Hello friends,
I've taken DMT several times but have not yet broken through. First with tin foil(awful), then by sandwiching the spice between some herb and attempting to vaporize the spice with the heat of the burning herb with pleasing results, but I did not break through completely.
It was a wonderful experience but I know I have deeper to go.
So I've come to the conclusion that the most effective way I could ever do it would be to use a bubble vape stem that goes into a waterbong. I have a tendency to cough mid hit so this way I could take a giant dose all at once and force myself to hold it in.
I have a bong I made from a Vodka Bottle. I drilled a 5/8" hole for a stem/grommett. What I'm looking for is a vape bubble that I can use as a stem to go into the water, preferably one that's meant for this purpose and bent at an angle to accomodate. Does anyone know where to go to order such a thing?
I've looked around but without much success.