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Turmeric/curcumin as a MAOI with DMT Options
#21 Posted : 7/7/2009 12:45:22 PM

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I've thought about some combination of St. John's Wort and Turmeric to possibly raise the effectiveness of Rue without using more Rue.

According to Nobunoni on tribe, it would take 150 mg/kg to be effective. Thus, for a 70 kg person, it would take 10.5 grams of turmeric to be effective.
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#22 Posted : 10/26/2009 4:23:05 PM
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Wikipedia sais that Curcumin, Curcuma's active ingredient, indeed is a MAOI.
"A Selective MAOI in Type MAO-A" Wikipedia sais. Check it here, under the header "Potential medical uses":

What is also a very interresting fact is that SWIM is also very active on a Lucid Dream Forum ( being a fanatic Lucid Dreamer) and has noticed many topics of dreamers stating that Curcuma/Turmeric before bedtime gives them very clear, vivid and well remembered dreams.
Very interresting if you keep in mind the theory that nocturnal dreaming might be caused by a massive endogenous DMT release. If taking a MAOI inceases dream vividness and length it indeed seems to suggest dreams are made of DMT, since MAOIs are known to incredibly potentiate and lengthen DMT.

To test the MAOI-activity of Turmeric I guess SWIM should try a turmeric Tea(disgusting and insolvable, lol) 15 minutes before eating magic truffels ( underground growing psilocybe's) to see if it's effects are potentiated/lengthened. Very interresting indeed, this Turmeric.
#23 Posted : 1/12/2011 11:09:47 AM

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this is from drugs forum..
If you mix 2 parts ground turmeric with 1 part ground black pepper and put it in a capsule you can feel the curcumin.


When using black pepper to boost the effects of curcumin orally by 2000%, you only need 400 mg of black pepper (about 1/4 tsp). Black pepper usually contains at least 5% piperine, and often more. All you need is 20 mg of piperine to boost the effects of curcumin orally. 400 mg of black pepper at 5% piperine contains 20 mg of piperine.


Maybe if curcumin is combined with piperine orally it can activate DMT orally. But without piperine, I'm pretty sure it's not going to work unless you take a ton of curcumin. Without piperine, you need to take 20 times as much curcumin. So if say 500 mg was enough for MAOI activity with 20 mg of piperine, then on it’s own you’d need 10 grams of curcumin! So, I wouldn’t even bother using it orally without piperine.

The effects only last about 4hrs tops. So it is necessary to keep re-dosing if trying to achieve some kind of long-term therapeutic effect.

. from my experiences, 1-2 huge spoonfuls of Turmeric powder + 1 small spoonfull of ground up black pepper really helped me with SA. of course, its a very Weak MAOI...but it also has neuroprotective properties, and is an NMDA antagonist.

It helped me alot last school year, the downside being, the effects only last about 3-4 hours after dosing. So every 4 hours you have to re-dose (swallow more of the turmeric powder, i chugged it down with milk, it wasn't too bad)

The following is simply a compiling of various reports in effort to describe the effects of Curcumin (Tumreric). These reports largely do not reflect in a therapeutic sense, rather just "feelings" or effects noted.

I tried a single dose of Curcumin several days ago. 300mg Solgar brand Tumeric from Whole Foods, 95% Curcumin. Lunchtime dose.

It was a bad day to start with. The hours after the dose, it just got worse. I felt more tired, more depressed. Any bit of forced energy or forced motivation I had just evaporated into dark survival. I just couldn't wait for bed to get it over with.

Oddly, I couldn't fall asleep. I always sleep good. I tossed and tossed. It felt similar to that serotonin/norepinephrine/dopamine stimulation I have felt on various psych drugs. After 4 hours, I finally gave up and took a half of a Benadryl. It put me to sleep in about half an hour.

The next morning took me by surprise. I woke feeling a kind of refreshed "it's a new chapter" kind of feeling, the same thing I felt after my first dose of the MAOI antidepressant Parnate.

About halfway through the morning I felt warm, energetic, and clear headed. My weak rubbery legs had bounce and energy. Pains from Lyme disease were nearly gone. My brain fog turned into crystal clear seeing and thinking. Sharp. My appetite was down. There was absolutely no doubt Curcumin had an astounding effect that took me totally by surprise.

All over the net it is claimed there are no side effects. I found that laughable. My side effects were: Appetite supression; anxiety (the chest/belly kind); and insomnia. My friend at another forum said insomnia was the side effect he couldn't handle. I can see why.

The benefits though were huge. Depression went from a monster to a whimper overnight. Energy went from the dumps to the clouds. Fog totally vanished. Instead of avoiding people and conversations, I was actually approaching people and conversations.

I am thinking of retrying it, but starting at a much lower dose and working my way upward, with customized home-made doses.

