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Miley Cyrus Smokes Salvia Options
#61 Posted : 12/19/2010 8:09:48 PM

Chairman of the Celestial Divison

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Big Inhale wrote:
And now the insanity begins. What a stupid bitch this lady is. http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/...c_salvia_101214/20101214

Yeah I wouldn't say shes a stupid bitch, Falling out of a window on salvia can happen to anyone who accidentally does too much, especially if it was her first time.

The very first time I had a salvia experience like that, I started blindly running full speed through the woods and across a field. When I stopped running, I waited for the universe to collapse within itself, Then realized what was going on and came back.

I only got a few cuts a bruises from the trees I ran into, but what if it was a window? or a freeway? or off a cruise ship?

Unlucky, And I really don't like this publicity salvia is getting. I don't think Miley Cyrus was even smoking salvia, I think it was just a quick cover up the of weed she was smoking in order to avoid legal trouble. Bitch.
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#62 Posted : 12/19/2010 9:06:39 PM

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Mindlusion wrote:

Yeah I wouldn't say shes a stupid bitch, Falling out of a window on salvia can happen to anyone who accidentally does too much, especially if it was her first time.

I would call her irresponsible. Salvia is an incredibly strong dissociative. For her to smoke such a big dose on her first meeting with Sally, I say its just desserts. At least start low and work up from there....

Miley on the other hand at least had (while obviously out of it too) people to watch over her in case she decides to jump out a window or other stupid stuff.

Only thing I really dislike about this situation is the media attention Salvia is getting. No media is good media with Salvia right now.
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#63 Posted : 12/19/2010 11:38:45 PM

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hahaha omg nexians nerds are already working on the matter! Laughing
please!! moove this fucking post to the hyperspace tavern! it's making swim literally rofling lol
Tz'is aná
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