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What are your intentions? Options
#1 Posted : 12/21/2010 10:56:28 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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Why do you seek DMT, if at all? Do you seek enlightenment? Healing? Wisdom? Strength? Entertainment? Inspiration? Solutions? I'm really curious as to why everyone else uses DMT. For me, I'm not nearly as interested in what happens during the experience as what happens afterward. Words seem to come to mind more easily and there is a lightness in my pace after a good psychedelic session. So I guess that my intentions would fall somewhere between healing and strength.

Please discuss, I want to know why everyone chooses to partake.
Every tool is dangerous when misused. That is no reason not to use tools.
Isn't it strange that a gift can be an enemy?

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 12/21/2010 11:29:34 PM

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Here are two relevant threads you might be interested in.


I dont mean to cut the discussion though, feel free to continue it here Smile
#3 Posted : 12/21/2010 11:36:37 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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Embarrased Will do.
Every tool is dangerous when misused. That is no reason not to use tools.
Isn't it strange that a gift can be an enemy?
#4 Posted : 12/22/2010 5:58:28 AM


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I seek enlightenment, and to understand reality more. Why are we here, and what is the purpose of our existence.

Also, I had a friend that accidentally shot himself in front of me. The thing I would most like DMT to do for me is to allow me to make contact with him. I'm not even sure if that is really possible, but it is definitely my best chance.
#5 Posted : 12/22/2010 7:26:00 AM
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I would like to know for what reason have I been obsessed over this for some time now. I have never taken dmt but have tried shrooms and acid. It is defienately something unknown but strangely familiar too. I feel right now, sober, as if I am supposed to do something, Almost like we are running out of time and I must do my part. I am able to feel the energy but its like I'm blind. Probably just blocking my self mentally. But its only become natural i guess. Its like theirs this gate guarded by demons and just terrifying, unimaginable things, and it seems impossible to walk through. But once you do, everything is perfect, it once again seems unknown but at the sametime you feel that you've been here before. You've just forgot, and remember that even though the gate seems impossible even FRIGHTENING which is most of our problems, ego. That once through you remember this from the past and it's like riding a bike, their's nothing to fear about it. So at least that is what helps me break through when my ego, pride get in the way. Has anyone else felt this way.
#6 Posted : 12/22/2010 8:07:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think of dmt and other psychedelics as a catalyst for change... and change is what we are and need. This can mean healing but also (r)evolution.

Also I think of them as tools for self exploration and disclosure. This can go to any depth one is willing to go - psycho-spiritual epiphanies, working through traumas, finding out hidden motivations or inhibitions etc.

Also (and this is really more part of the catalyst for change - but that's so general) they are, for me, tools and catalysts for paradigm shifts, for switching reality tunnels and seeing structures and connections that were not previously perceivable.

Finally my motivation for anything is (or should be) personal and cosmic growth, cultivation of light, and compassion, and of course curiosity and wonder. However I am not free of negativity and desperation so sometimes they too play into the mix.

Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#7 Posted : 12/22/2010 8:24:01 AM

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I like them because every so often i need to be brought down to size, deflate my ego, learn, and then afterwards, use this to help make other people happy. Its almost like a surrender myself as a vessel to the plant teachers, i become almost a messenger of the love and understanding of the plants. I think the most important thing they give me is the power to spread love to all the people around me Smile They re-align my path to helping others, and tell my self-centered ego to go take a hike. dunno how or why, or really anything, but all i know is it makes me and other people that are around me happy, so that is why i incorporate them into my life.
#8 Posted : 1/2/2011 9:18:34 AM

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Direct connection allows us to be unto our core essence, our distinct energy body. I go to the field sometimes out of simple obligation to Honor a visit to where I am Pure. That being said, the intention I roll with is PLAY. It yields me openness. It is heartcore, not fear based. It is the best way to push the limits while not bieng offensive. With play the field is leveled. This is the area where we can reciprocate. Play is the best way you can vibrate like they vibrate without them reminding you to "let go, let go". Go "By Feel", Go Play.
Honor The Game And It Will Honor You Back
#9 Posted : 1/2/2011 1:29:08 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Newfound_wonder wrote:
Why do you seek DMT, if at all? Do you seek enlightenment? Healing? Wisdom? Strength? Entertainment? Inspiration? Solutions? I'm really curious as to why everyone else uses DMT. For me, I'm not nearly as interested in what happens during the experience as what happens afterward. Words seem to come to mind more easily and there is a lightness in my pace after a good psychedelic session. So I guess that my intentions would fall somewhere between healing and strength.

