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The Awakening of the Omniself Options
Rising Spirit
#1 Posted : 1/11/2011 8:12:46 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hey Now,

I suspect that many of us who frequent this oasis called The Nexus, have had psychedelic experiences which strongly support the believe in a living presence; a unified field/plane/frequency of Indivisible consciousness? Whether we call it "God" or any other name, it remains obvious to those who have had this conjoining, that oneself has always been, in essence, THAT state of being. Stripping away the myriad layers of semantics, which might define this level of awareness, we should be able to communicate something of the experience. Yes? I just got blasted in the Science forum, so I thought I might take a friendly HEAD count and see what the rest of the tribe thinks. OK, maybe "thinks" is a bad choice of words? How about faithfully believes or directly intuits? Very happy

While this is not a new quest of mine, is has become re-ignited over the last year in conjunction with smoking DMT for the first time. A few mushroom journeys later, the old flame is burning ever brightly! Who else out there has had the specific awakening in which one realizes that one's isolated self is (in reality) The Omniself? Previously, I had the understanding that the entirety of the universe was ONE and that everything in the universe was disguising itself as the many. You know, duality is illusion and within each individuated center of consciousness, which is the only center... exists the Divine One, the Omniself? Upon arriving at this pinnacle of consciousness, it is profoundly immanent that I am one with that force and furthermore, I am that very force (always have been). I am, you are, they are, we are all... SPIRIT. "I am that I am." The illusion that individuality is real, can be suspended by the Sacred Medicine ritual and this in and of itself, is most inspiring for the dreamer who seeks an awakening.

Thoughts and opinions? :idea:

Peace, love & Light
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 1/11/2011 9:38:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I personally call it the Godhead, and it is something else for sure..

Upon arriving at this pinnacle of consciousness, it is profoundly immanent that I am one with that force and furthermore, I am that very force (always have been).

Yup. You are the light; and the light eternal. It is everything that ever is or ever was.

Vedanta speaks pretty much the same thing (they call what you call the Omniself God)

* God is one without a second, absolute and indivisible. Though impersonal, beyond name and form, God assumes various personal forms to reveal itself to us. God is our soul. We are primarily consciousness, part of the cosmic consciousness.
* All of the incarnations (manifestations of God on Earth) are actual embodiments of Divinity. No one incarnation can be regarded as the only manifestation of that Divinity.
* There is no accident in the cosmic universe. Human destiny is governed by the law of cause and effect.
* There is a higher state of consciousness which can be achieved in this human birth.
* There are many ways to achieve union with God, through the intellect, emotions, actions, and the will. A specific path or a combination should be followed to realize the aim and objectives of life.

Vedanta thinks all religions are good, and that they are all different paths to the same ultimate truth -- that we are one.
#3 Posted : 1/11/2011 10:42:14 PM

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Of course. The time we are living in is when, on a mass popular scale, the aspects of the One that have emanated into the Many are beginning to reach the point of return. This movement back (whether thru remembrance or whatever else it might be) is a miracle of joy. For joy did the One multiplie to share and expand the divine beneficence, and now, also for joy, now is the time that many of the Many are awakening to their true nature a the One. What is tragic: to see, feel, know, taste and touch the Glory and still ignore God. That shit is whack, Yo. ; )

Still, all the "dirty hold-outs" (salt, people, salt) are gonna get whacked with so much love until their acknowledgement and recognition will be secured (and it is secured not for the aggrandizement of some grand cosmic Ego- but for the good and harmonic development of the percipient.) If even one cannot or will-not remember that they are part and parcel of the One- then the harmony of the Divine purpose remains out of proportion. But God, the Good, is in the habit of leaving behind the 99 to go save the One.

In Joy,

Ps. Keep smiling
Namaste- translated: "The Divinity within me perceives and adores the Divinity within you"
#4 Posted : 1/11/2011 11:22:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Rising Spirit, I hope you didnt take my words in the other thread as offensive or demeaning to your opinion. I thought I was being pretty reasonable in my questions regarding "where is the limit to believing in unfounded theories?". If I was out of line, forgive me.

Now back to the thread. You know its funny because when I was 15 and I took my first acid (which was VERY strong), I had never really read any philosophical/mystical books, and I remember that one thought kept coming to my mind: "Its all One". I remember even having visuals where I literally saw arrows pointing to a point in the middle of a circle/spiral.

