I'm Steve, I live Forest of Dean, in England. Great place to live, awesome to be outdoors experiencing nature when ingesting a mind altering substance!
Never tried DMT but I've been reading for some time and this seems like a great place to read about other peoples trips and opinions before I do, maybe IF I do, its not set in stone I will.
I have tried other things (I'm nearly 40); cannabis, cannabis yogurt, acid, magic mushrooms...bit of coke years ago. Not really looking to get "high" as such, though I suppose anything which opens doors in the mind is a sort of high, but either way I've always been of the opinion that life is short, we should enjoy it and not overly analyse or beat ourselves up about substance use, but just enjoy it party chill dont worry.
I've always been of the opinion there is something more out there,or somewhere, maybe DMT can confirm me right. Am also bit of a conspiracy theorist, so anything which gives me an enhanced or altered perception only fuels my theories more!
There are other things about me, I ride horses enjoy mountain biking and bit of a gadget freak but will tell more later : >
Will close by saying...
Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. Be Wise. Be Safe. Be Aware...