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Phalaris arundinacea extraction Options
#1 Posted : 1/8/2011 4:46:37 PM
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I`m new on this forum so I should say "hello" to everybody here. So... Hello Smile
... In the same time I must say, that I`m from Poland and I learn English for only 4 y so I can write kinda unclearly.
My problem is, that I have some Phalaris in my home (full of DMT I think) and I want to extract dimethyltryptamine from this plant, by method decribed here: http://www.dmtextraction...alaris2dmtextraction.htm I don`t know only, how ether, chloroform or anything described there would act on my body. Is this extraction safe and I can smoke DMT like that by using pipe? Is fumes from chloroform or any organic solvent can kill me? And finally: do I have to do anything with DMT extracted with this method before smoking?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/8/2011 4:54:24 PM

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Ive never extracted from this grass, there are a few members working on grass teks but I dont think anything final has come about.

Check this thread https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=18303

Also, take a read through the FAQ at the top of the page, alot of usefull info there.
#3 Posted : 1/8/2011 5:11:17 PM

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Welcome to the Nexus Smile

Some phalaris may not contain dmt at all, others may contain toxic alkaloid such as gramine, and some may have good amount of dmt. You can test the one you have at home and see if you get anything out of it, but before you bioassay please come back to us with some info on your extraction, pictures and so on.

If I would extract from phalaris (which I never did), I would not follow that method you linked. First of all, forget all this chloroform and so on. What you want is naphtha or heptane or hexane. Then I would do a normal A/B extraction like vovin's tek (check the wiki). Once I evaporate or freeze the naphtha, it will probably be a very impure product. I would recrystallize this a few times with naphtha/heptane/hexane (instructions of recrystallization is in the FAQ). Recrystallization could potentially help getting rid of gramine.

Alternatively I would do a tek using limonene as a solvent (like BLAB), and salt out the solvent with FASI. This would most likely by-pass the need for defatting like normal extractions with phalaris would need. Then I would convert the fumarates to freebase (also explained in BLAB tek in the wiki), and then I would recrystallize that with naphtha/heptane/hexane to make sure there are no gramine traces.

If there is any significant yield after this, and it smells/looks like dmt, I would start bioassaying with very very small doses, micro doses...

Sorry if this seemed too complicated, please read the forum further, specially wiki and FAQ, and it should start making more sense.

Regarding organic solvents, some are more toxic than others, but if you're working with naphtha/hexane/heptane or limonene and the place is reasonably ventilated, you have nothing to fear. Dont forget to read the Health And Safety section (link in the wiki)

Good luck and keep in touch, dont rush things and please be safe!
#4 Posted : 1/8/2011 5:28:30 PM
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So what plants would you direct me to extract Dimethyltryptamine? I think of buying Mimosa Hostils and Peganum Harmala in one kit, or Mimosa Hostilis & Banisteriopsis Caapi, but I`m afraid of MAO inhibitors. Any sugestions? I really want to survive my first contact with DMT.
P.S.: when I will have free home (I live with my stupid friend - he`s kind of guy, which don`t like drugs) I`ll try extract DMT from Phalaris and I`ll send you description of doing it in this post.
#5 Posted : 1/8/2011 5:34:37 PM

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most people extract from mimosa hostilis because of high yield and clean alkaloid profile. These kits you are talking about are not for extracting, they are for consuming dmt orally, and for that you need a MAOI or dmt wont be orally active. DMT is not physically dangerous, but of course like any strong psychoactive experience it needs care specially due to the psychological implications. In any case, from your fear, I suspect maybe you havent researched enough on it. Please read thoroughly the Health and Safety section and the FAQ.

And yes I think you should really not extract it in a place where there is someone against drugs, its not only disrespectful but it also puts him in legal danger (and you, if he decides to denounce you to the police or something)

Good luck
#6 Posted : 1/8/2011 5:41:54 PM
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Dear Endlessness: I know probably everything about DMT and I know, that it doesn`t work (orally), without MAO`is, but I`m afriad, that Peganum or Banisteriopsis can do many bad things to my neurons and brain, when I combine it with DMT. Did you ever tried something like that?
#7 Posted : 1/8/2011 6:23:25 PM

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IMHO thats a very bad way to start this path, my friend, to think that you know everything about DMT... A lot of us here have consumed and studied these substances for many years and still we dont think we know everything about it. You wont see anybody here talking like that.

If you say you know so much, how comes you dont know that peganum harmala or b. caapi do not do "bad things to your neurons"?

Again, I suggest you read the health and safety section, the FAQ, and that you read some of the scientific articles and investigations on these substances (there's a sticky thread in the information/general subforum with many scientific publications). I dont mean this in a way to offend you , but I honestly think there is a lot of very useful knowledge in these places I mentioned that we've worked very hard to make them available, and it might help you.

Happy readings and good luck Pleased
#8 Posted : 1/9/2011 12:17:14 PM
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Ok, then I know many things about DMT, (I never used it, but I`ve seen lot of films and read many books). I know always, that MAO inhibitors (I don`t know, is it true - I only read about that) makes pressure in your head get higher and the same thing is with DMT. This "pain" or strange feeling in your head after smoking DMT is exactly pressure, which - in case of old people or that, who have problems with theirs circulatory system - can trigger deffects like blindeness or even death, because your blood veasel can breake (?). And that`s a fact and you can`t contradict this. DMT is rhe safest drug on the earth, but not absolutely safe. Not everyone can get high with it.

So, in my country Mimosa Hostils are normal plant. Does mimosa have strange alkaloids I should afraid off? Sorry, that I`m asking, but I don`t know English so much and I don`t understand many things you write in this posts and everything.
#9 Posted : 1/9/2011 12:47:52 PM

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SWIM once tried a quick STB extract from Phalaris Arundinacea. Turned out to be really disgusting and yielded a bunch of green goop which he then threw away and didnt even think of smoking it in any way. All in all, quick STB tek's are surely a waste of time, materials, nature, money and nerves. Smile
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#10 Posted : 1/9/2011 12:51:19 PM

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Nightmare240493 wrote:
Ok, then I know many things about DMT, (I never used it, but I`ve seen lot of films and read many books). I know always, that MAO inhibitors (I don`t know, is it true - I only read about that) makes pressure in your head get higher and the same thing is with DMT. This "pain" or strange feeling in your head after smoking DMT is exactly pressure, which - in case of old people or that, who have problems with theirs circulatory system - can trigger deffects like blindeness or even death, because your blood veasel can breake (?). And that`s a fact and you can`t contradict this. DMT is rhe safest drug on the earth, but not absolutely safe. Not everyone can get high with it.

So, in my country Mimosa Hostils are normal plant. Does mimosa have strange alkaloids I should afraid off? Sorry, that I`m asking, but I don`t know English so much and I don`t understand many things you write in this posts and everything.

Please quote at least one scientific source that claims DMT or harmala MAOIs can cause dangerous head pressure, blindness or death, otherwise dont say its a fact.

I never said "anyone can get high with it" (and anyways describing dmt as "getting high" is not very accurate, to say the least), but physically it is safe, nobody ever died or got blind from smoking dmt. Psychologically, not necessarily safe if proper care is not taken, as there have been a few cases of people that had psychological issues because of not integrating their experiences.

No mimosa hostilis doesnt have strange alkaloids, no need to worry about that. But are you sure mimosa is a 'normal plant' in poland? Unless you mean imported, I highly doubt you have it naturally growing there. The natural habitat of mimosa hostilis is dry hot place, not the polish climate... Maybe you are mistaking it for another kind of mimosa (there are several) which is not hostilis ?
#11 Posted : 1/9/2011 4:35:28 PM

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CosmicFool wrote:
SWIM once tried a quick STB extract from Phalaris Arundinacea. Turned out to be really disgusting and yielded a bunch of green goop which he then threw away and didnt even think of smoking it in any way. All in all, quick STB tek's are surely a waste of time, materials, nature, money and nerves. Smile


you threw away your extract?
you know, you could've added acid, defat, rebasify, and extract again to clean it up

it's extraction chemistry, not cooking.
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#12 Posted : 1/10/2011 12:23:52 PM
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I`m sorry!!! My fault!!! Don`t know, why I wrote this, but I wanted to said, that Acacia are growing in my country, which also have DMT in his bark or something...

Endlessness wrote: "Please quote at least one scientific source that claims DMT or harmala MAOIs can cause dangerous head pressure, blindness or death, otherwise dont say its a fact."

Hey, I don`t need to read articles on Your site. My father is doctor and sometimes he gives his patient MAO, so he knew, what this thing makes with your circulatory system SmileMAO inhibitors may cause hipertension and that another fact, so DMT isn`t (physically) safe for everyone.
#13 Posted : 1/10/2011 1:28:51 PM

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scientific sources can be found on other sites as well... and probably should if you really wanted objective information... try sciencedirect or pubmed...

And, with all due respect, not every doctor knows everything possible about all the substances etc out there or their effects on the brain. And even if whoever did, it must have come from some study; and if it were true, we would all like to know about it and read up on it - so post a link that can support your claims. Stating that someone you know says so isn't really evidence.

Also, this attitude will most likely get you nowhere here. Most of us are here to learn, explore and share information. I'm not quite sure what you are here for, but apparently not for any of those reasons. Or why is it you are posting questions in the first place?
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mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#14 Posted : 1/10/2011 1:40:51 PM

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MAOI also known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors can be dangerous, if taken in combination with other drugs or foods that contain amines. However, B. Caapi doesn't have DMT, nor do you need to take B. Caapi to experience DMT. The MAOIs in B. Caapi and Peganum harmala are also known as RIMAs.


Because of their reversibility and selectivity, RIMAs are safer than the older monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) like phenelzine and tranylcypromine.

SO, if you get the proper bark or plant material, and follow the instructions in many of the methods on this site, you can extract DMT freebase, which can be smoked without using an MAOI. Also, the harmalas will not cause pressure in your head. What you are referring to is if someone is taking MAOIs and they take another substance that is not broken down by their metabolism fast enough, which causes hypertension. This might happen with pharmaceutical MAOIs but is highly unlikely with RIMAs (harmalas). If one stays off of other drugs and eats a proper diet, then none of these things will be a problem.

I don't understand why someone would come onto a site devoted to these experiences, with people who have a lot of experience in this field, ask questions, then argue with the answers.. If you already knew all this stuff you claim to know, then why they heck did you ask us? Maybe you should listen to your dad, and stay away from DMT and harmalas, because it takes a mature individual who takes the time to read and research what they are doing before starting arguments with people that have no basis in fact.

I suggest you read the scientific articles. Read The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman. He did clinical studies with DMT and you can read all about what you are mistaken on.
The Traveler
#15 Posted : 1/10/2011 1:43:53 PM

"No, seriously"

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Nightmare240493 wrote:
Hey, I don`t need to read articles on Your site. My father is doctor and sometimes he gives his patient MAO, so he knew, what this thing makes with your circulatory system SmileMAO inhibitors may cause hipertension and that another fact, so DMT isn`t (physically) safe for everyone.

Then your dad will probably also have told you that there are several kinds of MAOI's? And maybe he even told you that the MAOI's we talk about here, the ones from caapi and rue, are RIMA's?

The idea is that with MAOI's you should not eat tyramine rich food (and certain other drugs/medicine). Doing so before or during the effects of a MAOI might cause a high blood pressure. The MAOI's in caapi and rue are reversible inhibitors, meaning that after they wear off in the few hours following ingestion your body will continue were it was before taking the caapi or rue.

Looking at the way you post it seems to me that you have a lot to learn. What doesn't help here with the learning process is that you think you know it all. You only made a few posts so far and it is obviously clear that you even don't know half of what you pretend to know, that's a very dangerous combination that can get you and/or other people hurt.

So please be more constructive when you come to a place like this asking for help, your current attitude will not bring you far on this forum.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#16 Posted : 1/10/2011 1:46:01 PM

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Welcome to the nexus Nightmare,
Firstly, from the few posts you have done here it is blatantly obvious that you know almost nothing about DMT. Rolling eyes What books have you read? Documentaries are generally for people who who have never been introduced to the topic before and are VERY basic. DMT is not a recreational drug like the others you have likely heard of, you cannot use it to 'get high' if this is your aim, plz go look for another substance.

Nightmare240493 wrote:
I`m sorry!!! My fault!!! Don`t know, why I wrote this, but I wanted to said, that Acacia are growing in my country, which also have DMT in his bark or something...

Firstly, I'm fairly sure no true acacia species grow in poland, many plants are still listed as acacia and are actually not genetically related, do you have a list of the species?
Not all acacias have DMT in them in quantities that make it worthy of extraction. Some species may also be difficult to identify, i'm not sure what grows in polland, but you are going to have fun trying to find an active species. Laughing

Nightmare240493 wrote:

Hey, I don`t need to read articles on Your site. My father is doctor and sometimes he gives his patient MAO, so he knew, what this thing makes with your circulatory system SmileMAO inhibitors may cause hipertension and that another fact, so DMT isn`t (physically) safe for everyone.

I'm sorry Nightmare but your attitude towards this field and learning from this forum is coming off quite ignorant, I suggest you pull your head in and open your mind to the possibility that these forums contain lots of information you cannot find in books, documentaries or parents. Just because your father is a doctor doesn't mean you know anything about plant teachers or the chemicals they contain. None of these are currently used in clinical medicine, I would be very surprised if many doctors knew much about harmalas or DMT, nevermind other psychedelics, unless its a research interest or hobby of theirs.
The MAOIs your dad uses on his patients are pharmaceutical, not from plants, meaning they are (most commonly) Irreversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase, which means if you eat certain foods containing amines like tyramine it can cause a hypertensive crisis. This results from tyramine's ability to cause the release of stored monoamines, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine.

Haramalas are alkaloids called Reversible Inhibitors of Monoamineoxidase-A (RIMA).
RIMAs are displaced from MAO-A in the presence of tyramine, rather than inhibiting its breakdown in the liver as general MAOIs do. Additionally, MAO-B remains free and continues to metabolize tyramine in the stomach, although this is less significant than the liver action. Thus, RIMAs are unlikely to elicit tyramine-mediated hypertensive crisis, and a special diet does not need to be so strictly adhered to, although eating excessively large amounts of tyramine-containing foods is still not advisable, because in theory it can make you feel ill.

As far as phalaris goes, you are much better off going with a known stable strain because with wild type arudinacea, the alkaloids can vary significantly, to see which strains have been tested so far, check out this post about Phalaris Brachysachys

Take care, and start doing some serious reading. Wink
#17 Posted : 1/11/2011 10:12:13 PM
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No, he don`t know anything about plants with MAO, but he know lot about MAO in medicine and I think, that not ME, but you`re ignorant, because the fact that MAO makes pressure in your blood veasels is incontrovertible and if you don`t like to talk with me or I`m pissing you off, then delete this post and my account. I wouldn`t be angry for than.
The Traveler
#18 Posted : 1/11/2011 10:45:31 PM

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Nightmare240493 wrote:
No, he don`t know anything about plants with MAO, but he know lot about MAO in medicine and I think, that not ME, but you`re ignorant, because the fact that MAO makes pressure in your blood veasels is incontrovertible and if you don`t like to talk with me or I`m pissing you off, then delete this post and my account. I wouldn`t be angry for than.

Would you like to make a new effort to rewrite this post? It's a big ambiguous to read.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#19 Posted : 1/11/2011 10:55:39 PM

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Nightmare240493 wrote:
No, he don`t know anything about plants with MAO, but he know lot about MAO in medicine and I think, that not ME, but you`re ignorant, because the fact that MAO makes pressure in your blood veasels is incontrovertible and if you don`t like to talk with me or I`m pissing you off, then delete this post and my account. I wouldn`t be angry for than.

Nightmare.. :

1- Not all MAOIs are the same, there are different categories of MAOIs

2- Just because your dad knows something about one kind of MAOI (or just because he is a doctor) doesnt mean he knows about all kinds of MAOIs

3- All scientific research, which I can point to you many if you want, show that HARMALAS (not talking about all MAOIs, just these specific ones) are reasonably safe and do not induce any dangerous change in blood pressure.

4- Even if they induced some change in blood pressure, this is far from saying ayahuasca can make you blind or killing you, which you affirmed with so much certainty

5- Its a very bad start to come to a forum and call other people ignorant, specially when this is directly against the attitude we ask for all members to accept if they want to be here. Please do not do this again and I humbly suggest you appologize to him

6- Not only is Dimitree not ignorant, but he is in his late years of studying medicine, plus he is a practicing psychedelic explorer for quite a while.

7- You can delete your post yourself and just not come if you are unhappy here

8- If you want to say something is an incontrovertible fact, you must provide scientific sources for your claims, otherwise we ask you to refrain from making such affirmations
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