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Posts: 32 Joined: 03-Jan-2011 Last visit: 19-Mar-2011 Location: City of Angels
THIS TOPIC IS FOR SPIRITUAL DMT USERS, do NOT read if you take DMT just to get a trip! So I though to myself, I have all these goals in the " real " world Before taking in your DMT dose... Get some paper. Write down everything you want, FOR EXAMPLE1-I want to understand my purpose here on earth 2-I want to more money $$ 3-You get the idea... FOLD up the paper and put in your pocket, then take a toke when ready! In hyperspace try to release these goals in the " void " or where ever you may be. I believe we can re-create our reality Re-program your life Ask the beings for help! Perhaps beings may even show you how your goals are just ego or etc There is a lot more to this " place " then we can imagine When you enter you can re-write the destiny of your life! You can create matter! You can be or do what ever you want! Post a reply on your thoughts, suggestion, I want creative answers, comments or even better personal experiences! Look up the definition of the " Law of Attraction ", then perhaps you may understand me about releasing goals in the voidIt is what it is

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
What if instead of asking beings, you asked yourself for help? That's actually what you're doing, anyway. Realizing this is just a short cut.
And no, we can't create matter. That's not exactly how it works! :]
You portray N,N-DMT as if it were this amazing thing that made dreams come true by just attracting it! out of thin air. In some cases it takes a lot of hard work and focus to get to where you want to be in life. Smoking N,N-DMT with a letter in your pocket isn't going to magically change anything. It will, however, reveal things about yourself and your life in a deeper perspective.
Believing there are others (entities/angels/aliens/whatever) out there who look after us and care for us is a very old and common archetype that is even popping up here in some DMT users. Believing in these kinds of things tends to make one feel...special :]
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
AwarenessCosmic wrote:THIS TOPIC IS FOR SPIRITUAL DMT USERS, do NOT read if you take DMT just to get a trip!
I think most people here wouldn't probably say they *just want a trip*. What a strange scream to put out there like that... AwarenessCosmic wrote: So I though to myself, I have all these goals in the " real " world
goals... and you think you can realize them through dmt? That is a very strange concept to me but reflects well the whole *vending machine* attitude I sense occasionally in some - Throw in some coins of time and energy and out pops a soda can of some result. Most I guess want to hit the enlightenment-soda-button; you want the realize-my-goals soda. For some reason I find the only intentions that can even remotely play into a psychedelic experience are the internal ones, e.g. something like *I want to reconnect to my emotions* or *I want to overcome feeling so and so about this and this* - but a lot of times these goals are impossible to even formulate clearly, because certainly one short sentence like that does not contain the complexity of my state-of-being which I intend to transform. AwarenessCosmic wrote:I believe we can re-create our reality Re-program your life Ask the beings for help! Perhaps beings may even show you how your goals are just ego or etc There is a lot more to this " place " then we can imagine When you enter you can re-write the destiny of your life! You can create matter! You can be or do what ever you want! I've been thinking about *what I want* a lot lately. I wonder about my place in the cosmic perspective or in the perspective of the higher-order of emerging patterns and I find that my personal happiness and wants are meaningless in this view. If I connect myself to the higher-order of things the only thing I, from a higher perspective, want, is to co-evolve with the cosmos, and to cause resonance, thereby building up more and more energy, and finally refining this energy and forming it into complex structures. The architecture of the future. On a personal level this can mean anything. These lower-order goals just don't seem to matter. whether I suffer or am content only matters in the sense of the question: am I helping the cosmic evolution? Maybe. It's just something I've been thinking about lately. The destiny of my life is not for myself IMO. It is solely for the transmutation of light, or darkness into light, light into higher-order light, etc. And no I don't think we can create matter. But I do believe that the essence of what we are is everything we can conceive of and can morph into anything at all, can BE anything. Just perhaps not in the way we might think. Cheers Enoon Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 73 Joined: 03-Mar-2010 Last visit: 13-Nov-2012
Nothings free in this world. If you want something you need hard work and discipline
You could try selfmadevip or something for wealth/relationship type goals. But again it comes hard work
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 26 Joined: 03-Nov-2010 Last visit: 30-May-2024 Location: Acuminata forest
Thanks AwarenessCosmic, thats a good technique, its all about removing the social & environmental programming that is currently instilled in us all. I believe it is possible to appear to walk through walls and to appear to create matter form nothing, however its not really creating anything, its more skipping to another reality/dimension. IMO
Regardless, that sounds like a really good way to instill intention into a trip, i will try this. Blessings, D
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Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
It is similar to sigil magick, a basic magical practice. In fact, there seems to be quite a few people using psychedelics to do this kind of work...they are called sorcerers, brujeras, magicians.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-Jan-2011 Last visit: 19-Mar-2011 Location: City of Angels
i have already reached enlightenment the regular way without any drugs, i barley found out about dmt probably a few months ago however i have been enlighten or awake whatever you want to call for many years btw i know people personally who take dmt just to get high thats why i said that in the beginning... i hate drugs, never did lsd or whatever else there is out there it seems soo toxic however i heard about dmt and life-changing prospects people had and it made curious in my own journey of understanding the bigger picture i am student will listen to whatever you may have to say. then draw my own conclusion i just want to share my thoughts at this point in my own stage of evolution i feel though i need to have the dmt experience at this point to show me more and i agree that matter cannot be created i don't know why i wrote that maybe it was getting kinda late at night i dunno anyways thanks for the replys you guys use any techniques? or just go with the flow? [/color][/color] MODERATOR wrote: Please don't use all capitals next time...
