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would like to share a poem Options
#1 Posted : 1/18/2011 12:51:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 16
Joined: 01-Nov-2010
Last visit: 15-Jun-2011
Location: las vegas
this is one of the few poems i have written for leisure in my life, when i write poems like this they flow very fast, it doesn't take too long.

also if you wish to read about my own unique experience in life, its in a different thread called "the chills"

do YOU know?

Do you know how it feels,
when everyone knows how you feel?

You may not think that can be real,
but let me tell you it is as the color teal

I went through the days
trying to escape an impossible maze

only to realize this craze
was something that stays

until i started to awake
this is when there was a massive quake

everything appeared to be fake
as if my life was some sort of movie take

do you know how it feels,
when everyone knows how you feel?

it is something so surreal,
i'm not sure to who it would appeal

all i can do now
is remember that little kittens meow

because there is no way, nohow
i would be able to follow my vow

of staying strong
for however long

it may take until we all sing song
that will keep us headstrong

to an outsider this all makes no sense
so easily to put up your defense

not realizing this can cure the dents
that was made by all the cents

do you know how it can feel
when all there is left to do is kneel

and pray that we'll
one day all come to a deal

where there is no war,
this is when we will all soar

this isn't something that is too hardcore,
just a simple change to help the poor

i look back seeing it all as a blessing
even though there was much supressing

nothing today will ever having me guessing
because all it is, is about expressing

how you truly feel.

One thing is for sure,
we are the cure.


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welsh trip head
#2 Posted : 1/18/2011 2:52:50 PM


Posts: 53
Joined: 15-Jan-2011
Last visit: 17-Nov-2018
Location: Mushroom fields
nice Smile
True strength isn’t muscle, it's the mind it's limitless, it’s the heart it won't ever stop loving, it’s the spirit it can’t be crushed, it’s the soul it’s inextinguishable.
#3 Posted : 1/18/2011 5:35:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 608
Joined: 07-Jun-2010
Last visit: 13-Feb-2018
All right, here is one I wrote in 2004 :


Construisons nous un avenir de sang et de larmes
Un empire désenchanté d'esclaves et de solitude
Érigeons des tours à la gloire de notre misère
Que nos lames aillent percer les plus hauts nuages
Que notre décrépitude aille blesser les dieux
Juchés dans leurs brillantes cités solitaires
Insensibles à notre malheur et à celui de nos fils
Oh oui, nous aussi créons notre paradis artificiel
Et soyons fières de notre réussite car elle est totale
Allons donc bâtir aux frontières de la folie
Que la mélopée de notre abandon se répercute dans l'infini
Ne cessons jamais de nous croire grands et puissants
Oh oui, allons jusqu'au bout de notre déréliction
Écrivons des hymnes à la gloire de notre délire
Oh oui, instaurons un avenir de boue et d'abandon
Un avenir qui n'en a pas, un futur de l'instant
Détruisons le peu de consistance que nous avons
Oh oui mes frères, allons accomplir notre destin!
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
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