Thanks for the warm welcomes you guys! Enoon i couldnt have said it better myself, it really is interesting how positive energies interact, its almost like we're all water-spiders skipping across the surface of a pond radiating ripples all around us, colliding, resonating.. its beautiful.
Endlesssness, yes, i researched for quite some time and then in summer of 2009 i preformed my first extraction, a standard STB w/ sodium carb wash & freeze precip. Needless to say i was really blown away. I had an idea of the intensity because i had eaten very high doses of mushrooms before, and smoked salvia which is similar in its rapid intensity, however i still knew that it was going to blow even those out of the water.
I had some amazing light filled experiences, and also some rather hectic ones, but overall like any psychedelic to me, i got exactly what i needed from them with a little searching afterward. I then proceeded in fall 2009 to travel down to Peru, and traveled around down there for about 4 months, traveling to different parts of the country, volunteering for farms, orphanges, conservation centers, etc. I havent done "oral dmt" necessarily, but i participated in an ayahuasca ceremony while traveling. For me that was a very very moving experience, and i plan on continuing my work with ayahuasca on a regular basis soon.
Scince returning home, i have been busy getting in touch with myself. I became deeply spiritual during my travels, which i feel the seed was planted beforehand, but had not begun to grow.
I began treating my body with the respect that it deserves, i.e i sucessfully quit smoking cigarettes

(havent had one for about 7 months or so

) which is amazing! I was never into drinking, so i completely abstain from that, and i also no longer use pot, which for a long time was a very close companion of mine. I think its a great plant teacher, and i may use it much farther down the road when im old, but i feel good and healthy now so i'm going to stick with it.
As of late i just conduct san pedro ceremonys on full moons, which is another newfound ally that i found during my travels. I feel a deep deep love for this plant, as it is probably, for me, just as important of a plant teacher as ayahuasca is, just of a different type. Like a yin and a yang for me. This practice has been going really well for me, and i plan on incorporating changa and ayahuasca sessions into my life soon.
I have recently become extremely interested, scince i read about it this last spring, about changa. It seems to me like it is the bees knees, as it seemingly takes all of the cons out of plain freebase, and transforms the experience into something easy and beautiful. I'm currently in the process of acquiring necessary materials for another go round.
I am very excited to begin to help with experimentation, as i am in a place financially right now where i can afford to do some, and so i plan on helping to further the communities progress with various experiments. I can begin experimentation for different methods of mescaline extraction, cactus recipies (i.e tea/resin, jello, etc.) and of course dmt. I am also very excited about the new sparked interest in harmala extraction ever scince the FV controversy. I plan on experimenting with different techniques surrounding that topic as well.
I'm beginning to look into perusing an education in chemistry, as i have always been a nerd and fascinated with science... ( i had a little chemistry set as a kid

) So i plan on creating a good solid understanding of the mechanics of chemistry, and in my spare time, doing what i love to do and help out the community by doing mad scientist experiments, trying new ideas, testing hypothesis, etc.
Thanks again for the kind words you guys