Let me first state that's this is going back well over a year and my memories are a little vague...
First to dosing: I made a 1:1 enhanced leaf with MJ and would generally use scales to add 10mg of enhanced leaf "a tiny amount" to a little bit of Mj already in the bong (just enough MJ already in the bong to block the hole and stop the enhanced leaf from falling straight though.. Def try to use as little leaf as possible for the enhanced leaf as the smoke is so harsh and dense that you want as little as possible to be able to hold in....
I would have 2, 3 or 4 of these over the course of 5-10 mins... & Holding your breath as long as possible really makes a HUGE difference... 10 - 20 seconds.... So I'm guessing I was getting anywhere from 5-20 mg of Bufo to start a session...
The effects of bufo go through very specific stages for me
+ 10 mins ish
Pins and needles at the back of the neck and spreading to the head, very tactile and can be very pleasurable. (nausea can be present at this point)
05 - 15 mins ish
CEV start with a flowing moving background, almost like a blanket in the wind which strobes with quick rainbow flashes, these can be so bright and usually the brightness of these flashes indicates if I got a suitable enough dose..
10 - 15 mins +
At this point if the dose was large enough the rainbow flashes can just tear open and then it's the centre of a black hole all rules are off type state, very different from DMT geometry or breakthrough & i normally only stay conscious for a few mins after a breakthrough happens then I just kinda drift into a dream/trance like state and then snap out of it later with only a few memories of what occurred & the usual sense of bewilderment!

I've only had a handful of these experiences & I doubt I've even scratched the surface of bufo space... In the future I'll definitely be going back as combining with caapi is on my to-do list....
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous" - TMK