here is a quote from 69ron that got my attention:
"Yes, SWIM can taste it, but its more of a sensation than a taste. It's got an electric feel to it on the tongue. Some people say it's metallic, but it's definitely an electric feel, as if the taste buds are tripping slightly from it, or being shocked slightly from electrical impulses misfiring or something like that. It’s a “taste sensation”, so to speak."
swim searched trying to find someone who knows what swim is talking about when swim mentions the electric buzz/fizzle sensation that is produced on the tongue by some LSD blotters. many people haven't a clue as to what swim is referring to.
swim has tasted probably 50 or more different batches of paper with various artwork and many with no artwork. the fizzing Lucy happened to swim only once.
it was the most profound psychedelic experience of swim's life. it was as if swim's body had become a tuning fork for the vibrations of the mother earth Goddess sending her healing energy through swim's magnetic field returning swim to well-being. depression was completely lifted and it felt like swim's chemical clocks were re-calibrated back to a state of how-swim-is-supposed-to-be. swim had strong sensations of flight and God-head. visual acuity was enhanced to the point of seeing a super-dimensional visual field equipped with angles within angles between objects. hearing was enhanced as well.
did you/do you have similar effects from the Lucy that shocks your tongue?
if so, do you think that this is truly the mark of pure LSD? OR, have you had direct experience with another chemical that causes these effects? if so what was it?
swim has prayed for 15 years that swim would get this kind of experience again. everything swim has tried before and since including shrooms and rc's have been absolutely pale in comparison. swim wants it again and hopes to gain confidence in knowing what it is that swim is looking for.
thanks for your help