One-time fluke or real potential? Dunno. We'll see. All I can tell you is that nothing, absolutely nothing, out of dozens of herbs and dozens of psychiatric meds, have impacted me in such a positive way so rapidly and unexpectedly, except for Parnate. It is curious to see that one of the claimed actions of Curcumin is a MAO inhibitor. That's what Parnate is.

Back to your original question, one study I found showed that Curcumin enhanced the effects of subclinical doses of Prozac and a couple other antidepressants. Based on that, it would appear to me it is safe to combine with SJW. If you do it, I would go into knowing that the hype on the net about no side effects is a bit negligent in my opinion.
Turmeric Root (active ingredient = curcumin) it is an MAO-A inhibitor. However, it is not absorbed by the body, unless you take it with Piperine (Black Pepper, the stuff in your cupboard hopefully) . from my experiences, 1-2 huge spoonfuls of Turmeric powder + 1 small spoonfull of ground up black pepper really helped me with SA. of course, its a very Weak MAOI...but it also has neuroprotective properties, and is an NMDA antagonist.

I took curcumin for years for pain in my joints. Eventually, those pains went away. So I stopped the curcumin. After this, I realized during this time, I didn't experience random episodes of depression. After I stopped supplementing with it, those depressive episodes came back. I little research on pubmed shows that Curcumin is a potent antidepressant. It is also a great anti-inflammatory, immune modulator, is neuro-protective and many other functions.
Curcumin is also used for patients with Alzheimers disease as it reduces the amyloid plaques that develpop in alzheimers patients. We've found in this forum that things that help alzheimers patients, like lecithin and choline are also beneficial to us. Curcumin also acts as an MAO-B inhibitors. This is what breaks down serotonin and other neuro-transmitters in the brain. Curcumin increases glutathione in the brain....Also, curcumin is typically use against cancer...Curcumin can boost the immune system and has anti viral, bacterial and fungal properties.

One size 000 capsule orally is enough for a smooth slightly dreamy effect for SWIM. It's very mild though. Others might need a few capsules. But it definitely works orally this way. The effects sort of remind SWIM of marijuana, or maybe like passionflower at this dose. It's very mild.

Turmeric is indeed active and very much so, I currently have a medium intense foggy, dreamy state with a rather good body euphoria after eating four 000 capsules with turmeric and two with pepper. I also have a small headache and a bit stomach upset, nothing intense, but I think my next trial will be with an extraction.

The tincture was ~35ml and SWIM took 5-6ml sublingually. it did not burn like many sublinguals and tasted like turmeric.

after 15 minutes SWIM spat it out and after 20 he felt "something"

At present he is at t=+1:20 and he is very effected. No question this is beyond placebo.

The effect is much like syrian rue (the only harmala he has experienced) except it seems to be stimulating as opposed to sedating.

SWIM started to sit down to watch TV and is pretty on edge. This dose is very strong in fact.
Despite no tracers or visuals (SWIM never got those with rue either) colors and lights are very bright/brilliant.

It took SWIM a ridiculous amount of time to write this down, his mind is very effect and he is beaming.
SWIM plans on testing the combination with DMT and SWIM's roomie will test it with weed (SWIM hates weed) and we'll update later.

There is no doubt in SWIM's mind this is beyond placebo, 3 cases of effects on very reliable sources.

if SWIM wasn't so very high on mescaline (oops) he would love to pursue this further and he is quite confident this will turn out to be a great combination for MANY drugs.

It is a stimulating MAOI, kinda like THH and SWIM hasn't stop hearing about the wonders of THH.

Negative Experiences
This is a good example why MAOIs should not be messed with particular other drugs.
id be really careful, u dont wanna end up throwing up in the toilet for 3 hours like me. i took a reversible MAO-A inhibitor (curcumin) with Effexor and got really really bad serotonin syndrome. SS stinks.
but not only did i take a TON of Curcumin (MAO-A inhibitor), i took it with piperine which potentiates Curcumin greatly, and also has weak MAO inhibiting properties. And i took that stuff with Effexor...but then i also took 3 capsules of Bacopa Monniera Extract...after doing alot of research, it seems Bacopa might be an unselective serotonin agonist. no wonder i got SS.
Tz'is aná
#24 Posted : 1/12/2011 6:36:25 PM

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I noticed psychoactive effects with tumeric to the point of "I need to be careful of what I eat at work for lunch" during my summer of Caapi/six months of microdosing. Everything felt extremely warm and bright and it would give me a headrush. It usually lasted 30-45 minutes, and I took it with black pepper.
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#25 Posted : 1/12/2011 9:20:02 PM

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Yes, great to discover a possible food-combo maoi, but caution is of the essence! Apparently black pepper actives (piperine) can potentiate turmeric actives (curcumin) by up to 2000%! Swim finds the reported anti-depressive action of both to be promising as well. This piperine crystals thread is relevant, for sure. It will be great to hear reports as they roll in! SWIM will offer one as time allows.
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#26 Posted : 1/12/2011 11:12:35 PM

