Hi xebiche nice to meet you,
well where to start, it was a massive journey for me. i done three Ayahuasca ceremonies journing into the internal world and three Sanpadro cactus ceremonies each one dedicated to water, earth and air.
i will share my first Ayahuasca ceremony to begin with because it would take a massive tread to share the whole experiance in one go. I will give it in short powerful points

i was in a massive ceremonial chamber with 14 people 2 shamans and a few siters.
i went up to the shaman to take a drink, it tasted viel but i knew i wanted it.
i sat down in a chair and closed my eyes waiting for the veil to be lifted.
powerful coulours began to flood my vision. i knew i had to let go completly, have good intensions and show love. it was very dark and the sounds of millions of jungle insects out side was amazing. the shaman began to sing an incaro to guide us deeper into the spirit world. my body was rushing uncontrolably.
i knew that to submerge into a higher state of conciouness it is inportant to let go of the ego. my ego's attempt to keep me pinned in the material plane was to use my desires against me, diffrent temptress's kept on appearing to try hold my ego in a state of lust. i knew it was an illusion and swept it to one side. diffrent peoples ego's can try to use diffrent things to stop them progressing, money, earthly materialistic objects, ralationship etc.
once i had realeased my ego i went through an intese wall of light. i was confroted by an Entity/spirit being that the shaman had sumond, the enitity pushed part of itself into my upper torso, i felt it healing me inside, it felt uncomfortable and strange yet i did not fear it, i knew deep down it was helping me posibly healing the chakra system.
the next thing i could sense was an omh sound resanating into the back of my mind it was constant and was something to do with my conection to that plane. i could sense other entities present, the next thing i knew i sensed my sister there, she had died 8 years previously in a car crash. i was overwhelmed with love and happyness i felt like we huged spiritualy. it was truly incredibale.
i began to think about the ohm energy beaming into the back of my mind and an entity seemed furstrated by me, and projected the feeling to me not to get stuck in a loop of wonder, keep the journey moving.
i felt healing work been done by beings to the back of my mind.
i felt like i was given a vision of what were all in. our higherselves were all in that world, while the part self is incarnated to experiance this level of reality in these vessels of light. i felt a sadness by the seperating of humanity from the higher self, and an enormus sense of a great wound cut off from the higher energy of creation.
i felt like this was my true introduction to these higher states, i realised that we are here to learn.
we are not human beings trying to have a spiritual experiance. its the other way, we a spiritual beings having a human experiance.
i felt a great vision given to me of a time in the future when humanity will be reunifed with the rest of existance and it would be the most joyful occation in creation.
at this point the ohm sound into the back of my head became very intesnse, i was relaxed by beings, i felt alot of love in the place i fouind myself in.
i felt how ancient, intelegent and powerful the earth and plants are, i could sense a conectedness between all the planets in our solar system. how sacred life is.
i felt at one with exsistance, a peace deep within. i felt a connection between myself and the shaman orotongo blanco (white jaguar). i felt like i was becoming back aware of the workshop the people in the ceremoy, the Ayahusca was begining to let go.
people all around me were having a hard time many purging violently. i sent love around the room wishing others well. yet a was told through feeling to focus on myself.
i began to project thanks to the main shaman as he chanted the incaro. i felt like i was dancing on a great stage with spirits. these words came to my head " i danced in the morning when the world was begun, i danced in the moon the starts and the sun, they may bury my body and think i am gone but i am the dance and i still go on"
i symbolicly seen my shell in two halfs been placed over me and been told "see, see whats in you!"
i could feel the journey coming to an end yet i had not purgde, i wanted asmuch of the ayahusca to stay in me to prolong the jorney, i felt like i didnt need to go sick, but it was symbolic so i picked up the bowl and done a small pugde.
the shamnan was chanting in his language but i knew what he was saying thankyou mother ayauhsca and to the healing spirits, then i regained my normal state of mind.
this was my first ever ayahusca journey. and was truly amazing i hope everyone finds it interesting read. soz about my spelling..
chat soon
True strength isn’t muscle, it's the mind it's limitless, it’s the heart it won't ever stop loving, it’s the spirit it can’t be crushed, it’s the soul it’s inextinguishable.