Please discuss, I want to know why everyone chooses to partake.

Same here, i have almost no interest in meeting entities or seeing any kind of visions... psychedelics ime are tools of purification, its all about the emotion, insight and that pure space.

#10 Posted : 1/2/2011 1:59:41 PM

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For me, purification and exploration
#11 Posted : 1/2/2011 2:08:22 PM


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To row the boat of being toward ecstasy.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#12 Posted : 1/2/2011 10:54:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I keep being drawn back to the idea of psychodelics and DMT seems to be the one that makes the most sense for me. although I haven't done it in over a year it has changed my life incredibly in just the 3 times I did it.
이 사람은 진짜 사람 안입니다. 모든 포스트들 가짜 입니다.
Simplistic Randamonium
#13 Posted : 1/3/2011 2:05:08 AM

random root

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i am searching for personal meaning and enlightenment, why do i feel that "Matrix" feeling of unreality....
i am soon to be a father and am seeking personal answers to questions relating to self doubt
and my need to over come my low se1festeem issues... anxiety issues...
the list goes on so i guess i would say my intensions fall into personal growth.
i am soon to be resposible for a life who wil impact other lives...
i am litteraly overwhelmed to tears thinking of this great responsibility...
am i ready for this?
yes my wife and i pland this but i am still scared and my history tends to make me think badly of myself....

i guess i feel like where countless therapist's have faild, that these ancient plant teachers may show me how to love myself and be a good father.

but thats just this 27 year old....
if u made it this far you are a champ, and although we may never meet you are also my friend.
#14 Posted : 1/3/2011 6:11:09 AM

john muenkel

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A few months back, a buddy of mine said he had an interesting video to show me. it turned out to be the infamous Joe Rogan video.
being me, naturally, i took a great interest in DMT after watching it. and I started researching it extensively. (thus, being the reason i'm now here).
some of the stories i've read on this site are incredibly inspiring to me. and i'd really like to try it. but.... i have no way of obtaining it. anybody know where, or how i can get DMT!?Shocked
#15 Posted : 1/3/2011 8:35:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Extract it!
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#16 Posted : 1/3/2011 8:56:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pure meditation.
DMT takes me out of my current prospective, lifting me above my body and soul,
granting me the abillity to seek beyond.
DMT throws me up there and lets me see both holes and mountains in my being.
When i land back to earth i feel as if i just walked out of the best shower
combind with the best sleep that a being can be awaken from.

Well my friend i think your just at the right place Smile
The production of this amazing energising healing cristal isnt that hard at all once you get the makings,
and judging from your location that isnt supposed to be a prob.
I would suggest you check out the Wiki, specificly Noman's tek.

happy journeys Smile
Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope - FatFreedy
Better make your own huh fredrick Smile
#17 Posted : 1/3/2011 7:29:48 PM

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I just want to expose myself to things that are different than what I can experience here in this reality. Out of the motivations listed in the OP, I'd choose "all of the above".

Even after it's over, it's something to really think about.
#18 Posted : 1/5/2011 8:45:45 AM

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Initially, my desire with this substance was very simply to experience the alien reality that is so often described. I wanted to meet the entities and see what the self-transforming machine elves had to say. Without having had a full "breakthrough" in my limited experience with the spice so far, my intentions with it have changed. Now it seems to be more valuable to me as a mirror, my second experience led me to some very interesting insight on my own psyche and my relationship with the people around me (and my perception of the universe itself).

Essentially, I approached spice with the intentions of looking out but found myself looking in.
Everything contained in this post is for entertainment purposes only and should in no way be construed as condoning illegal activity or suggesting that I have performed said illegal activity no matter how profound or enlightening said illegal activity may in fact be.
#19 Posted : 1/5/2011 11:34:42 AM

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kephra wrote:
I approached spice with the intentions of looking out but found myself looking in.

i can realy relate to that.
Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope - FatFreedy
Better make your own huh fredrick Smile
#20 Posted : 1/5/2011 8:32:59 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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itiel wrote:
Pure meditation.
When i land back to earth i feel as if i just walked out of the best shower
combind with the best sleep that a being can be awaken from.

I feel that
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