Ok, first of all, I'd like to say I haven't touched DMT in exactly a week now. Earlier today, I took a nap and had my first recollection of what I would call a "dream within a dream". I was dreaming and all of a sudden I was woken up my brother. I was quite enjoying the dream I was having so I was frustrated by the fact that he woke me up by "fiddling" around my room. I yelled at him to leave, my face still in the pillow as I returned to dreaming. As I went back into the dream I was seeing a variety of colors, more like a trip than a dream and I had this very real feeling of being seized by some force. I didn't take it too seriously. When I woke up again later, it occurred to me that it might have been the first time I was really waking from this nap. When I asked my brother if he was in my room earlier he had no idea what I was talking about. When I was telling one of my friend's this story earlier, he insisted that my brother was probably screwing with me. I doubted it, but accepted that it could have been true...until now.
I ate some ice cream a few hours before going to sleep. It did not sit very well in my stomach. I was hoping to be able to simply fall asleep and wake up in the morning without the nausea I was experiencing, but when I laid down I quickly realized that was not in the cards. I got up, went to the bathroom, my stomach already convulsing on the way there, and puked up this thin pink liquid. Haven't puked from food in ages (can't say the same for pharma and aya related incidents

). I'm not sure if this whole vomiting thing had anything to do with what I'm about to describe, but I figured I'd throw it in there.
I had a dream I was in my old college apartment. College students (didn't recognize any of them but they treated me like I was at the very least acquainted with them) filed into my house over the course of a period of time. They were there to see one of my room mates. For whatever reason, these "guests" started to take up places to sleep throughout the apartment. I wasn't exactly sure why, but didn't really care...at first. Because I assumed it to be late with everyone going to sleep (or trying to go to sleep) around me, I decided to go lay down in my room and what ensued was not fun. I felt some force seize me, effectively paralyzing me. I felt one of our guests (this was unseen as my face was in the pillow) attempting to stick his finger in my ass. I was very uncool with this. I began to try and bite his leg, but with little success. I managed (or thought I managed) to wake myself from this dream where I was again lying in bed in my room. I tried to get up, but I was once again thrown into a seizure of sorts. It was quite scary and quite unpleasant. I managed to get up and wander over to my computer to try and listen to some music I had just downloaded, but the seizures would regularly take hold. I was becoming better and better at moving under their influence, but it was quite difficult and still quite alarming. I would be trying to listen to the music and I would be caught in the seizure and as I tried to listen for music, I would hear none. I blamed it on the seizure but it was most likely cause I was simply still dreaming and there was no music really playing to begin with. As I sat at my laptop, I tried googling my problem whilst it persisted with no luck. The dream of me in my room persisted a little bit more until I finally woke up for real. I was in my bed, covered in sweat, and glad to be back to a much safer reality. I should mention that (as far as I know) I am not epileptic and have never had a seizure of any kind. When I woke up, the first thing I did was to come to the computer to try and listen to music to calm me down, as I had in the dream, but instead opted to try and look up what the hell had just happened as I did in the dream. Google provided me with no answers, so I figured I would come here. I wanted to know if anyone else may have had a similar experience or may have some kind of insight into what happened. This is now twice in one day where I had some unseen forces paralyzing and shaking me in dreams in the context of these "dreams within dreams" that I've never had before. I've also never had sleep paralysis, but I'm not quite sure this qualifies anyway. Thoughts anyone?
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb