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Beginning the Journey Options
#1 Posted : 1/11/2011 10:29:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 22-Feb-2011
Location: Earth, for now.
Hello Nexus!

I have visited periodically in the past, wafting through the layers of abstraction that weave together common minds. But in times past I had not been sure of my intentions, an uncertainty which has now passed. And thus my arrival! I am hoping to become a valuable contributor to the collective experience; however, I feel it important to express truths of my own so that my presence carries greater purpose.

I have a relatively small amount of experience in the use of psychedelics and other spiritual tools -- small doses of psilocybin, cannabis, and Zaleplon once or twice, and dextromethorphan -- the latter of which caused a great deal of hardship and physical damage to my body (I do not recommend it to those who have not tried it -- it is a fickle, dangerous compound).

Beyond the chemically induced experiences, I have had periods of enlightenment following extended meditation. The ineffable beauty and bliss of these awakenings pushed me inexorably down a path of great (albeit illusory) struggle, disappointment, and at times a taste of that which I seek. The proverbial paradox of finding that home I never left has become the paramount purpose of my life, for all other experiences in duality pale to the bliss at the paragon of consciousness, beyond time and material.

I have been on-and-off the "bandwagon", so to speak, but am growing weary of this endless oscillation of duality between nearing awakening and becoming distracted or fearful of letting go. So I have decided I need a jumpstart -- a shock to the system -- to get the wheels turning once more. Psilocybin and related tools can provide beautiful experiences, but I believe DMT to be the core tool in bringing one to that figurative threshold and the key to unlocking the door.

And so here I am, embarking once again on my timeless journey, looking for a bit of perspective and experience beyond that which I too often assume to be my limit.

In peace,
Wandering back to the home I never left.

All posts made by this member (Wanderer) should be read and interpreted solely as fictional accounts of fantasy, and in no way represent or depict real events or the life of any living or deceased persons.

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#2 Posted : 1/11/2011 10:59:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the nexus, Wanderer.

I'm not sure about dmt being able to unlock anything, IMO it's the self that does all of these things once it is ready. perhaps psychedelics just provide grounds for your self to develop and experience things in order for it to grow and become ready to unlock, unveil, or whatever analogy you wish to apply. I could be wrong. But I wonder often how our expectations affect our feeling towards things - how they can both affect the experience itself but also bring about an odd sense of disappointment, even feeling cheated or threatened by something that seems to me to be in itself without intention or function, when expectations are not met.

I find it best to approach all experiences with an open mind and open heart and let the flow take me where it may. That is not to say that I don't have intentions or a general idea of what I might want to achieve, but I'm not in principle after achievements or anything specific.

In any case I wish you the best for your wanderings and your endeavors, wherever they take you.

much love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#3 Posted : 1/12/2011 3:46:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome Wanderer! Enoon speaks great wisdom, and I would suggest reading some of Joebono's threads, as well as some of House's experiences before placing faith in DMT as a way to answers.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 1/12/2011 6:35:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wanderer wrote:
dextromethorphan -- the latter of which caused a great deal of hardship and physical damage to my body (I do not recommend it to those who have not tried it -- it is a fickle, dangerous compound)Wanderer

I need to echo your warning on DM. My equilibrium was so far off for a night on DM that I was walking canted over to the left at an angle that my friends thought impossible - and hilarious. I had bruises on my forehead for weeks from trying to walk through doorways. Never again.

Spice, on the other hand, seems like a molecule worthy of repeat visits in my very limited experience. Good luck on your journey, Wanderer.
Everything contained in this post is for entertainment purposes only and should in no way be construed as condoning illegal activity or suggesting that I have performed said illegal activity no matter how profound or enlightening said illegal activity may in fact be.
#5 Posted : 1/12/2011 7:11:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the nexus, wanderer. DMT will not do anything for you, per se. It will, how ever show you many things you thought impossible, and in doing so, may inspire you to effect changes in your own life you thought impossible. Safe and wondrous journeys to you.
#6 Posted : 1/12/2011 8:17:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: City of Angels
Don't let anyone tell what you will, can or can't get out of spice. Don't let their own experiences influence yours in any way! What you can get from it depends on your own level of understanding and evolution, etc... Okay, perhaps it may show a door that is your choice to open further or not, if you know what I mean.

You remind me of myself. I experienced my own enlightenment before even knowing what spice was. I also fell from the bandwagon so to speak, however it is all part of growth and was probably meant to happen for me to be where I am right now. It can seem chaotic but in a weird way it is perfect.

I would have said, Welcome to the nexus, like everyone else however I am new to the community & I'm not really a part of it, yet.

It is refreshing to read someone with similar experiences as my own. thank you

"The highest truth cannot be put into words, therefore the greatest teacher has nothing to say. He simply gives himself in service and never worries."

It is what it is
#7 Posted : 1/18/2011 9:08:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Earth, for now.
Thank you all for the great replies and warm welcomes! It is wonderful to be part of such a diverse yet convergent community.

As Enoon and ragabr pointed out, I don't intend to use DMT as a crutch or forceful entry into the greater realms of Truth, but as a looking glass or map to show me the way. I get glimpses now and then of the subtle yet humbling Truth beneath our dualistic perception of the Universe, but they prove ephemeral and ultimately overpowered by the hustle and bustle of my every-day life.

AwarenessCosmic -- It is wonderful to find a kindred spirit! You are definitely right; a common theme I've been reading for first-time explorations is to leave all preconceived notions and expectations behind, and that "nothing can prepare you". Indeed, it may bring me to the threshold of the figurative door, but it is my prerogative to enter into the realm of understanding beyond it (or more accurately, remember the Truth and experience the consciousness we all inhabit). And wonderful quote -- reminds me of the Buddha's silent sermon of the lotus.

I will be sure to keep the community updated as to my experiences. I have a natural inclination for apprehension, but I feel the brevity and intensity of the DMT experience won't leave time enough for me to dwell on them.

In Peace,
Wandering back to the home I never left.

All posts made by this member (Wanderer) should be read and interpreted solely as fictional accounts of fantasy, and in no way represent or depict real events or the life of any living or deceased persons.
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