So my dog isis had a great friend come over and show her how to make spice. Isis doesnt know the specifics of the measurements used because hes a little spacey sometimes. I know that he has done this before and has always turned out well. He took care of the first pull and Isis already noticed some nice crystals on her pull. He left Isis in charge of the last three pulls. the second was noticeably darker than his, however, is also starting to form some small crystals. the last two pull seems to have noticeably more naptha in them so Isis is pretty certain she may have added too much to mix. Thes third pull has only been in the fridge for less than 15 hours and the last Isis just completed.
So isis wants to know would it be beneficial for her to put some pics up? Also these are in sealed mason jars in the fridge is this a good method? How long typically do you let these go for in the freezer? and what should I do with the naptha that ill be left with after this precipitation? I dont want to wast anything.
Thanks in advance. Im sure there is a frustrating lack of specifics here so bare with me and My crazy lil dog. (plus golden dragon tincture in my coffee making this a bit of a challenge to type

much love here now.