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ok here it is..curcumine tek Cool
Tz'is aná
#27 Posted : 1/12/2011 11:37:35 PM

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here this guy speks of curcumin

and here a nice discussion about oleoresin
Tz'is aná
#28 Posted : 1/13/2011 8:05:32 PM

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from what q21 said curcumin is fairly active sublingually somministered so would be a great idea try to make a mucosahuasca mixing curcumin,piperine and dmt..problem is whitch ratio of the three substances? maybe 6:1:1? it would be 300mg of curcumin,50mg piperine and 50mg dmt when swim would has the three substances available would give it a try
Tz'is aná
#29 Posted : 11/8/2011 2:47:46 AM

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swim is thinking about tring 2 table spoons curcumin 1 tea spoon black pepper 20min prior to taking about 50mg freebase orally and then depending smoke a dose aswell..

any thoughts or concerns?
#30 Posted : 11/8/2011 2:56:21 AM


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I don't think anybody has gotten it to activate DMT yet, so if you can get it to do so, let us know.

I get really high, relaxed, anti-inflammed, w/tracers after a good dose of turmeric and black pepper in my food. Cayenne is said to synergize and potentiate this combo as well.
#31 Posted : 11/8/2011 3:03:50 AM

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its been tried and proven already? from i can tell its kinda unknown but idk. though it cant hurt
#32 Posted : 11/8/2011 3:06:28 AM

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smoked on top of a bed of passionflower?
#33 Posted : 11/8/2011 4:53:10 AM


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I tried it. Bupkiss.
I mean I didn't do anything comprehensive, I think it was just 75mg of DMT but that would be unmistakable with hamalas and it was ... just the turmeric buzz
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#34 Posted : 11/8/2011 8:10:13 AM

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Ftw... I haven't tried it but I am going to ASAP. I use the brand exclusively...

The equivalent of 17g turmeric per capsule, full spectrum.

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#35 Posted : 11/9/2011 3:48:46 AM

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well swim experiment with 2 huge table spoon turmeric and one large spoon of black pepper as an MAOI 20min prior to taking about 50mgs dmt freebase orally and 10min later swim smoked a bong bowl with herb/dmt/ash on top. I was gone for about 15min with a strong trippy afterrglow that lasted way over a hour when swims typical trip is more like 5-10min in space with a half an hour after glow.

It was a bad experiment being that swim does not know if it was able to activate dmt orally of if it just prolonged the smoked dmt or both but swim is no noob to smoked dmt and there was with out a doubt something more to last nights exploration.

swim is gonna try and pick up some curcumin pills next time in town.

#36 Posted : 5/21/2016 4:24:17 AM

Another Leaf on the Vine

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Apologies for bumping an old thread, but it's came up again in discussion and nobody's mentioned...FAT!

The actives in turmeric and black pepper are strongly lipophilic (fat-soluble) so traditional cooking (Indian style, with ghee or coconut oil) is important to maximise their effects. A simple tea, on an empty stomach, is probably unlikely to deliver full effects...
“I sometimes marvel at how far I’ve come - blissful, even, in the knowledge that I am slowly becoming a well-evolved human being - only to have the illusion shattered by an episode of bad behaviour that contradicts the new and reinforces the old. At these junctures of self-reflection, I ask the question: “are all my years of hard work unraveling before my eyes, or am I just having an episode?” For the sake of personal growth and the pursuit of equanimity, I choose the latter and accept that, on this journey of evolution, I may not encounter just one bad day, but a group of many.”
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#37 Posted : 9/30/2016 12:53:28 AM

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Tardy reply to an archaeobump, but there's a thread knocking around already for oil extraction of turmeric. Here.

Here's a list of related threads I compiled a while ago:


Curcumin (turmeric extract) tinciture SUCCESS!

Bioassay: Lengthening the effects of turmeric (curcumin)

mild PSYCHEDELIC effects from Turmeric!


Piperine: The opener ?

Piperine Info' Collection- Do you think its worthwile ?

Other curcumin/piperine threads may be available.

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#38 Posted : 3/7/2020 8:57:10 PM

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I know this is an old thread, but it's what a Google search brought up.

Curcumin is fat-soluble, so when eating it, it may help to not only include piperine, but also some oil.

I also found this: Effect of inhaled hydrosoluble curcumin on inflammatory markers in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid of horses with LPS-induced lung neutrophilia.
NDS27, a lysin salt of curcumin incorporated in beta-cyclodextrine, has high bioavailability and can be administered by inhalation.

So extracting curcumin from turmeric, converting it to that salt (or maybe some other?) and vaping that should be an efficient ROA?
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