I'm also interested in all the rest you have to say - even if it's all just commentary to what you've already told us in your first post. I like the "taste" of your ideas.
hipal wrote:The connected entity that we all are is trying to figure out how to let go of the fear that there is nothing beyond this existence.
This dual nature of the entity perplexed me for a long time. On one hand, it is dreaming the world, on the other, it wants to wake up from it. As far as I know, the Hindu tradition knows about this, and explains it with the Shiva-Shakti dyad, where Shakti uses Shiva's white light energy to create the illusion of maya. Shakti entices Shiva to go to sleep, while Shiva constantly strives to remember what was lost in this process. Shakti transforms Shiva and pours it all outwards into manifestation (nature), while Shiva has this innate tendency to pull it back-, in- and upwards, back to its source form, so that it may become enlightened again.
I think the primary fear stems from my inability to hold the two extremes at once in my mind. I as a human being cannot fathom how Shiva could be woken up from the dream without Shakti's empire (nature and all of creation) going out of the window in the same moment. I sense that if I just give in to enlightenment (let go), by that I in a sense kill Shakti and this prospect is very frightening (there is tremendous responsibility attached to it). I was always looking for a solution where I can have the cake and eat it too, where Shiva can become enlightened in the world, as the world, while still being it. I imagine a solution where the divine energy in its clearest form lights up the whole world (itself) as a fractal Christmas tree. Which would probably mean something like the beginnings of paradise on Earth.