Only later did I actually start researching and seeing all of these typical kind of sentences in more philosophical/esoteric thoughts

Many psychedelic experiences have had the similar theme for me. Once on ayahuasca I remember seeing a butterfly, and looking into its eyes, seeing the shine of Consciousness in it, and seeing how I was that butterfly aeons/lifetimes ago, and then I saw all life, and how I am every living being.

With mushrooms I also had similar experiences.

With vaporized DMT though, to be honest, I dont feel this so much. It has a more "another alien reality" kind of feeling, I rarely get the "its all One" experience, its more this other dimension kind of place.

In any case, with all those experiences that I do feel its all One, I wouldnt say that necessarily this is the pinnacle of the psychedelic experience. I mean, I would say its beneficial to feel that at least once in life, but then I think its all about coming back and integrating it all. I dont think feeling that necessarily makes you a better person. I think that its maybe more important (at least for me) to actually try to take lessons from the experience that we can translate into changes in our actions in daily life.

Lastly, even if we really feel all the Omniself, are we literally experiencing it? I mean, lets say we are looking at a screen from the front, and we dont realize its a screen but actually think its Reality (a la plato's cave). Then we see it from the side, and because of this triangulation, we see that its a screen with a projection. This means we can realize its all part of one projection. But are we really seeing all that there is ? Maybe there is another side in the projection which we are still not seeing, and therefore its not literally Being One, but somehow getting closer to realizing that its all interconnected and so on. Or there might be other explanations to the experience. Its hard to really say what it is, even if it subjectively feel very real. Thats why I go back to "it doesnt matter, as long as you use it to be a healthier person and appreciate existence more".

I dont know if im making much sense here... Very happy
#5 Posted : 1/12/2011 1:22:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Lastly, even if we really feel all the Omniself, are we literally experiencing it?

I can only speak for myself, but in my experience I *became* the entire universe. It wasn't something I was looking at -- ego was completely dead and for a few moments nothing existed but this energy (all I recall is a white light). The energy is nothing yet it is everything..

Words can never come close to describing it I'm not sure why I even tried, but after this experience I was left with the direct impression that everything is one.. it was some life changing stuff..
#6 Posted : 1/12/2011 1:23:50 AM

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I'm very much suspicious of these experiences of the Omniself as well. My experiences with it seem completely True while in them, but from the baseline state, it seems just as possible that different aspects of subjective reality are waking up to each other; the neurological model of Self and neurological model of Other blend and realize the unitive nature of the projection of consciousness within a single brain.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
Rising Spirit
#7 Posted : 1/12/2011 1:36:37 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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endlessness wrote:
Rising Spirit, I hope you didnt take my words in the other thread as offensive or demeaning to your opinion. I thought I was being pretty reasonable in my questions regarding "where is the limit to believing in unfounded theories?". If I was out of line, forgive me.

No offense taken, really. As they say in sunny Brazil, "nao problema." I've read enough of your posts to realize you have Seen the Light and suspected that you were simply seeking to express clarity and stay within the meter of the Science forum. Amongst my friends are a quantum physicist, a couple mathematicians, a linguist and a brilliant young engineer with a dual passion for robotics and holographic development. So I fairly well acquainted with the scientific intellect. Our debates are epic, yet I am often frustrated by the rigidity of their perspective. Numbers and equations, proven facts and formulas, are the very building blocks of their mental castles. To each their own? Of course, only the quantum physicist is spiritually inclined. Most of them are confirmed atheists and yet, we are still good friends and I can't be blind to their quite admirable minds, however fixated on the rational and closed to the mystical. So I am not truly offended by any of the rationalism within this branch of the Nexus. I do take offense and draw the line at one upmanship, condescension and dismissivism. There is a term, FORUM BULLY... Crying or very sad

Still, I take most of the responsibility for the friction, since I didn't actually realize where I was, forum-wise. You expressed none of these negative attitudes towards me, so I have no bruised ego or hurt feelings. thanks for caring, though. If I did feel so from the other folks, it's my choice to identify with the polarity or not... and I hope I have learned to be meditative in all circumstances. I found it perplexing that one fellow member used the phrase, "your argument". What argument? Still, I must respect the structure of the Science forum and this is probably a far, far better place for such cosmic "mumbo jumbo". Laughing

Now back to the thread. You know its funny because when I was 15 and I took my first acid (which was VERY strong), I had never really read any philosophical/mystical books, and I remember that one thought kept coming to my mind: "Its all One". I remember even having visuals where I literally saw arrows pointing to a point in the middle of a circle/spiral.