It is what it is
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-Jan-2011 Last visit: 19-Mar-2011 Location: City of Angels
I GOT THIS FROM GOOGLE THIS IS WHAT I MEANT " Definitions of Law of Attraction on the Web: The phrase Law of Attraction, used widely by New Thought writers, refers to the idea that thoughts influence chance. The Law of Attraction argues that thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) can affect things outside the head, not just through motivation, but by other means. ..." It is what it is
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 69 Joined: 01-Dec-2010 Last visit: 29-Aug-2011
Yo AwarnessCosmic, You have entered a forum of Spiritual Pepole. The Chemistry that we smoke, drink, swallow and inhale assures us of that. Money plays a Dominant role in the fabric of society. If you have it in excess you are free from its bondage. Therefore I do not seek it for consumption. I seek it because "Me want Free". I seek it only to make it irrelevant. C.R.E.A.M. When we Dimension Split, we enter a field abundant with cooperative forces. In us, around us, everywhere. The Conscious Field can be looked at like an enormously Potent Social Co-op that simply does not have the same constraints that we are accostomed to "here". We are all party to the Universal Consciousness Co-op. Make your Wishes be your Agreements. Your Intention will Resonate through you and through the air around you like Sonic Boom. I am Spiritual. I am so Spiritual I am Universal. And I desire C-ASH. I would like to have so much of it that I can donate a Children's Hospital to a Favela. Listen to your Brothers; "You cannot make Matter" (even if its kinda late at night). However, "You can make make Agreements". After smoking it became very apparent of Who, Where and What we are rolling with. Realize you are NOT alone. You do have play - lots of it. So make your Agreements (be them requests, wishes or whatever) with Yourself and the Air around You. Use Dedication Not Capriciousness. Finish what you began. See to your chant. I had only one request and I made only one Agreement. I continually spoke it a loud and in Silence with Beautiful Intention and Clear Direction to Myself and the Air around Me. The Chanting of a Master Plan reduced to 2 words: "Do This". Simple, Potent, Spartan. AwarenessCosmic, what I asked for has been Done. A previously unattainable dream has become my tangible reality. In order to accomplish this Agreement it was as if the Smoke changed me first. I became more Flexible and so much Clearer. From Flexibility came broader Perspective. From Clarity came greater Wisdom. I was afforded an Availability to Maneuver within my life more Optimally. Is this the "Power" you referenced? We are here to work it and this Earth, Our IGlobe is Middle Path. If there is a Mechanism to the Law of Attraction it is INTENTION. Get good at that first. It will be the foundation for not just Agreements by all of your Spiritual Work. I did exactly as you instructed. 1 - I thought of my desires (C-ASH) 2 - I wrote them on my mind (As Agreements) 3 - I smoked Conclusion - It got done. Honor the Game and it will Honor You back. Honor The Game And It Will Honor You Back
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1689 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 18-Apr-2015
Enoon: It is because every thing you have ever desired, has a state of being beind it. Every-thing is one thing, one thing is you, you are a being. Thankyou, AwarenessCosmic, For reflecting the message that I sent out to the cosmos; Thankyou for bringing it back to me. shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
shoe, the idea of oneness certainly seems to be one possible way to see everything, but for me a bit too... reductionistic and primitive to fixate on solely. Oneness has no structure, no complexity and I see all around me the striving for higher complexity, higher order, and higher awareness. Certainly the cosmic unity must be realized and integrated into the evolving evolution but also must the diversity and the separate parts that make the whole and by their separateness create the beautiful interplay of energies flowing and manifesting this world. There seems to be a reason we are not one amorphous conscious being - the cosmos seems to be realizing itself through holographic division, through multiplicity, through randomness and emergence IMO. They say, anyone who thinks he has understood quantum mechanics hasn't understood quantum mechanics. I often think the same thing goes for enlightenment. I understand the need for intentions set to a trip but as I said above the real motivation for me is never so clear cut. I sometimes write pages down of what I am going through and only after the journey realize which points were worked upon, if any. Sometimes it takes me somewhere else, sometimes it gives me what I need even though I didn't know it or intend it. sometimes it gives me nothing. sometimes it takes. It's all part of working with these things. and despite what you may think, other psychedelics seem to work well for this kind of work as well. Though I guess you being enlightened and all, already have your opinion made. I wish you well. Enoon Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 49 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 18-Jul-2011
I am in a very young stage of working with the magic. but i like the post as it essentially points to "intention" which is a good starting place any type of learning. it doesnt strike me as a ground breaking exercise and im not sure how it will relate in the space but i'll give it a go! im a little weary of anyone saying they have been enlightened for many years. sounds like a joke, i think many people have had moments of enlightenment or perhaps better moments of awareness.. but living it constantly? i wouldn't delude yourself. either way you seem to have a good heart. Enoon - very much liked your reply. Quetzalcoatl supreme letting off steam, Dimethyltryptamine make a man dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW6HVNuJD64
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Posts: 69 Joined: 01-Dec-2010 Last visit: 29-Aug-2011
Yo CosmicAwareness, Enlightenment gets broader and clearer as you further your studies. I am just so amazed that the potential for real Enlightenment is Chemically available to anyone who dares the smoke. There are those of us who are slower learners than others. Who cares because Eventually DMT will act to shake the the shit from off ya. You can resist. You will fight. But eventually you will get Knocked Out by the Heavy Weight Champion Of the Universe - DMT. Those who are not Enlightened can achieve Enlightenment. Those like CosmicAwareness who have "Enlightenment" can see how far their Understanding Extends and Encompasses. And those who are straight up Connected can go out an Play. So my advice to you CosmicAwareness is to keep up with the Sacred Chemisty. So even if you are all Enlightened and shit like everyone says you are. You can and should still work to infuse it maximally in your life. Then if you still want to you can go hardcore. But no matter what you do, DO NOT SMOKE TO GET HIGH. OMG I hate those people! This is the place for Enlightened people, such as yourself to further their Enlighenend studies and hopefully Enlightened Practices. My advice to you is simple. Keep practicing. Keep Smoking. Hard to go wrong if you put any real effort into it. You can do that can't you CosmicAwareness? CosmicAwareness, I apologize for giving you some roasting. There was blood in the water and I couldn't resist taking some shots at you. Its all Good. Honor The Game And It Will Honor You Back
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 32 Joined: 03-Jan-2011 Last visit: 19-Mar-2011 Location: City of Angels
I consider it all constructive criticism and I'm not offended, It seems more like you just are telling me what is up, to help me go in the correct direction.( it is the " The Nexus Nursery" and I am a totally new to this) What I mean by enlightenment is that I felt a shift in energy many years and now understand life in a way which I feel is better in a sense, to be even more clear not in a religious way, but just the truth, the funny thing is though... life as I know it is still a big f**king mystery to me lol It is what it is
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 69 Joined: 01-Dec-2010 Last visit: 29-Aug-2011
What are your practices. This Enlightenment that you talk about. How did it go down. What happened? I think I might know a way to increase ones chances of Enlightenment. Look here, You can ask me anything. I got good Intel. Some people here got loads of Intel Honor The Game And It Will Honor You Back
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1369 Joined: 22-Jan-2010 Last visit: 07-Mar-2014
Time and time again, the recurring message that I get with spice is; the only thing I am supposed to "do", is willingly walk the path that the universe has already set out for me. The message I get is that life unfolds all by itself. When the time comes for action, I'll know. The only thing I can do is go forth with love and acceptance, and the spice encourages me to have the "serenity to accept things I cannot change,: the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". The message I get is that acceptance of God IS walking the path, IS doing everything I can to make the world a better place, and give peace to my soul. The hard part is that the universe may have plans that I do not want. My job is to accept whatever path is laid out for me. I have found that selflessly giving up my will and allowing the will of the universe, is what unlocks the love of God. That's one of the secrets of life, as I see it.
There have been times in pharma trips when I am communicating with something that I can only describe as divine. And when I ask that divinity, "what do you want from me? Is there anything you want me to do?". I get the same answer everytime. The divine tells me, "no, there is nothing specifically I want or need you to do. You are totally free to make your own choices in life. The only thing you can do is accept the path I have already laid out for you. Do so, and life in accordance with my will is its own reward. Do so not, and a life disconnected from divinity is its own punishment."
With that there is a great outpouring of love, and the divine tells me, "if you want to do something, just take that love you feel now and take it with you in your life. Remember it. Think of it the next time you feel frustrated or angry. Remember that love. Remember your small place in the universe and that your life lies in the hands of the divine. Remember that you do not own life, and your only job is to accept your path." The divine tells me that unconditional love is its own reward. It doesn't necessarily reward with thanks or plaques or money, or careers or health or abundance. It rewards with a grateful fulfilled spirit and a warm heart. Disconnection from divine love results in a sense of lacking, despite abundance, health, money, and recognition. And unfortunately, many souls out there do not even realize that they are punishing themselves by willfully separating from the divine.
So, what I get from my trips is that while it is nice to have get money, or get a good career or relationship or whatever, it is all beside the point. Allowing unconditional love is its own reward, and it is the greatest reward. That's the message I get, anyway.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1369 Joined: 22-Jan-2010 Last visit: 07-Mar-2014
۩ wrote:What if instead of asking beings, you asked yourself for help? That's actually what you're doing, anyway. Realizing this is just a short cut.
And no, we can't create matter. That's not exactly how it works! :]
Believing there are others (entities/angels/aliens/whatever) out there who look after us and care for us is a very old and common archetype that is even popping up here in some DMT users. Believing in these kinds of things tends to make one feel...special :] Interesting thoughts. However, surely there must be some way to discuss on a mddle ground of some kind. Although I believe (at least in my waking state) that the things I see in hyperspace are projections of self, and not other beings, I have also directly experienced entities and spirits as if they were something "other" than self. What to do with this situation? There is a bit of a disconnect between belief and experience. I don't think people should immediately turn off as soon as they read "spirits" or entities. The nature of our very existence is to have a sense of self and other when we all exist in the same universe. Our bodies are made of the exact same stuff as everything else out there, and yet we call our bodies self and other stuff.... other stuff. We have dreams in which we encounter others and talk to them as if they are really there, and yet we know, only after making the transition to wakefullness, that the beings we encountered in dreams were entirely manifestations of self, not really there. I wouldn't think it delusional or absurd at all to have a dream of some of spirit guide and ask that spirit guide for guidance in life. It is no different than self inquiry. Maybe that spirit guide just represents a part of yourself that knows what is right, but is afraid to walk that path because it's difficult and noble and takes work. However, I would agree that people who tend to take dreams and hyperspace literally are prone to believing certain things. Perhaps prone to believing that non physical realms have impact in this physical plane. The same phenomenon happens with many religions and superstitious folks. As for me, I tend to think of ALL things as occuring within one being. Things appear to be separate, but aren't. My brain makes a distinction between things that are of my body and mind, and things that are not. My brain makes that distinction between my body and my computer. The tricky thing is though, my brain also makes that same distinction between self and other even on things that are self. Dreams are an example. Why does the brain tell me that I'm talking to other people when I go to sleep when it's entirely chatting with itself? Perhaps this thing we call self is just as much an illusion as what we call other, or entities...... and the only "real" thing is the space that everything occurs within.
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Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
Very nice post Apoc, I find that all experiences should be viewed from multiple perspectives. We as humans seem to be much more multi-faceted than we allow for in our interpretation of these special experiences. When something happens to us it touches us on so many levels at once, it only makes sense to look at the implications on each of these levels separately and then integrate them together, rather than just choose the one that feels the most plausible. Entities or spirits can be seen from a magical/mythical perspective as really there, guiding, luring, misguiding, teaching etc. Whatever positive or negative that we gain from looking at them like this is real to us. On another level, say the psychological one entities could be viewed as shadow-aspects of ourselves that are not fully integrated into what we call our conscious self. They affect us like alien forces because we are not aware of these motions within ourselves. On another level we could believe that entities are higher aspects of ourselves that we are only slowly becoming aware of and merging into as we evolve; that these experiences in a way give rise and life to these structures within ourselves but they are perceived as *other* for various reasons, like simply not being used to them or them not being fully connected to the *normal* patterns of our minds. I'm sure there are more levels, countless ones probably from which one can view an experience with entities. Even things like *this and this happened to me in the past few days and was reflected in a dream-like fashion in my experience, manifesting itself as entities* are valuable ways to look at things. But I find none of these alone are sufficient. Only when taken together does the experience fully unfold its power upon my being and I can work on all levels with what I was shown. Now as for enlightenment, xebiche and AwarenessCosmic, both of you seem to have a very strong idea of what it is, and frankly this scares me. It's all a bit absolutistic for my taste. In my experience there seems to be no absolute truth and no final awakening. The state of gnosis or enlightenment to me is no state at all, but a continuous process of overcoming what is old and emerging into something new; incessant transmorphology. In that sense I could never really define what enlightenment is, because it changes from one moment to the next, and I could never say that I am enlightened because this implies some kind of steady-state which IMO there just isn't. For now I cultivate and transmutate the energies of life. I *am* nothing; I become... Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction