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Is free will real? Are we many or am I alone? Options
#1 Posted : 10/29/2010 9:40:45 AM

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After his last trip SWIM had to think a lot about creation, God, and other questions like ones mentioned in the title. Here is the thread about his last (horror) trip: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=13737

Here, SWIM wants to share his thoughts and conclusions with the community.

One of the conclusions is also a disclaimer for the ideas below: a human cannot know the truth, a human only knows his truth or his perspective. Thank God we have a common reality which allows us to have a "common denominator" which is very helpful to share our experiences.

Objectivity of DMT experiences

Every trip is unique and every interpretation or integration of the trip experience is individual and subjective. Although there are commonalities among trip reports, SWIM believes that each of us gets the experience that is necessary for him.

Ultimate loneliness is the ultimate perdition

On his last trip SWIM has experienced ultimate loneliness. It appeared to him as if he was completely alone in the world, the universe and beyond. This experience was deeply terrifying. That has led him to the conclusion that he is God who made the whole world and entered it in a human form for the sake of self-experience. But this is only one perspective on this experience and is heavily based on the popular New Age philosophy.

An another perspective to this experience is that SWIM was completely alone in his head and simply realized the fact that the reality he perceives happens completely in his head. It is his brain that sais "this is outside", but all the information is in fact inside. In this state, SWIM felt like his closet was an empty shell with a texture, just like in computer graphics. He thought that the inner life of the closet does not exist and comes into existence as soon as SWIM opened the door of the closet. In short, it appears like SWIM has rather experienced himself and the mechanics of his perception of the world.

However, the first perspective made him understand something described in the next paragraph.

Do we have free will?

The experience of the ultimate loneliness made SWIM understand how God may have felt himself before he has created us (and possibly other worlds). To be ultimately alone is the ultimate perdition and a very unpleasant state of existence, at least from SWIM's human perspective. Because of that, God decided to create a creature in His image. He gave us free will.

Many people accounting themselves for enlightened are eager to tell us that everything is an illusion, forgetting that they are just sharing their perspective but not the truth.

If free will is an illusion, the all-knowing God would know that. Because of this knowledge He would remain in His state of ultimate loneliness. SWIM does not claim to understand God or His creation, but from this consideration SWIM concludes that free will is real.

Because of that, SWIM is not alone. Coming from the same source and connected in the infinity, just like two parallel lines connect on the horizon, we are many and each and every one of us has the ability to choose freely.

What is the right way of living?

There is much discussion about what is the right way to live. Since we are free to choose from options we have, the answer is simple: any choice that leads to loneliness is a wrong choice.

People who are choosing to their own advantage, People who are wanting to have power over others, to rule and do what they want disrespecting others, the free will of others are heading towards loneliness.

People who believe certain self-help and spirituality authors and teachers who implicitly or even explicitly tell them that they are God, being infinitely powerful and having the ability "to be and have whatever they can imagine" (a free quotation from the movie "The Secret" and teachers of the so called "the law of attraction" ) are heading towards the ultimate loneliness.

May be those of us who want to become God will at some point of their existence reach this state and will encounter the ultimate loneliness they have not seen coming. But then it will be too late to escape from it. May be this is the eternal perdition religions warn us about and even introduce the devil who seduces humans into becoming God to simplify the acceptance of the warning.

With this consideration, the life of Jesus Christ as an example for the right way of living makes so much more sense to SWIM. It is blatantly obvious that "loving your neighbor as yourself" is the ultimately right attitude to live, since it saves us from the path towards loneliness.

What will I get for the right way of living?

Religions promise us rewards for the right way of living after we die. However, SWIM believes that our universe and our Earth is the most or one of the most advanced worlds in the creation in the sense how our nature and natural laws function. The worlds SWIM has visited on DMT are peculiar and spectacular and so different from ours. But it also appears as if these worlds are so boring and simple that one should not be there more than 10-15 minutes to fully realize the boredom of these worlds.

SWIM concludes, life itself is already a gift.
Life is a mystery. Enjoy every moment of it.
Do not try to figure it out.

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#2 Posted : 10/29/2010 10:43:01 AM

Dr Do Little

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live, i had almost EXACTLY the same experience and thought patterns in my earliest DMT trips. Absolutely stunning to hear someone say it so nicely, i've never been able to put it into words properly.
And to further confirm what you are saying is true, I never read any 'new age philosophy' or even religious texts until AFTER that experience, which allowed me to reinterpret what has been written.
I whole heartedly agree with your post. Good work.
Now that we have learnt what we do not want to experience, we can strive to move away from it, from the ultimate loneliness to the ulitimate interconnectivity and togetherness with infinite creativity and joy.
Peace and blessings, may your journey take you far beyond where the path lays.
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

"Under the skin of our lives; somewhere deep and early, forgotten, we all share the same dreams"
#3 Posted : 10/29/2010 2:05:32 PM
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That was interesting, thanks.
#4 Posted : 10/29/2010 3:06:53 PM

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Many people have come to the same conclusion that life itself is a gift (some of them without ever having had a DMT experience!) Smile

Whether or not we have free will depends on how you define “free will”. Your definition, that “we have the ability to choose freely”, requires clarification, in particular the term “freely” or “free” needs to be defined.

I can’t say what free will is, but I can say what it isn’t: Choosing at random is not free will. Choosing determined by the rigid laws of physics or determined by any set of laws is not free will. Since all choices we make are either made at random, or determined by laws, or made using some combination of randomness and application of laws, it is clear that we do not exhibit free will, nor does anything else.