Only later did I actually start researching and seeing all of these typical kind of sentences in more philosophical/esoteric thoughts.

Back in 1977, when I was still just a teen, I also had my first sample of enlightenment. I had, up that time, very little exposure with any Eastern mysticism. Frankly, at that point for me, "drugs" were for experimentation and adventure. Little did I know what psychedelics might do to me! So, when on my 3rd trip on LSD-25 (purple microdots), I experienced a spontaneous awakening. Spontaneous? Only in the sense that I had no preconceptions about the experience and no knowledge of human auras, chakras and kundalini. This unstoppable geyser of rushing energy shooting up my spine, was unlike anything I had known before. I was completely floored by the experience! This raw, forceful energy was activating different parts of my body as it rose towards the top of my head, back around the crown area.

My heart was pounding like a drum and I could visualize it opening like an unfolding flower. A magenta rose as I recall. Now, the energy expanded exponentially and rocketed further up my spinal column. Inside of my spine? It was blowing my mind! My throat became jittery and I sensed a turning, churning sensation from somewhere inside of my throat. Was I choking? No. Something seemed as if it to wanted it's way out, through my mouth. My voice? I opened my mouth breathed out slowly and this looooooong "Ahhhhhhh... " sound came out. It seemed to blend with a thousand other voices, from somewhere in the distance. The sound stopped my thought process, yet, I was fully awake and aware. I could see this great, brilliant light pouring down from behind my forehead. Right inside of my head. Basically, the light emanated from about where the pineal gland is located. Out of nowhere, a picture of the Buddha popped into my quited mind and I seemed to intuitively know, that what I was witnessing was the Third Eye. The One Eye. So that's what it meant! I occurred to me that perhaps this was the lens of my mind, ALL MINDS and it was transmitting some kind of supernatural light from a higher plane of consciousness above. This was the first time I had seen the Light in all it's radiant glory. I dawned on me that the light was actually emanating from above and on the other side of this lens (third eye). It was as if there was this grand realm of pure light, just on the other side of this eye-like lens.

After a brief eternity, I moved my consciousness into and through this blinding point of light. No sooner had this been done, the sense of self that had become my shell and hush, vaporized into nothingness and I felt myself evaporated into the great light. Odd, I was till conscious of existing, yet, my identity had become one with the Infinite Spirit. Maybe because I was raised a Christian, the words "GOD IS EVERYTHING" echoed out of nowhere in particular. Who said that, I wondered? Me? I was begining to loose my grasp on who I was and I couldn't quite remeber. It was at this point that the rushing energy blew the lid off the back of my head (figuratively speaking). It felt like the tremendous energy was literally squirting liquid electricity right through the top on my head, into some higher level (hence the geyser reference). This was the first time I had ever seen my Third Eye light up like a million suns. the first time I felt my heart spread it's wings and expand loving vibrations in all directions. It was the first time my crown was expanded into the far reaches of the Eternal. For me it was uncharted territory.

Just about when I had but a fragment of subjectivity left... I recall hearing a high-pitched ringing sound which seemed to draw the self I had left, nearly out of me. At this time in my young life, the only thing I knew about meditation and the Hindu cosmology was the word OM. Who didn't back in the 70's? Could this be what I was hearing? The sound drew me further into the light until time seemed to stop. Or was it that I had arrived at a place where time had yet to start? A myriad of subtle sonic undertones were discernible, despite the cessation of my thought process. within the core of this deep droning sound, was a higher overtone. It drew my attention up in it's simplicity. Silence is the last thing I remember of that first transcendental experience. Absolute stillness and total silence...

After that? I whited out, since it was definitely not a blackout. The light completely consumed the faint threads and fading fibers of my ego and there is absolutely nothing that can be said of the peak of this experience, since subjectivity was temporarily gone. It was if the lines that divide everything in the universe had been erased and a frequency of unified consciousness devoured the witness of the experience (metaphorically speaking). Empty formlessness... When I came back to myself, I kept thinking, "Everything is One. One mind, one emotion, one soul." I felt reborn. Years later, I learned about kundalini, chakras and enlightened states of Samadhi/Satori/Divine Rapture. Funny how the Sacred medicines work their magic, eh? Cool

Many psychedelic experiences have had the similar theme for me. Once on ayahuasca I remember seeing a butterfly, and looking into its eyes, seeing the shine of Consciousness in it, and seeing how I was that butterfly aeons/lifetimes ago, and then I saw all life, and how I am every living being.

