vaporized DMT can be amazing, very special, awe-inspiring, humbling and all (which can be translated into appreciating more normal life, for example), but I also think that oral dmt might be a more appropriate tool for down-to-earth work, even while still being 'heavenly' Very happy

What about other psychedelics, whats your experience? And extractions?

See you around!
#3 Posted : 1/25/2011 8:32:39 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Location: good question
Sister has also remarked on the difference in the experience the few times she approached it too casually. It really does demand respect. . .

Go team!
#4 Posted : 1/25/2011 8:43:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: My body for now
Hey Wrestler,

I am new to Nexus and spice as well. From what I can understand it is a tool, as I have yet to actually go there, it seems multifaceted from what I have read here and other places. Maybe like a chainsaw, or a table saw - I am a carpenter by trade hence the analogy. Good journey to you.
The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
#5 Posted : 1/25/2011 10:23:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 11-Nov-2019
hey wrestler, how are you doing? im new here as well, but id like to say WELCOME! anyway.
Everything I say is fictional, I do not support illegal drug use of any kind, SWIM is a fictional character.

#6 Posted : 1/26/2011 4:41:11 AM


Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Jan-2011
Last visit: 28-Dec-2013
Location: the day dreams of a mad man
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I have tried an oral dose once using mimosa and Syrian rue. I don't think I kept it down long enough for the full effects to take hold though. It was still quite the experience, and I plan on trying it again sometime.

During the peak of this trip, I found myself "stuck" in a deja vu. usually, for me a deja vu is a quick little feeling that a specific moment has happened before. This was the same feeling, but it lingered... for what felt like an eternity.

This was my attempt at putting that part of the trip into words...

First off, I'm not really so sure what I believe in, as far as spirituality and religion and stuff goes. I am however very aware of the many currently accepted ideas and beliefs regarding the subject, and truth be told... no one really knows for sure. So I try to keep my options open by not really "believing" in any one set of ideas... instead I just try to keep my mind open to the idea that anything is possible...

Anyway, for the sake of argument, lets just say that there is a part of us that is indeed "eternal". A spirit, or soul, an energy, whatever you want to call it. There is that part of us that will continue to go on after we die... forever. And forever, being the all encompassing word that it is, also extends in the other direction. This part of us has always existed before we were born, and will always exist after we die. Eternal.

Now let's assume that this eternal spirit of ours has a consciousness. One all of its own, completely separate to that of the one we have now in this life. Connected out there to the infinite, it knows of no past or future. Everything that has or will ever happen is experienced and remembered by this consciousness all at once.

Now here is what I felt was happening at the time. I pictured this infinite eternal consciousness of my soul leaking out into my everyday living human brain consciousness. And as these two merged together, the memories of my spirits consciousness were overlapping with what was going on at the time, and allowing me to remember the present as if it were the past.

Here is a link to the rest of the thread if you are interested.


DMT has sparked inside of me, a curiosity towards spirituality. DMT may be the key, that unlocks the doors to other realities.

It has shown me what it might be like, to have a consciousness apart from this body, and having such an experience has really made me give more thought to to whats out there after life, and at the same time has eased some of my anxieties towards death.

I'm not sure weather or not smoked DMT can offer me anything more specific to my life, as it is here on this plane. But I think going into the experience with the changed perspective of what DMT actually is, at least to me, could very well bring a different kind of experience. i think its worth a shot anyway.
How's your WOW?
#7 Posted : 1/26/2011 5:41:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 55
Joined: 23-Jan-2011
Last visit: 19-Feb-2011
Location: Mushroom Mountain
What's up wrestler. I recognize you from the Shroomery! Cool

wrestler_az wrote:

For starters, I still have no idea what DMT really is... but i know what it isn't, and it is most definitely not a toy. Smoking DMT simply for the sake of it is not a valid mindset for me anymore. While it inst technically a "bad" mindset, as far as the experience is concerned... it is if my goal is to get something out of it. I'm curious to see what happens when i go into it with more clearly defined motives.

I agree that DMT is not a toy, I'm also trying to "get something" out of my DMT use.

After my most recent trip I can tell that DMT is a very special substance, I can't wait to explore what it has to offer.
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