Hello All!
SWIM have hit a slight snag while preparing my saturated sodium carbonate solution. SWIM started off w/ filtered water at about 20 °C. SWIM was able to get a large amount of sodium carbonate (>15g) into the mixture before anything started falling out of solution. SWIM found If SWIM let the mixture sit, solid chunks of sodium carbonate solution would start to form on the bottom of the glass. When SWIM woke up this morning, it appeared as if all of the sodium carbonate had fallen out of solution. SWIM was left with very little solution, all of the rest of the water was embedded in the solid chunk of sodium carbonate at the bottom of the glass. I poured this into another glass, and lo and behold, more sodium carbonate started falling out of this.
I was wondering why I was having so many issues, so I looked up the solubility of sodium carbonate in water. It turns out that it varies greatly depending the temperature of the water.
22 g/100 ml (20 °C)
7 g/100 g (0 °C)
21.6 g/100 g (20 °C)
45 g/100 g (100 °C)
SWIM wants to avoid having an excess of sodium carbonate mixed w/ my freebase. I'm thinking I will measure out 7g of sodium carbonate, and add it to 100ml of water.
My question is: Will my solution be saturated enough to do the trick? Also, has anybody else run into this problem?
The subject matter of this post came to me in a dream, or was communicated to me in a coded psychic message.