With mushrooms I also had similar experiences.

With vaporized DMT though, to be honest, I dont feel this so much. It has a more "another alien reality" kind of feeling, I rarely get the "its all One" experience, its more this other dimension kind of place.

In any case, with all those experiences that I do feel its all One, I wouldnt say that necessarily this is the pinnacle of the psychedelic experience. I mean, I would say its beneficial to feel that at least once in life, but then I think its all about coming back and integrating it all. I dont think feeling that necessarily makes you a better person. I think that its maybe more important (at least for me) to actually try to take lessons from the experience that we can translate into changes in our actions in daily life.

Lastly, even if we really feel all the Omniself, are we literally experiencing it? I mean, lets say we are looking at a screen from the front, and we dont realize its a screen but actually think its Reality (a la plato's cave). Then we see it from the side, and because of this triangulation, we see that its a screen with a projection. This means we can realize its all part of one projection. But are we really seeing all that there is ? Maybe there is another side in the projection which we are still not seeing, and therefore its not literally Being One, but somehow getting closer to realizing that its all interconnected and so on. Or there might be other explanations to the experience. Its hard to really say what it is, even if it subjectively feel very real. Thats why I go back to "it doesnt matter, as long as you use it to be a healthier person and appreciate existence more".

I dont know if im making much sense here... Very happy

You make perfect sense. And yes, the whole enlightenment/transcendental trip indeed has another side, so to speak. The Void. I believe that deep within the core and the center of the Light, at the very heart of being, there exists a force which is opposite to anything we can perceive or comprehend. Such Indivisibility is beyond words. For we humans to fully understand such a vacuum of form, such a silent emptiness... we would need to completely merge with this emptiness, thus die. Shocked

Peace, love & Light
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#8 Posted : 1/12/2011 8:52:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've had the experience your talking about many times. However I have come to a completely different conclusion about it. Our brain actively sets up our perception of the self and its separation from the rest of the world. This is rather well known in modern neuroscience. I think on psychedelics this gets inhibited or broken down and that's why you feel as if you are connected to everything. In other words I view the experience as a kind of illusion. So yea I guess I'm on the other side of the fence with this.

This nice part about this idea is that its testable.
#9 Posted : 1/12/2011 9:56:39 AM


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Agreed burnt. But I am interested to know why you think it's an illusion just because our brain usually actively sets this distinction up. Of course it has to do this from an evolutionary perspective (wouldn't be very beneficial to walk around without that distinction all the time), but what is to really say that this ultimately is a false perspective? From a big perspective everything is connected, don't you think? If we zoom far enough out, all we have is one goddamn big, perhaps infinite system that is the whole universe containing all of these other systems within systems.
#10 Posted : 1/12/2011 10:42:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I wouldn't say it's an illusion as much as it is a desolving of human conditioning.

It's pretty obvious to me that you are born as a very unaware creature and this is how you are introduced to the world and how you initally navigate it. For example I don't think a small child given LSD could have the 'oneness' experience, as they are wired to put their own needs first. Though they depend strongly on others, they have strong attachments to few and are ultimately very selfish little creatures. Granted they seem to find everything amazing, but that's because they think everything is theirs.

So anyway these little shits grow up with their learned values and open up banks and starbucks's and what not, then start charging interest on oxygen. Then Mr Larry Sampson-Davis comes along and says "hello boundary... mmm you look tasty!". Then here follows the rethinking of some rather basic princinples.

I'd also like to add this has never happened to me with a tryptamine. It happened once on LSD which to me was the mass awakening, then I had a different oneness experience on 2CB where I lost my fear of death somewhat for all the beauty I've been a part of will remain behind.

The network to our fellow man is language. The network between us and the rest of existence is beauty. I'm still yet to find the manual for the wifi in my brain.
#11 Posted : 1/12/2011 11:08:00 AM

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I wrote about my first direct realisation of the omniself HERE.

Previously, I had the understanding that the entirety of the universe was ONE and that everything in the universe was disguising itself as the many.

Do you mean to say that you had the concept that you were the only thing in existence (which is true!) and everything was a projection of your "mind"? What I understand is that the many truly does exist BUT it exists as one.

We as humans have language and the ability to name things and this is what creates the illusion of separation, the idea of many is like a discrete grid overlaying the seamless continuous reality underneath. You know Terminator when the camera drops into Arnie's eyepiece, with its overlay placing labels on everything? That's what goes on in our brains 24/7 yet when we watch films, we look at that stuff as if it's "futuristic technology"!

Manyness is intrinsic to linguistic ability because a name immediately requires seperation. You can't exactly say "pass me THAT" because THAT is always right here! Instead we say things like "pass the salt" which only means "move this part of THAT to that part of THAT".

Are we experiencing the omniself? Know your place and know who YOU are and you will see clearly that yes, you are. Just like a bee flits around and pollinates flowers all day, we all have our own place, our individual lockers in the locker room of life. If you read my experience in the link up top, I believe I got a small glimpse of what the omniself observes, as much as my brain could handle. It put an extreme overload on my nervous system, it was like being struck by lightning, I am surprised I am still of somewhat sound mind after that. Yet that is not what the omniself sees, that is merely my subjective interpretation of it. What the omniself sees is actually the ineffable nothingness of itself!

In the same vein that a bee does not need to see what's going on in your bedroom to experience itself as the omniself, we do not need to see or hear all. Our experience of the omniself ironically is as the ego self! To completely experience yourself as the omniself is merely to train your ego, to get the desires of the ego to align with the will of the omniself, it is such a quiet voice that one must still themselves just to hear it.

There is much beauty in the fact that we are born as creatures utterly unaware of anything. Think about it, your true self knows all that there is to know yet it has crafted you as an infinitely stupid being. It's merely the cycle of life, with every birth is an attempt for a new life to discover its creator self, they reproduce and pop their clogs whether or not they find out who they are. It's essentially this endless process of "Who am I? (30 years later) Oh, I am me, cool!" iterated endlessly over 4.6 billion years. It's funny that one would subject oneself to so much pain and misery over and over and over again, but clearly life must be a fairly fun process to this omniself dude seeing how it ain't ending any time soon!

The network to our fellow man is language. The network between us and the rest of existence is beauty. I'm still yet to find the manual for the wifi in my brain.

Realise that the wi-fi network is already here and you have been connected and transmitting signals completely unawares! Did you know that we broadcast EVERYTHING we think about and feel to the outside world without knowing? It's all in these things I call "thought-waves", a disturbance of space that ripples through the environment and interacts with other thought-waves in this incredible dance that we never see.

Perhaps they are electromagnetic in nature, I wouldn't be sure. The key to this floodgate I found was LSD-25. I trained myself to hear what normally cannot be heard merely by paying much attention to conversation between people I know well enough to read to a rough T, then observing what they hide about themselves in speech - the thought-waves always give everything away. It would suck for covert ops, sneaking around in some military base only for your thought-waves to go "I'm a spy, I'm over here, LOOK AT ME, BEEP BEEP BEEP".

This isn't crackpottery either - to observe this you merely have to open your mental channels and purify yourself. And the main, main thing about being an active participant in this wi-fi thing is to know yourself. The more you know yourself and your own thought, the more others will hear you over this network. I have pulled off some serious jedi mind tricks on people through this hidden network.

When I am fully immersed in this awareness, I can read people's inner thoughts to a T. Not linguistic thoughts however but the wordless formless kind of pure contemplation via instinct. Say someone cuts you off in traffic, you will have a tinge of one of those and then will it hit your verbal processing centres and turn into "FUCKING ASSSHOLE!" Razz

Ultimately when you fully tune into the wi-fi network, you will experience yourself as the omniself talking to itself, not as you hearing someone else's thoughts. The more of your consciousness "bandwidth" you assign to the omniself, the more you can hear.
#12 Posted : 1/12/2011 3:17:59 PM

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If I had to limit myself to just ONE thing that I've learned from psychedelics, then hands down, the answer is that we're all one. In our primal, sleeping self, we are all completely connected with absolutely no division of awareness. It makes no philosophical difference whether we call it the Omniself or God or the Godhead or whatever... but we do lose something in conversation when we resort to using capitalized and archaic terms. If we can describe without proper nouns, then let us do that. We are all connected. We're all one.

