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#1 Posted : 1/10/2011 12:21:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello. I must admit, I have been a bit frustrated with the board as I didn't read the rules initially. I understand know why these rules are in place. I have a lot of questions, and also can provide a lot of help. Right now I feel very alone, and I can't wait till I can communicate with like minded people.

Swim is by no means a chemist, but he taught himself enough needed to synthesize n,n many moons ago. With the help of a pal on another continent swims ego shot through the roof when he was successful in doing so after 6 months of trial and error and many thousands of dollars to be the first human on earth to synthesize such a beautiful sacrament in the manner he did. Soon after he posted his success and methods the board in which he posted this on went down. I think many of you know the board in which I speak of. Either way, as interesting and proud swim was of this, he's could have easily obtained this by much simpler natural means. For swim, it was all about the journey, he is/was a chemistry nut. 2c-b, mdma, mda, DMMDA-2, GHB, mushrooms and of course everyone's backbone, mary jane. Swim no longer participates in these sorts of activities so please do not ask for help on synthesis unless its purely asked in a hypothetical manner. Swim live in a country where there is something called "conspiracy" which many people don't realize is easy to get tangled up in. Swim enjoy's my freedom, and would never ever sell something as sacred as DMT and neither should you. This is material that should be kept as far under the radar as possible. It is by far the most magical amazing substance on earth. I don't even consider it a drug. Swim has done every drug under the sun and I don't need to tell any of you that nothing even comes close to holding a candle to this amazing compound.

As intelligent as swim is, he still has a lot to learn. Lately swim has really broken a lot of his rules about "everything in moderation". It's just too good. It's too beautiful. Just like those addicted to cigarettes.. swim has fits where he simple can't wait to pack up 60mg-75mg and go to a place that blows his mind. It's just amazing.. extreme.. beautiful.. I seriously don't think any one word made up by a mere human can explain the experience. Swim needs help here to keep his body and mind safe. He has questions about the pharmacology of excessive use. Ie, using 300mg in one sitting, over the course of 2 hours.. is there potential for any harm to the psyche? What sort of tolerance builds up? Is it possible to do too much? Swim must admit, the other night he gave up on weighing out each dose and just eyeballed it. When he got to the point where he was ready to call it a night, he put at least 100mg in the pipe and vaped it down. Sitting on a bed it through him against the wall. His gf was giving him head at the time and swim experienced something he had never experienced before.. It was hyperspace on crack. He normally never gets scared.. and I don't think he was, but he did have the weirdest slightly pleasant vibrating in his brain that scared him briefly as he thought about the irresponsibility of not being a little more conservative with doling out doses. He justified that he would need this amount seeing he had been through 200mg in the past 90 min. Now this has swim thinking.. what if he did 100mg right from the start after taking a few days off? It was wild and had swim shaking with euphoria. Swims gf was a blessing as she went nuts on me down below.. I have so many questions.. im just glad to find a place where people can relate to me. I feel so alien in my area. Swims close pals are scared to try it despite his offerings which is fine, to each their own. Swim is just simply in love with this compound and believes it has made him a better person but he needs to get back to a place where moderation is key.

Help swim understand what risks are out there with excessive use? Should swim be taking 5-htp on a daily basis?

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
Bill Cipher
#2 Posted : 1/10/2011 12:54:34 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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No one here can probably tell you how much is too much for you. If it feels excessive, it probably is. Please have a read through the Health & Safety section.

BTW - We don't discuss synthesis here. Feel free to post whatever else is on your mind right here in the nursery. You'll have full access soon enough I'm sure. The rules are in place to keep out the riff raff.
#3 Posted : 1/10/2011 1:02:28 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Welcome to the Nexus. I am intrigued by your post. May I ask your age? People quit doing what you talk about doing decades ago where I live . . . . I am wondering if you might be closer to my husband's age (61).

Again, welcome!
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#4 Posted : 1/10/2011 4:11:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Welcome to the Nexus!

There is no physical tolerance build up with DMT but what does happen as a common phenomenon is that "hyperspace seems shut", so people have dark/weird/negative experiences and at times even get straight up direct messages sayign "do not come back here". Its so common we actually put that in the FAQ, and suggest people take a long break when that happens.

As Art said, each one has their own level of usage and it also changes with the time in one's life. I think the most important is that you try to take care of integration and dont stop dedicating energy to your daily life.. Exercise, eat well, try to be good to others and all of that.. Do check the Health and Safety section on that.

Regarding the nursery, as you see to understand now, its a way we found to at the same time prevent badly intended people or those with bad attitude, but also introduction essays help very much that we get to know each other in a more intimate way, sort of like an initiation ritual.

Good luck with your path. Indeed dont discuss synthesis that involve watched chems or dangerous processes, but feel free to discuss theoretical chemistry and simple safe synthesis (like for example development of harmaline/mine to THH reduction using zinc, if thats possible, or n-oxide to dmt reduction using zinc, discussing the validity of LSA-LSH claims, etc).

Keep posting and im sure very soon you'll be a full member here.. See ya around!
#5 Posted : 1/11/2011 1:39:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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welcome aboard mate to the only family i know outside of some very close friends i recommend you come join the chat sometime its a very good place.
#6 Posted : 1/12/2011 3:06:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the Nexus, sounds like quite a few good adventures you have going on. Be well.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#7 Posted : 1/12/2011 9:14:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I agree with you wholeheartedly that DMT is not a drug, but rather a link to our ancient past and a looking glass into the universe. While it can be argued that DMT is not detrimental to your health, as you said, moderation is common sense. I would suspect that you are in the infatuation phase as I was (am?), and it will probably pass. It is some mystical stuff, so treat it as such. Take time to assimilate the experience. I personally log my trips in a composition book. It helps me see where I have been and what questions/issues may be on my mind. And be aware of your set/setting. DMT is not a beer you reach for after a stressful day at work (not saying that you do, but just being captain obvious). While the entities are for the most part benevolent, they do not exist for our entertainment or amusement (I was recently scolded *mildly*, but that is another story). Monitor your dosages and adjust accordingly in small increments and you will be fine. Just these few guidelines will go a long way in keeping your travels safe and sane :^)
#8 Posted : 1/14/2011 1:05:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you for the warm replies. I would like to say swim has now consumed roughly 5g total over the course of his life, 3.5 of those within the past 2 weeks. Swim does indeed know of the door that shuts to hyperspace. Despite that, he has a hard time waiting a hour or two to redose. He is going to work on that though.. Let me set the stage. Swim has not slept in 40 hours. Last night one of his good friends showed interest and swim enlightened him for the first time. Swim then went home and told himself.. one good dose and then bed. Swim had to be to work at 9am. At 11:30 pm swim piled it on. Swim does not keep his scale at his apartment. He piled on aprox 50mg and WOW.. hyperspace with some real mellow tunes (mofro).. the synergy between DMT and music is undeniable. It's there. To make a long story short, 20 minutes later swim is dosing again. Trying to get back to that place. Next thing swim knows it's 7am and he has gone through over .5g by himself. He went to work with a smile, felt great all day.. he works in the medical field so he was interacting with people all day, no problems.. a little lethargic, but happy. So now he sits here and writes of his experience, proud that he was still responsible enough to not let his excessive use interfere with his job. Swim is over 25 and under 35. I am proud of swim for not calling in, and being reliable. DMT has an afterglow that allows you to smile for hours.

Can I ask, what music do you find most soothing? Swim likes everything from Floyd, to Dj Dave Clarke, to Jack Johnson, to Carl Cox. Swim notices different visuals with different music.. swim finds that so amazing. So your probably asking yourself.. is swim EVER going to go to bed? Swim would probably tell you after one good hit. But you know better Pleased

Swim can also share a methylone/DMT experience he had if anyone cares to hear about it. I think the two interacted nicely together, but swims views on synthetics are changing.. Swim likes that DMT is naturally occuring.. methylone, mephedrone, MDPV.. are simply not. But they are interesting..

I think it's time for swim to sit back. Peace and Love,
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