The Temple accepts all people, all races, sexes and Homo sapiens of every type, as long as they are over 17 years of age.
Our Mission at Temple Earth-
To promote a return to a simpler, more spiritual life in harmony with the enviroment and natural world.
To promote the cultivation and spread of ethnobotanicals and their use as medicines, foods and entheogens.
To cultivate ethnobotanicals of all types, study their uses and encourage futher research.
To enrich the soil and purify the water and air. To protect the enviroment.
To promote the control of population and illness through non-violent methods.
To promote a return to communal, logical and more sensible systems of society.
To promote the use and cultivation of ethnobotanicals as a means of spirtuaility and enjoyment.
To promote equailty among the sexes, races and all members of the species "sapiens" of the genus "Homo".
To promote peace among all of humanity. To promote non-voilence among Homo sapiens.
To promote eviromental resortation and preservation.
To create a community which is a model for decent human culture.
Shamanic Tools-
Stainless Steel Pots (For brewing) [3-5]
Edible Lime (For quids or chews)
Jars, Tins, Boxes and Bags (For storage)
Pipes, Bongs, Water Pipes, etc.
Rolling Papers, Filters, Rolling Machine
Razer blades
Scales ( .1g)
Mortar and Pestal
Shot Glass
Special Cups (For drinking ethnobotanical brews)
Metal Cigarette Case
Pure Drinkable Alcohol 95% (For extractions)
Strainers of all sorts and sizes (including cheese cloth)
Drying Rack and/or Dehydrator
“Infuser” French Press and/or Tea Pot
“Pint Glasses” Beer and Wine/Spirit Glasses
Washable Heavy Duty Machine Grinder
Intent focusing objects- crystals, rocks, gems, wands, rare/powerful plants or dried botanicals, etc.
Smudging Herbs- Sage (Salvia species),
Crystal Skulls
An Alter
Gems and such
Burner diffuser, copal burner
Cohoba platter and blow pipe
Duho/ Dujo sacred Chieftains stool
Holy Insense-
Commiphora myrrha ~ "Myrrh"
Boswellia sacra ~ "Frankincense"
Styrax benzoin ~ "Benzoin resin"
Bursera microphylla ~ "Copal"
Pogostemon cablin ~ "Patchouli"
Dracaena draco ~ "Dragon's Blood"
Aromatic Woods-
Bursera graveolens ~ "Palo Santo"
Santalum album ~ "Sandalwood"
Psychoactive insense-
Peganum harmala ~ "Syrian Rue"
Smudging herbs-
sagebrush (Artemisia species)
cedar branches (Thuja species)
sage (salvia spp.)
Sacramental Ethnobotanicals-
Tabernanthe iboga ~ “Iboga”
Banisteriopsis caapi ~ “Vine of the Souls” or “Ayahuasca”
Psychotria viridis ~ “Chacruna” or “Ayahuasca”
Diplopterys cabrerana ~ “Chaliponga” or “Ayahuasca
Lophophora williamsii ~ “Peyote”
Trichocereus spp. ~ “San Pedro”
Psilocybian Mushrooms ~ “Teonanacatl”
Rivea corymbosa ~ “Ololiuqui”
Salvia Divinorum ~ "Pipilzintzintli"
Cannabis sativa ~ “Marijuana”
Sacramental Ethnobotanicals (Extended Verison)-
Tabernanthe iboga ~ “Iboga”
Banisteriopsis caapi ~ “Vine of the Souls” or “Ayahuasca”
Psychotria viridis ~ “Chacruna” or “Ayahuasca”
Diplopterys cabrerana ~ “Chaliponga” or “Ayahuasca
Trichocereus spp. ~ “San Pedro”
Lophophora williamsii ~ “Peyote”
Psilocybian Mushrooms ~ “Teonanacatl”
Ipomoea violacea ~ “Tlitliltzin”
Rivea corymbosa ~ “Ololiuqui”
Argyreia nervosa ~ “Woodrose”
Salvia Divinorum ~ "Pipilzintzintli"
Heimia salicifolia and Heimia myrtifolia ~ “Sinicuichi” or “Sun-Opener”
Mimosa hostilis ~ “Jurema”
Amanita muscaria ~ “Fly Agaric”
Cannabis sativa ~ “Marijuana”
Nelumbo nucifera ~ “Scared Lotus”
Nymphaea caerulea ~ “Blue Lotus”
Nicotiana spp. ~ “Tobacco”
Silene capensis ~ “Root of the White Ways”
Piper methysticum ~ “Kava Kava”
Camellia sinensis ~ “Tea”
Erythroxylum spp. ~ “Coca Leaf”
Theobroma cacao ~ "Cocoa" or "Chocolate"
General Morals-
Sexual intercourse among children who have not under gone intation (age 17-19) is strongly discouraged, while other heterosexual behavior is accepted before age 17.
