A little bit about myself; I am a musician, photographer and film maker, but in movie making I am just small fry

I have been interested in, shall we say, expanding my consciousness, since I was around 15 years old, and part of that process, that voyage, has involved the use of herbs and chemicals (shrooms, weed, salvia, dmt). But I am very much a naturalist when it comes to such things. Anyway, while I have been aware of DMT for many years, I never had the opportunity to explore with it until quite recently, in 2010 in fact, when I decided the only way to ensure I did this right was simply to make it myself so I knew it was good and pure and that would help me overcome many of my fears too, and also give me a deeper understanding of the substance and its use. I felt very much that in a way it is a kind of ritual just to make it, and then use what you've made, rather than simply buying it off someone else who perhaps manufactured it simply to make money off of it. So for me this was an important phase in the ritual of taking it, kind of a spiritual or respectful thing that I felt was important. So, I researched it, I made it, and tweaked and tweaked my own method, and now I am a few months down the line of beginning to use it to explore life the multiverse and everything ;-P
I have joined here as I am very much interested in what others are doing and their experiences, and I am very interested in both the science and metaphysics of DMT et al.
Here is a photo I took which was an expression of how I once saw things when I was tripping :-)