However... get over it! People tend to ride this idea and then add all sorts of crazy to it, like a perfect bill in congress plagued by 200 idiotic amendments. When you start preaching "Ultimate Truths," or claiming telepathy or other pseudo-mystical powers, I then lose interest.

If you're new to this site, then know this: We have heard every type of prophecy from every type of preacher, and we do not like being preached to.
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#13 Posted : 1/12/2011 4:08:16 PM

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burnt wrote:
I've had the experience your talking about many times. However I have come to a completely different conclusion about it. Our brain actively sets up our perception of the self and its separation from the rest of the world. This is rather well known in modern neuroscience. I think on psychedelics this gets inhibited or broken down and that's why you feel as if you are connected to everything. In other words I view the experience as a kind of illusion. So yea I guess I'm on the other side of the fence with this.

This nice part about this idea is that its testable.

I feel you. I understand there is a biochemical reason that we get this feeling.. and the experience may be something like an illusion. The experience was powerful enough to change my world view and make me change my life. I had this taste of the Godhead during a DMT induced NDE..

Even if it is an illusion, it has changed my life for the better and made me a better person.. if I'm wrong about the existence of the Godhead oh well, but it was more real then this current reality..I was *not* the type of person to believe in this stuff, I was a strict materialist and I'm not anymore..
#14 Posted : 1/12/2011 4:10:57 PM

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burnt wrote:
I've had the experience your talking about many times. However I have come to a completely different conclusion about it. Our brain actively sets up our perception of the self and its separation from the rest of the world. This is rather well known in modern neuroscience. I think on psychedelics this gets inhibited or broken down and that's why you feel as if you are connected to everything. In other words I view the experience as a kind of illusion. So yea I guess I'm on the other side of the fence with this.

This nice part about this idea is that its testable.

I feel you. I understand there is a biochemical reason that we get this feeling.. and the experience may be something like an illusion. The experience was powerful enough to change my world view and make me change my life. I had this taste of the Godhead during a DMT induced NDE..

Even if it is an illusion, it has changed my life for the better and made me a better person.. if I'm wrong about the existence of the Godhead oh well, but it was more real then this current reality..I was *not* the type of person to believe in this stuff, I was a strict materialist and I'm not anymore..

It's also easier for me to believe because I know so many other people have had similar experiences and had their lives changed and felt the connection to the Godhead.. you can also connect via Kriya yoga and the like.

I know that only proves you can make the brain produce some kind of chemicals to make this happen..

*shrug* Very happy
#15 Posted : 1/12/2011 5:17:21 PM

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Just because there are chemicals or neurotransmitters involved doesn't derail the legitimacy of an experience. You can take science as far as you want but it still doesn't explain why we're even aware of what happens in our brain. I'm glad we know that the activation of different receptors cause certain effects, but the question is still: why do some stimulated neurons cause us to have a unifying, mind-blowing experience?

I'm not sure why people think we can adequately explain the experience just because we've linked it to specific brain activity...
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#16 Posted : 1/12/2011 8:42:33 PM

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Agreed burnt. But I am interested to know why you think it's an illusion just because our brain usually actively sets this distinction up. Of course it has to do this from an evolutionary perspective (wouldn't be very beneficial to walk around without that distinction all the time), but what is to really say that this ultimately is a false perspective? From a big perspective everything is connected, don't you think? If we zoom far enough out, all we have is one goddamn big, perhaps infinite system that is the whole universe containing all of these other systems within systems.

Its don't think its a false perspective necessary. But yes from an evolutionary stand point you need to be able to distinguish between yourself others and food.

I do not think we as humans are connected to everything. We aren't even one thing. We are made up billions upon billions of tiny particles. Our sense of self is also an illusion created by the brain again for evolutionary reasons.

Illusion may not be the right word but I can't think of a better one.

Even if it is an illusion, it has changed my life for the better and made me a better person.. if I'm wrong about the existence of the Godhead oh well, but it was more real then this current reality..I was *not* the type of person to believe in this stuff, I was a strict materialist and I'm not anymore..

The experience can give people a profound sense of empathy for other people and other forms of life and non life. I think its alone makes it worth having the experience.

If I had to limit myself to just ONE thing that I've learned from psychedelics, then hands down, the answer is that we're all one. In our primal, sleeping self, we are all completely connected with absolutely no division of awareness. It makes no philosophical difference whether we call it the Omniself or God or the Godhead or whatever... but we do lose something in conversation when we resort to using capitalized and archaic terms. If we can describe without proper nouns, then let us do that. We are all connected. We're all one.

