as well as some interesting ideas on isolating the two alkaloids. happy reading.
In a nutshell the nitrate of Harmaline (or equimolar quantities of freebase and nitric acid) is heated with an excess of HCl in alcohol, the Nitrate reacts with the alcohol resulting in the evolution of an ether (boiling) and the Harmaline is simultaneously reduced to Harmine. which precipitates from solution upon cooling.
for nitric acid, think fertilizer and drain cleaner
2 NaNO3 + H2SO4 → 2 HNO3 + Na2SO4
Almost pure nitric acid can be made by adding sulfuric acid to a nitrate salt, and heating the mixture with an oil bath. A condenser is used to condense the nitric acid fumes that bubble out of the solution. (or they could be vented using a rubber hose or simply done out of doors but don't forget the googles, gloves and apron)