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Bufotenine IPA extract. It turned on me. Options
#1 Posted : 12/28/2010 2:52:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey all, trying to figure out what exactly happened with the IPA extract of bufo.

SWIM recently had a very successful trip using the IPA extraction tek and evaporating into some good herb(s) last week for which he experienced much visual warping and color intensity, beautiful CEV's. Best compared to a VERY strong mushroom journey. It was his first successful attempt with bufotenine and was very happy about it. He used up all his seeds and was left with A LOT of the raw extract in which he separated and prepared dosages with all the herb(s) he had, but was still left with a large heap of raw bufo extract. SWIM proceeded to place this material in a jar over the holiday weekend with the intention of gathering more herb(s) to evaporate this into.

SWIM returned today to find that the bufo has solidified considerably and is practically a glossy black color. He found this thread regarding bufotenine carbonate: https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=5108
Although his bufo never started off pure in the first place, it does look like it has turned into a glossy lump of coal.

Can anything be done with this? The plan was to initially restart the tek where he left off and then evaporate the rest of this material, but considering that it would require this material to be grounded up again, it seems like continuing with this tek from where he left off would be unwise. Would SWIM need to take extra steps like re-pulling bufo to restart this tek again?

Also, SWIM will most likely still have a considerable amount of material left over after preparing several more doses via evaporation (he used 1lb of a. colubrina seeds) and was wondering if he could prepare sublingual doses from what will be left.

Much gratitude!
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#2 Posted : 12/29/2010 9:58:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Also found this thread for cleaning IPA bufotenine: https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=9216
serenity now ...insanity later
#3 Posted : 12/29/2010 10:21:06 AM

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Ive only had some pretty failed experiences with bufo so cant really help you there, sorry Sad

The people who were mostly researching bufotenine, like jorkest, are not around often anymore.. Hope you do get some feedback though, or if you decide to do something on your own dont forget to share the results

Good luck!
#4 Posted : 12/29/2010 11:23:52 AM

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Yep, thats the problem with bufotenine.. It degrades/oxidise faster than any other typtamine I've ever seen..

If it's not kept in ideal conditions (cold/inert gas|argon/free from moisture) it will turn to black goo or shiny mass sometimes in less than a week.

I would recommend only ever freebasing a bit at a time (1g) and then evaping that onto some herbs straight away to make some enhanced leaf, I've had enhanced leaf last months this way with no noticiable loss in potentcy or any increased nausea, as I'm guessing somehow the plant structure protects it a lot better..

My advice would be to never knock up a large batch of crystals as they aint ever gonna last.

Oh & BTW, you'll be able to revover crystals again from the black shiny mass by just using the correct ratio of solvents again to once again clean it up.. ( 1 part acetone : 4 parts naphtha )

"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous" - TMK
#5 Posted : 12/29/2010 11:32:37 AM

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How sure are you that this black goo or shinny mass is actually innactive or bad in any way? Maybe its just some harmless external oxidation or similar, and the only reason the infused herbs seem to have a longer shelf-life is that you dont see that it is also harmlessly changing ad therefore arent being affected by it? Im not saying thats the case, as I said I got very little experience with bufo, just asking if you think its possible Smile
#6 Posted : 12/29/2010 7:33:35 PM

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I did try smoking the black goo once or twice and it caused quite considerable nausea so I never attempted it again, BUT even pure crystal on a FEW occasions have caused some nausea if the dose is to high and taken to fast & other factors can play a part as well ie. stomach contents.

So you are right, what I'm saying definitely isn't conclusive in any way at all, there simply a few observation by a mad man.. & personally I wouldn't trust myself as far as I couldn't throw me.... Smile It's just the enhanced leaf always appeared to be was smoke-able for quite some time longer with fewer side effects than the same bufo that was just left to turn to the infamous black shiny goo.

Also, remember you can get some of your crystals back from the black goo again but there will be a loss in yield & I never got round to doing the measurements on how much was lost, or even trying the removed product to see if that was active in anyway or was the cause of the nausea.

It would be good for more ppl to do work with this to find out exactly what is going on with bufo as these experiments were done quite some time ago...
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous" - TMK
#7 Posted : 12/29/2010 8:03:06 PM

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Thank you for the answer Smile

Do you measure doses when smoking? What method of smoking do you use, and how do you exactly go about it (big hits, or small hits spaced over some minutes, etc) ?

What kind of effects do you get from it?

Are the effects consistent? Do you always feel them? Did you feel since the first times, or you had to try a few times before feeling them?

When I have some time again I would like to give bufo another shot...
#8 Posted : 12/29/2010 11:13:16 PM

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Let me first state that's this is going back well over a year and my memories are a little vague... 

First to dosing: I made a 1:1 enhanced leaf with MJ and would generally use scales to add 10mg of enhanced leaf "a tiny amount" to a little bit of Mj already in the bong (just enough MJ already in the bong to block the hole and stop the enhanced leaf from falling straight though.. Def try to use as little leaf as possible for the enhanced leaf as the smoke is so harsh and dense that you want as little as possible to be able to hold in....

I would have 2, 3 or 4 of these over the course of 5-10 mins... & Holding your breath as long as possible really makes a HUGE difference... 10 - 20 seconds.... So I'm guessing I was getting anywhere from 5-20 mg of Bufo to start a session...

The effects of bufo go through very specific stages for me

+ 10 mins ish 

Pins and needles at the back of the neck and spreading to the head, very tactile and can be very pleasurable. (nausea can be present at this point)

05 - 15 mins ish

CEV start with a flowing moving background, almost like a blanket in the wind which strobes with quick rainbow flashes, these can be so bright and usually the brightness of these flashes indicates if I got a suitable enough dose..  

10 - 15  mins +

At this point if the dose was large enough the rainbow flashes can just tear open and then it's the centre of a black hole all rules are off type state, very different from DMT geometry or breakthrough & i normally only stay conscious for a few mins after a breakthrough happens then I just kinda drift into a dream/trance like state and then snap out of it later with only a few memories of what occurred & the usual sense of bewilderment! Smile

I've only had a handful of these experiences & I doubt I've even scratched the surface of bufo space... In the future I'll definitely be going back as combining with caapi is on my to-do list.... 
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous" - TMK
#9 Posted : 12/30/2010 1:27:13 AM

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Thanks a lot for the more detailed report! Would be interesting to find ways to counteract the nausea from bufo.. Maybe smoking some weed/eating chocolate to diminish vasoconstriction, and eating some ginger (though I have no idea if considering bufo is being smoked, the digestive system 5-ht3 inhibition helps in any way)
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