Children under 17 shall not ingest psychoactives of any form. Including sugar, caffeine and any and all chemicals and/or compounds, they shall only eat wholesome foods.
Nudity among those under 13 is completely acceptable, those who have reached purbity should modestly cover their gentiles.
Children under 13 are given no gender distinction, and should not be permitted to view or partake in sexual activities.
Spanking children is acceptable if they are under age 13, but beating a child is completely unacceptable.
Monogmy is encouraged and divorce is frowned upon. Adultery is unacceptable. Those who are over 17, but not married are free to do as they wish, but a couple who becomes pregant is considered married until the child has reached adulthood (17).
Strong sense of personal honor, respect for friends, family and community. Strong family structures.
Show commasion for all beings. Do not take pleas love dont hurt animals. Respect the enviroment.
Some Simple Beliefs-
1) The killing of Homo sapiens is the immoral.
2) All Homo sapiens are born equal, no matter their race, nor gender.
3) The planet Earth, the third planet from the Sun, is the home of all Homo sapiens. It is to be cherished and protected.
4) Entheogenic botanicals are a viable part of Homo sapiens spirituality, both streching into the past, and reaching into the future. Their cultivation and use for spiritual purposes may not be restricted.
Entheogens Advocated by the Temple must have a "yes" answer to the following Questions-
1) Does it come directly from organic botanical sources?
2) Does it have a long history of human use?
3) Does it's history of human use show that it is an effective entheogen?
4) Does it's history of human use show that it is relatively safe?
Ethnobotanicals Rights-
1) All living and dried botanicals shall remain legal to cultivate and possess. No unprocessed part of any botanical may be restricted by law. Botanicals in all their natural forms shall remain legal.
2) The religious/spiritual use of psychoactive botanicals shall remain legal to practice on private property, in a private church, temple, club or other organization or in one's home. The ingestion of intoxicating botanicals for religious/spiritual may not be restricted by law.
Society and Morals Concerning Psychoactives-
Blatant public intoxication is unaccectable.
Driving, operating machinery or performing other possibly dangerous acts while intoxicated is extremely unaccectable.
Never sell any Sacramental Ethnobotanicals nor give them away to any person who is not a member of the Temple.
Supported Spiritual Texts-
Taoist Texts- Tao Te' ching, Zhuangzi, and other associated writings
Christian Texts- The Bible (Gnostic "Banned" Text included), The Apocrypha, Nag Hammadi texts, Gnostic texts, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, Kebra Nagast,
Jewish Texts-Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, The Talmud, Mishnah, Gemara
Islamic Texts- Qur'an, Hadith,
Buddhist Texts- Bon Kangyur, Bon Tengyur, Pali Canon, Tripitaka, Infinite Life Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Contemplation Sutra, Vajra Cutter Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Mahavairocana Sutra, Vajrasekhara Sutra, Tibetan Book of the Dead and other associated writings
Hindu Texts- Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, Itihasas, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Puranas, Bhagavata Purana, Stotras, Ashtavakra Gita, Gherand Samhita, Gita Govinda, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Purva Mimamsa Sutras, Siddhanta Shikhamani, Brahma Sutras of Vyasa, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Nyaya Sutras of Gautama, Vaisheshika Sutras of Kanada, Vaikhanasa Samhitas, Pancaratra Samhitas, Sakta Tantras, Shiva Sutras, Pashupata Sutras of Lakulish, Panchartha-bhashya of Kaundinya (a commentary on the Pashupata Sutras),Ganakarika, Ratnatika of Bhasarvajna, Tirumurai, Meykandar Shastras, Brahma Samhita, Jayadeva's Gita Govinda, Krishna-karnamrita, Chaitanya Bhagavata, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Prema-bhakti-candrika, Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Poems of Dadu
Bahá'í Texts- Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Kitáb-i-Íqán and other associated writings
Druze Texts- Rasa'il al-hikmah (Epistles of Wisdom) and other associated writings
Hermetic Texts- Hermetica, Emerald Tablet and other associated writings
Jainist Texts- Angas, Upangas, Mula-sutras, Cheda-sutras, Culika-sutras, Prakirnakas, Karmaprabhrita (also called Satkhandagama), Kashayaprabhrita, Jina Vijaya, Tattvartha Sutra, GandhaHasti Mahabhashya
Mandaeistic Texts- Ginza Rba, Book of the Zodiac, Qolusta, Book of John the Baptizer, Diwan Abatur, 1012 Questions, Coronation of Shislam Rba, Baptism of Hibil Ziwa
Sikhist Texts- Guru Granth Sahib, Dasam Granth Sahib
Shinto Texts- Kojiki, Nihon Shoki (Also know as Nihongi)
Spiritist Texts- Book of Mediums, Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, Genesis According to Spiritism
Zoroastrianist Texts- Yasna, Visparad, Yashts, Vendidad and other associated writings
Church/Temple Postistions-
Shaman- altered states, using mostly psychoactive botanicals to heal on a spiritual as well as physical level.
Astromoer/date setter/forture teller (keeps of the calander and such), Zodiac,
Witch-Doctor/Medinicine man/Healer/Mid-wife- Uses herbs and other psychoactive and non-psychoactive botanicals to heal, heals on physical and dietary level. Performs minor sugery, delivars babies and performs other tasks.
What Shamans Do-
Foretell the future
Heal the sick
Get information from the "Other-World"
Divine dreams
Travel to different planes of existance and through alternate dimensions
Channel energy
Trip sit
Calculate the moon calander and such
(more to come)
Birth of Jesus Christ (Thought to be Late Sep. (30th?) 5 B.C.E. or possibly June 17th 2 B.C.E.)
Enlightenment of the Buddha
Good Friday/Easter (death and rising of christ)
All Hallows Eve & All Hallows Day (Celebrate the life and mourn the passing of all souls)
Earth Day (Enviromental Awareness)
Festival of Humanity (Mid-Spring, Huge Trip festival)
Fasting Holiday (deep meditation, etc.)
Leap Time (5 day period once every 4 years before the begining of the new year, a time of "no time", must forgive pay all depts and forgive all depters, etc.)
Winter Solstice- occurs some time between December 20 and December 23 each year in the northern hemisphere, and between June 20 and June 23 in the southern hemisphere.
Summer solstice- occurs some time between June 20 and June 23 each year in the northern hemisphere, and between December 20 and December 23 in the southern hemisphere. (New Year)
Equinox- occurring around March 20 and September 22 each year.
New Calander-
Implement new 13 moon (28 days in one "moonth", 24 hours in one day) calander- (every 4 years you have a "leap" of 5 days of "no time"
New year starts on the Summer solstice.
Homo sapiens-
Birth - 3 years old ~ Complete and total care
3 - 17 years old ~ Strict disiplin, Many chores and basic rigoureous education
17 - 19 years old ~ Relaxed disipin, few chores, education is geared towards indiduals personal interestes, entheogenic intation into adulthood. The are taught of philosophy, spirituality, logic, etc.
19- 57 years old ~ Hard work dedicated to ones life goals.
57 - Death ~ Returns to Relaxed life style, few chores and a life based around philosophy, spirituality, relaxing and guiding the younger ones.
After the person's entheogenic intation they are considered an adult, they must be at least 17 to began the path to adulthood.
Children are to be taken care of, as are the old and sick.
Standard Religous Practices-
Commuinion (taking of bread and wine as the body of Jesus Christ)
prayer (talking to God, both silently and out-loud)
Meditation (silet quiteing of the mind/emptying of the mind)
Entheogenic ceromony
Reading of Holy Scriptures
Absorb the stars, mists and moonlight (outdoor sokfg)
Entheogenic Ceromony-
Dress in strange costumes. Wear body paint.
Pretend your an animal of your choosing.
Fire dance.
Make Music with weird instruments. Listen to music.
Howl at the Moon
Spiritwalk- Walk through the wilderness at night
Lie in comfotable contemplation
Go hiking.
Look out over a beautiful landscape.
Write, paint or draw.
Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of
Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was
Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.
"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb