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Salvia Ingredient Studied As Medical Treatment Options
#1 Posted : 1/3/2011 2:48:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pretty interesting NPR audio segment talking about the research aspects of salvia divinorum. Mentions kappa opiods vs. mu opioids. Says salvia might have a psychological toxicity (???). Also says that salvia has a depressive aspect which could be useful in therapy (it could counteract the mania of manic depression).

I've never experienced a depressive quality of salvia.
But all in all, an interesting 'post Miley' news blurb.

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#2 Posted : 1/3/2011 5:39:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The line: "There's a long history of trying to turn mind altering drugs like LSD into something that would be useful for therapies." is very telling. It sets the obvious tone for the story, which is: Those silly scientists! The thing is that nobody ever had to do ANYTHING to LSD to TURN it into something useful. Same with MDMA. The studies done with psilocybin were done with psilocybin as far as I know. Not altered psilocybin. Strategies for using the drugs had to be developed... whatever. This drives me nuts. NPR is turning into fox imo.

As far as "psychological toxicity" goes, that sounds like jargon to me. I could be wrong, I don't have a degree in psychology. Just sounds like cya scaremongering to me. How could you measure psychological toxicity? Probably the same way you measure love or happiness.

I'm glad scientists are interested in this drug, but still...
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Simplistic Randamonium
#3 Posted : 1/5/2011 10:44:00 AM

random root

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i cant agree more.
with out referenced sitations and the lack of ANYTHING other than the statment its self to support it.
to my knowledge salvia has a very long history of traditional use and crazy monkeys like me have been smokin tryin to figue it out because although most often terrafied, we got the feeling that there was "somthing" usfull to be had with this insta WTF!

i have only been convinced that w/o priors, meaning history of, only pcp seems to put u out there and ditch u like an unwanted litter of puppys out in the country.
sorry, took one last hit and did not come back.
this happend to a friend i had in high school and being so close to an event like this really put me in my place at the time, even if only a short time...

any body disagree?

if u made it this far you are a champ, and although we may never meet you are also my friend.
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