gobalswg wrote: If you're looking for a light show with geometry then this may be the substance for you though

Woa there cowboy.
Heed caution, DMT is a lot more mentally involved then you would imagine, emotionally too.
It can really shake you, even good experiences can be scary intense at times.
There are reasons why it is revered throughout the ages.
DMT might be geometric and light based visually one time, another it may be photo-realistic immersive experience in the shoes of another species on another planet.
Its just that infinitely bizarre and unimaginable.
Its hard to explain but i think you should realize how unfathomably convincing some of the experiences may feel.
Trying to describe even one experience of DMT is like trying to catch water,
and explaining to people the cautions and the power of it all may be fruitless.
Perhaps someone may not understand until they have tried it, but if all you want is a light show you may very well get your socks knocked off.
There are inerrant risks with something so mentally shattering. While a great many people find it therapeutic and spiritually healing, those same people will admit that scares can be quite powerful.
The idea is to use these difficult experiences for what they are... symptoms of things being perhaps not ideal internally often. Perhaps lessons other times.
The ability to let go of fear, truly is something many people try to do. It may be an act held in high regard when in regards to psychedelics or DMT specifically, and is a mighty fine path out of a dark situation during trips.
This can help to know if one catches a fright, but is general advice outside the realms of fear. Or rather in various levels across the spectrum. Letting go of negative thoughts, habits and unnecessary mental baggage. Forgiving people.
Lots of this stuff has been said before in various places, times and religions. It seems to fit in well with the psychedelic experience.
Wow i ramble on.
“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna