This was to introduce myself and my ambitions to this (fine) community, and I'm sitting here, writing in the middle of night, wondering what the hell I'm supposed to write.
I think I've already decided I'm gonna throw out the whole this-is-my-life's-story-in-a-forum-post angle and just write what comes to mind.

After having pushed the boundaries on pretty much every level of my life, I guess it was inevitable for me to come in contact with the (arguably) most revered tryptamine family of all.
A couple of years ago, I had a problem with opiates (buprenorphine to be specific), it was only after a very enlightening, albeit traumatic experience with another tryptamine I found the idea of leaving that part of me behind a new path in which I started to see myself and the people I love in a new light. Well, light is a pretty contrived term, it actually proved to rear its presence in my rather mundane lifestyle by sound. Specifically a very loud hum and then a wall of cascading jitter endogenously penetrating and deflating my bloated apathy and lethargy.
Any way, after this experience I became obsessed with the idea of dormant inner knowledge, and a friend of mine introduced me to the legendary ayahuasca (although I never did engage in any experience at that time, and haven't since then) which led me to research one of the primary constituents of this sacrament.
One thing led to another, and soon I found myself performing a crude A/B extraction (although I definitely should have done a LOT more research) from MHRB with very much acceptable results indeed.
The results of this experiment of mine would prove to be a little more profound than I had first anticipated.
I hate to admit it, but my primary reason for finally registering here after a longer period of observing was to gain more knowledge on the chemical side of things (not necessarily concerning DMT, but for the sake of being straight, let's say I did.) as well as contributing, and I am currently planning a larger and a lot more serious extraction and thought it would be a good idea to try and get in touch with people I can ask for advice and also share information and knowledge concerning the procedure and results of my future experiments.
These days, no synthetic or otherwise organic substances particularly tickles my fancy (aside from the ol' herb

) and I intend to keep it that way, I've had enough of dependency, physical, psychological or otherwise and try to steer clear from alcohol as well.
In truth, I would be much more inclined not to go the freebasing route, but, like many, I feel I do not want to walk that road on my own or with people who are not really connected with themselves in the way I feel it necessary. So, needless to say, it might be naïve of me to be chasing enlightenment or whatever you want to call it through means of monoaminic alkaloids, but if I have to pay for that in whatever way, I will.
I do have experience freebasing, where I've had two pleasant experiences with very intense OEVs and one very high dose which triggered what I interpret as what many call a "breakthrough". Nothing could have prepared me for the vast amounts of information that radiated through my poor synapses.
It is probably worth mentioning I am also one of many sufferers of aspergers syndrome, and that experience in particular gave me a lot of hope and belief in myself, as well as constructive endeogenic criticism to my behavior, personality, outlook on life and mindset. Undoubtedly for the rest of my days here, which, in itself is as much a paragonical gift as a curse.
Some part of me kind of fears I might be playing with fire, but at the same time, a burnt child does not shun the fire, but is somehow drawn to it, like a moth.
Either way, I'm looking forward to further expanding my knowledge not just concerning tryptamines I have known and loved (ha, see what I did there?

) but also hoping for a mutual good-spirited and supportive inquisitiveness I feel I now have for my little blip of an existence.
I feel humble, open and will most definitely skulk around this forum a lot more than I would ever give it credit for.
Oh well, enough with the words...
Cheers to those of you reading this (as well as those not), I wish you all the best in your future endeavours!
The wizard in black reveals the sign
Alone once again, into the void