Powaqqatsi wrote:Thanks, Chronic. I will definately keep going.
Think there is something special about the realizations one make without chemical aids (not that I am discrediting using them...quite the contrary!), but I like how meditating seems to loosen up the paradigm of sober/non-sober separatism.
Bingo! You just said a mouthful.
Any meaningful spiritual experience is truly something special and when it falls into your experience naturally, it's truly a beautiful thing. Are we talking about the essential state/ energy field of the meditative consciousness or discussing methods to achieve said state (without chemical enhancement)? As we know, there are a number of ways to activate this state of consciousness, naturally. We could discuss some of the most intriguing ones? I've got my favorites but they all lead to the same single point of awareness.
I find it an irony that there is the idea that the formal practice of meditation, in it's myriad forms, is somehow an alternate path to that of those who partake of the Flesh of the Gods (or their extractions), to become Medicine Dancers (psychonauts). These ways certainly can be alternate but not necessarily so. Or perhaps for some, there are seasons? Sometimes in one's journey, there comes a time to make a separation or sabbatical... IMHO.
Any worthwhile psychedelic journey gains a heightened depth of meaning, exponentially, from the generation of a meditative state of mind. Well, actually a meditative state of
no-mind, to be more precise. I would imagine it is the same for our scientifically-inclined Nexians, only in a pristine, geometric, mathematical version? For those who hold to reason and a totally logical parameter of the human thought process, the self obliteration which both, medication & meditation readily induce, might be counterproductive to subjective analysis? It seems probable that individuals each create the fabric of their universe, in accordance with their individuated system of interpreting the nature of their realm of experience. This bounces off every other unique projection and we have the world as we have come to know it.
I don't believe there are any hard and fast rules about walking upon one road or another, figuratively speaking. Some of us have an innate need for meditative head-sets and seek to pursue this transcendental merging. Regular meditation tunes the brain activities to higher, subtler and more introspective levels of consciousness. A perfect methodology to prepare for the self-shattering which Sacred Medicines facilitate. The union of these exploratory approaches is most rewarding. This symbiotic relationship comes from developing the proper balance, on our quest towards the One and a sincere degree of internal inquiry (within the core of one's being).
Daily meditation, whichever form one finds most attractive, is like grooming or nourishment. Once you get a taste and enjoy the vibration, you simply add it to your routine. Until one day it dawns that the meditation is the center of the existence and the goals and concerns of the ego are the background static which tenaciously attempts to stay and obscures the moment of the individuated soul's awakening.
Gradually, as this enriching practice works it's subtle magic over the entire nervous system, whereby the vibe continues to be an influence throughout the various exchanges one greets in life, such distinctions blur a bit. As it is as natural as breathing and the beating of one's heart, the meditation we embrace becomes our internal structure. Such a discipline of regular meditation, eventually pervades much of the waking and non-waking hours of consciousness. As with any flexibility practices, physical exercises or controlled breathing... sitting meditation can enrich each day, as it unfolds it's glory before us. What better foundation to cultivate, whether embracing the path of ascetic sobriety or the way of crazy wisdom (those who learn from Sacred Medicines)?
BTW, the two avenues are not mutually exclusive. From time to time, deep within inspired moments and shifting frequencies of mind, they merge most sublimely to synthesize a union which transcends description.
There is an abundance of material available about the variety of particular methods and cultural lineages of meditative practices. It's only been 36 years since my formal initiation, a speck in infinity... but it becomes more clear to me, each passing moment, that something wonderful is going on
continuously. Anyway, as the meditative field is beyond and/or outside of the realm of time, it is in timelessness that this nectar tastes the sweetest. Ain't life grand?
Peace, love & Light There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.