But is this really correct? Subjectively you experienced it but we know our intuitions can be wrong.

As far as we know the universe is made of discrete particles. They all interact with each other and in that sense they are connected but they are still distinct objects. That's what quanta means. Even if something like string theory is correct its still not one giant connected thing. So I don't really see how this idea of everything being one really makes sense.

#17 Posted : 1/12/2011 9:31:09 PM

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burnt wrote:
I've had the experience your talking about many times. However I have come to a completely different conclusion about it. Our brain actively sets up our perception of the self and its separation from the rest of the world. This is rather well known in modern neuroscience. I think on psychedelics this gets inhibited or broken down and that's why you feel as if you are connected to everything. In other words I view the experience as a kind of illusion. So yea I guess I'm on the other side of the fence with this.

This nice part about this idea is that its testable.

You say that it’s the brain that “actively sets up our perception of the self and its separation from the rest of the world”. This suggests that the brain is doing something to make us perceive ourselves as separate, when in fact we might not be. You also say that psychedelics break down or inhibit this separation process.

These are reasonable assumptions, but how do they lead to the conclusion that we are indeed separate? All you’re really saying is that when the brain is in one state (it’s evolutionarily advantageous “normal” state) we feel we are separate, and when it’s in another state (it’s DMT-addled “oneness” state) we feel we are “one”.

Two brain states, two resultant ways of perceiving. We can test brain states and examine the effects on perceptions, thoughts, feelings, etc., but there is no test that can show which state (if either) represents reality.
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#18 Posted : 1/13/2011 12:35:05 AM

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burnt wrote:
Kartikay wrote:
If I had to limit myself to just ONE thing that I've learned from psychedelics, then hands down, the answer is that we're all one. In our primal, sleeping self, we are all completely connected with absolutely no division of awareness. It makes no philosophical difference whether we call it the Omniself or God or the Godhead or whatever... but we do lose something in conversation when we resort to using capitalized and archaic terms. If we can describe without proper nouns, then let us do that. We are all connected. We're all one.

But is this really correct? Subjectively you experienced it but we know our intuitions can be wrong.

I can't deny what I've seen, burnt, but I completely understand where you're coming from. In fact I use that argument myself when an emotional gf starts getting paranoid about who thinks what about who, among other things... But again, seeing is believing. I'm not going to preach it, or push it on anyone else. But at this point, I could never change my belief about it.

burnt wrote:
As far as we know the universe is made of discrete particles. They all interact with each other and in that sense they are connected but they are still distinct objects. That's what quanta means. Even if something like string theory is correct its still not one giant connected thing. So I don't really see how this idea of everything being one really makes sense.

To sort of respond to/retort this argument, I don't think this is actually what physicists have discovered. First off, we've discovered particle entanglement, which proves that in some dimension(and i use that term to refer to nothing specific... i just don't have a better word) things can be connected regardless of physical distance. Secondly, we've never actually discovered a true piece of physical matter. A block of pure gold looks solid and singular, but its made up of atoms. Atoms look singular, but are actually made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. The atomic particles look singular but are actually made up of subatomic particles, etc etc. Everything is just energy, and we can perceive it differently at different levels of magnification.

Anyway, I only offer this side of the debate because, well, you're actually worth my time, burnt. I respect your views.
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
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#19 Posted : 1/13/2011 12:58:22 AM

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Kartikay wrote:
Everything is just energy, and we can perceive it differently at different levels of magnification.

Anyway, I only offer this side of the debate because, well, you're actually worth my time, burnt. I respect your views.

Well said, Kartikay. Everything is undeniably the manifestation of a fundamental form of energy, dancing through multiple dimensions, as it will. Such unbound energy is free and it behooves any of us to simplify such a powerful natural force, to fit neatly into our personal cosmology. Still, your point about how the laws of reality change due to magnification, both through expansion and reduction and so there can never truly be a fixed point of unchanging reality. Nicely put. Like it has been so beautifully said before, "The only constant is change." Cool
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#20 Posted : 1/13/2011 1:02:19 AM
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Considering how inadequate language is at describing the Self/Infinity i feel conversation about it should mainly be directed at methods of directly experiencing it, rather than theories about its actual existence, those deabtes are fruitless as they don't incite the direct experience.

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