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#21 Posted : 12/23/2010 5:12:35 PM
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#22 Posted : 12/23/2010 5:24:15 PM

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Ok let me try to put it this way:

1- If there's anything that these substances (or life) has shown me over the years is that we know nothing. I find it weird how you seem so sure about everything, so confident and talking in absolute terms. I am not even sure that all of reality isnt an illusion created in a matrix kind of scenario, how can you be so sure of what other people in an internet forum are like, what psychedelics really mean, what eranik needs, what experience I have, etc etc?

2- What proof do you have that the dmt/psychedelic world is "real" ? (Note this question doesnt come with an answer from me, I simply dont know and it doesnt matter for me to be honest, check this thread for a thorough discussion on the subject. But if you act so confident about it, might as well show us the proof Pleased )

3- Regardless of what you are saying, the way you say it comes out (at least in my opinion, others should feel free to voice what they think) very confrontational, judgemental and disrespectful. This is directly against our attitude, which are our basic guidelines for behavior in this forum. If you are not happy with this, dont feel this is the place for you or dont want to respect our guidelines, feel free to leave.
#23 Posted : 12/23/2010 5:28:59 PM

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fwaggle wrote:
For all the psychedelic use that is prevalent among the people of this forum not one of them is prepared to deal with the real power of these substances. This thread is proof of just that.

To me the idea of recreational use of psychedelics is horrendous. Does anyone realize that DMT+Harmala actually takes a man's whole being away to another world? The physical body becomes useless and meaningless for all practical purposes in that place. This includes the mind and all the experiences it has stored.

It is quite clear that no one here really knows what they are doing. It would be bliss if someone proved me wrong.

Please unleash everything you've got to pound this idiot (me) back into his place.
Please someone help Eranik.


I actually tend to agree with your first statement – no one can be “prepared” for certain DMT experiences. It just isn’t possible. But most of the people of this forum already know that, so what’s your point in restating the obvious?

Many (most?) members of this forum are not recreational users of DMT. At all but lower sub-breakthrough dosage levels, it would be very hard to call DMT “recreational”. And most experienced users of DMT are very familiar with OBEs. So once again, you’re simply stating the obvious. Apparently you haven’t read very many posts yet. If you had, you would understand things better.

In a practical, technical sense, many members of this forum know exactly what they’re doing. In a deeper, philosophical or spiritual sense, it might be true that no one here (or anywhere else) really knows what they’re doing. But that’s just the nature of existence, and not specific to DMT use or members of this forum.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#24 Posted : 12/23/2010 5:38:50 PM
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#25 Posted : 12/23/2010 5:48:55 PM
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#26 Posted : 12/23/2010 5:59:04 PM


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Speaking from personal experience, I think believing one is a shaman in todays society is like believing one is a viking at the super market.
We must adapt, and evolve.

If you want to administer illegal substances to people in circles of old traditions and pose as a guide/healer/shaman then be my guest. There's actually good money in it right now. It blows my mind that some of these "ayahuasqeros" charge 250$+ for a cup of freaking ayahuasca touring around the united states.

I have no community to serve (unless you count the entirety of the human race). I have no spirits (or sky people) to contact and dance with all night singing visible songs to. It is just me, the mysteries of consciousness, and the keys that flip the mode. (and you, hello)

I learned on my own, and by following the paths carved out by those before me, who have logged their foot steps in precision.
I have gone mad over trying to realize how to be a shaman. I did so until I realized this dream was bunk.
I am who I am, without any labels necessary. I could successfully administer and guide, but I don't want to.
I can see into your soul and know through harmonic vibrations what and where needs work. Whether it's physical, or mental.
These abilities and experiences can act as a double edged sword. For instance, the empathy I now experience at all times can induce extreme pain. This is just one example, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Deeper is better, if you ask me.
I have realized there are greater, more legal, and more scientific ways to go about these things than shamanism has to offer our rapidly evolving society.

Through minimalization, one can see the entirety of the whole.
Hence why my first post was so short.

I have been where this man is now.
Truly, all it takes is some meditation, relaxation, letting go, focusing your energy and importance elsewhere.
There are no spirits. The spirits are us.
You will literally go batshit insane trying to believe in them, contact them, etc-
Let it go.

You are you. You've been shown another layer. That's all.
Consciousness and the imagination are some of the most powerful things we have in our entire reality, and we don't even nearly understand it.

Shamanism is a perfect system for those living in places like the amazon, or the bwiti iboga tribes,
but come on. Things are different now.

Many of us here have bits and pieces of what one could consider to be shamanic traits, but we are just people.

People who go from mode to mode. In one moment im a chef, the other moment, a lover. Then I'm a musician, and then I'm just sleeping.
And then, on those rare special occasions, when we're all sitting around a fire, and I appear to be the alpha of the group, maybe, just maybe, you could call me a shaman.
and I'd smile....knowing the roles we embody from time to time.

A person is a person just as much as they are every mode they spin through.

In other words. Give it time, you'll be fine.
You're playing with fire that has the ability to burn the most ridiculous delusions into your psyche.
Fight fire with fire, and burn whoever you once were to the ground.
Solve et coagula. Destroy to recreate.

We are reborn with clean slates. Let us not taint them with anchors.

#27 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:11:26 PM
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#28 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:13:10 PM

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Very nice post house Pleased
#29 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:19:03 PM


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"@house: To me a shaman is nothing more than someone who navigates the other world and (optionally) brings back knowledge for the masses. Some people are more fit for such a task and they will come by the means for such exploration without the slightest intention."

If you comprehended my post, you would know that a shaman is just a mode that we all can embody from time to time.
Even shamans are sometimes not shamans.
To lump a person into a soul label is ineffective.

The OP will be perfectly fine.
I used to curse DMT for what it did to me.
Now I fucking love it ;]

olympus mon
#30 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:23:13 PM

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fwaggle wrote:

It is quite clear that no one here really knows what they are doing. It would be bliss if someone proved me wrong.

Please unleash everything you've got to pound this idiot (me) back into his place.

wow thats a bold statement. on what grounds have you determined this?

you wanted both barrels here ya go,
your arrogance is from a place of delusional grandeur. this is not the first time someone with your inflated views of themselves and others feel the need to chime in with a condescending attitude. you not an original, not by a long shot. your just another whack job taking somethings far too serious and others things not serious enough. the fact that you think you are the only one that can "save" this original poster is pretty funny. i would not trust you with a sick hamster let alone a sick person.

basically your full of shit and all the fancy esoteric words dont hide that.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#31 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:27:34 PM
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#32 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:29:34 PM
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#33 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:32:08 PM


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DMT has the potential to do that. I now don't need to take DMT because I permanently bridged the gap, so of course I understand.
I don't take any drugs though.

What the OP needs is time. Time to think, and meditate. The OP is the only person who can help himself. We can only offer our perspectives, and that sometimes can be very helpful. I know, because the nexus helped me a lot when I needed it.
But in the end, it was me that made the decision to grow up and be strong, and let go of that which was menacing me into delusions.

#34 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:40:38 PM
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#35 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:42:08 PM

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fwaggle wrote:
This is already more than I could have hoped for.

Thank you everyone. Very happy


This post along with the fact Fwaggle has only ever posted relating to eraniks posts seems a little odd to me. im not saying you are the same person aiming to provoke some sort of response.. but something about this whole thread seems a bit off.
Quetzalcoatl supreme letting off steam, Dimethyltryptamine make a man dream

#36 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:43:52 PM

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Guagua wrote:
This post along with the fact Fwaggle has only ever posted relating to eraniks posts seems a little odd to me. im not saying you are the same person aiming to provoke some sort of response.. but something about this whole thread seems a bit off.

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#37 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:44:33 PM


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It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this is a troll thread.
#38 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:46:17 PM
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#39 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:46:26 PM

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wow, what is going on here?

fwaggle, may I suggest you consider using e-prime in your posts? They will come over much less *i know it all*-like if you make it clear that you are simply stating your own oppinion (by using 'it seems to me this is so and so' rather than saying 'this is so and so'Pleased.
Also I find it unlikely that you know all of us in this forum, know how deep we've gone and our experiences, but your posts quite clearly seem like you think you do. Perhaps you have some interesting points but I think most people that read your posts will just feel you are being hostile and unpleasant and it will be hard to find any valuable points for discussion in them for most.

Now reading this thread I still don#t really know what you are trying to get at. I have to agree with house on the whole Shaman thing. There are many ways to look at things, taking *the other side* at face value, stating it is real and has a specific effect and a benefit is a bit too linear for my taste and for my experience. Doing nothing with the experiences we have of course would be a waste, but I also find it is impossible to do nothing with them, because our mind will work with them whether we like it or pursue it consciously or not.
Of course there are more active ways of trying to *do* something with what you've experienced, but also psychedelics aren't some kind of vending machine, where you throw in a few molecules and a few hours and you get out a soda can of divine juice, enlightenment or spirit healing jedi super powers. There isn't always a clear take-home message or a discrete gain from an experience. To me, all is part of a process, an unravelling of many different layers and levels. The complexity of our existence is immense and I find your ideas of what we as users should be as opposed to what you seem to think we are a bit too narrow, and maybe a bit too naive. As endless stated above, we don't really know anything. And I think most of us here are trying to do our best in navigating through this world - this world containing both hyperspace and real space, or more generally speaking all experiential-realities.

So please try to lower the hostility level here.

Much love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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#40 Posted : 12/23/2010 6:47:08 PM

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fwaggle wrote:

The fact that he un-intentionally stumbled across DMT and got where he is now after only one "breakthrough" is indication of an impersonal force guiding men's acts.

Or it could be indication of a serious medical problem, i.e. HPPD.

What is defined as a permanent breakthrough or transformation of self to one person is HPPD to another. He's made it clear that he isn't okay with this persistent tripping-balls state. He doesn't like it. It's interfering with his life. It's making him unhappy(!!!) so I just don't think it's fair to automatically assume this is a good thing for him and tell him to simply adjust to this new state like he's the chosen one or something. He reacted with the drug this way because of something to do with his biology, nothing more nothing less. It's like he decided to take a vacation to somewhere completely different to get some new perspectives but now he can't return.

It doesn't matter if others have sweated blood to get to what he's experiencing(basically permatripConfused) because this isn't what he wants. So I really don't see how advising him to dig deeper and take more of what got him in this situation in the first place is going to help better his situation.

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