I have watched fans turn my perfecly white crystals into white crystals with a slight haze of yellow on it, also note, the yellow is only on the outside layer of crystals, and when digging down into the pile you find the rest, not totally exposed to air is white still, but also not fully dry.. so. you make the choice, let it air dry, put a cloth over the dish to keep out dust and hair, as well as to slow the air flow to slow oxidizing. I believe it is oxidizing since its on the outside of the spice only. but its really a matter of preference. I still use a fan though, blown over top of the dish with a shirt over the dish. that way its very minimal oxidizing, and still drys it fast. another note, if its winter, open a window or two, let in dryer air so it dries faster, as long as the house aint freezing it will still evap quicker with a window open. new air is almost always dryer than the air in your house.
and thats my $0.02 haha i liked that snozzle.
Everything I say is fictional, I do not support illegal drug use of any kind, SWIM is a fictional character.