If I throw a handful of ball bearings on the floor, they will roll all over and eventually come to rest. Each ball bearing’s resting location is determined via strict physical laws and perhaps a bit of quantum randomness. Do we now say that some of the ball bearings are in “right” locations and others in “wrong” locations? I guess it depends on how we define right and wrong with respect to ball bearings.

Human beings are not ball bearings, but ultimately we are governed by the same physical laws and quantum randomness. It’s true that our choices will influence whether we are happy, sad, lonely, loved, etc. and we can assign values to our conditions, and at our best we tend, or at least try, to make choices that maximize the good and minimize the bad.

There’s lots of choosing going on, but none of it is free.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#5 Posted : 10/29/2010 4:05:14 PM

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Great post.
There are a handful of us on the Nexus who have experienced "God Mode".
With proper dosage I can be "God" at will....I have experienced (rarely) the ultimate loneliness of being "All That Is", but more often I revel in the Glory. If the Ego is suppressed enough (or destroyed completely), there is no part of you left to feel lonely. The "alone" emotion is a by-product of our human circuitry, nothing more than the Ego's last attempt to prevent you from blasting past it into the infinite glory and happiness that is your True Self. Venture Bravely and be not afraid....for you have seen a glimpse of Who You Really Are.

Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
#6 Posted : 10/29/2010 8:29:54 PM

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Very good live, I'm glad you were able to get beyond whatever scary ideas you had in your previous trips. As I read your post, it seemed like the whole thing was a complicated way of saying, "I don't know anything". Basically, you don't know whether you are alone, or many. If you are the product of your brain, or if the brain is a product of your formless imaginatin. We don't know if there is a God or not. It's fine if you turn away from the idea that "all is one". But do you turn away because you know it isn't true, or just because you don't like the idea, and it makes you feel lonely?
#7 Posted : 11/7/2010 1:13:59 PM

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Ego is something that helps you defining yourself as a separate part (of the whole). With no ego you are the whole. That oneness, which sounds so great in theory, is not that great in experience! It is not desirable at all from my current perspective. The so called "enlightened" people strive to leave the creation and to return to source, nirvana, whatever they call it. But it is not something to strive for! God, as he was alone, wanted to escape this so called "eternal bliss" and created the world, us, life, and everything in the first place. I believe now that people who strive to kill their ego and to meditate or smoke themselves to God do not understand or value creation.

If this choice is available for me, I choose to continue experience life, the world or worlds and the process of creation. Since God is infinite, I believe that there are infinite things to discover here. I like to be creative and have fun creating things. I like the way God created this world and my body. I think we should clean our world up from the mess, and the wars, and the poverty and live here forever! How to live and have fun forever? Learn from Jesus Christ!

Why would you terminate your experience and return to the source? I like the idea of life, and now I understand that without ego live would not be livable at all!

The "ultimate" truth I found is that I do not know anything, as Apoc recognized perfectly. That truth is created by my brain. The realization of this fact has scared me and made me conscious of the fact that neither I nor anyone else can prove to me that you, this forum and even I are real. But this "ultimate" truth is also that which we call "free choice". Since I cannot know what is real, I am truly free to choose for myself what is real for me or what I choose to be real for me.

I am glad that there are limitations to that. I cannot choose to believe that I can fly and start levitating in the real world. I deeply appreciate the fact that reality does not response to all our wishes like a lucid dream may do. For me, this is a proof enough to state that the real world exists as it is and I cannot change it, even while being in the alleged "god" mode. The only thing I can change, are my thoughts and beliefs about the world. But this is something known for centuries by psychologists and philosophers!

Each and every one of us will die some day. No one really knows what happens after death. Beyond the physical world, there are no limitations what to believe in! At this point you can freely choose to believe whatever you want with no limitation!

I have made my choice.
What will you choose?
Life is a mystery. Enjoy every moment of it.
Do not try to figure it out.
#8 Posted : 11/7/2010 1:40:41 PM

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I have made my choice.
What will you choose?

Not Jesus.
#9 Posted : 11/7/2010 10:10:31 PM

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For me, this drive to get back to the source is only about one thing: I want to be absolutely sure about God.

It's not that I want to leave this world. I totally understand what you write about oneness not being such a good thing after all. What I strive for is an absolute understanding (of creator and creation as a whole) AND a subjective state of being (as a particular creature) AT THE SAME TIME, with the former (intuitive knowledge of the whole) informing the latter (particular existence) through some kind of channel that connects the two.

I'm looking for a perfectly optimized state of being which has the paradoxical quality of becoming a 100% God-driven automaton while still having total, perfect free will. I'm still struggling with this recent realization that free will is required from us, that we cannot be just happy automatons, drinking that nectar all day long. It sounds so strict, so frightening.

I always hoped for a solution where I can just pass back all the burden to the eternal machine and I can drift along weightlessly, like the scent of flowers in the wind. The idea that God operates this reality through the free will of the creatures (and ONLY through that) makes me uncomfortable. The idea that I have to be myself - or as fractal said in another topic, I have to become truly "selfish" in the universal sense - is very frightening because I think so very low of myself. Were I given control over my universe, I would surely wreak havoc in it and drive it into total madness in the course of an hour. But still, this responsibility is exactly what God wants me to take. This seems to be the point of my entire stay here, on this planet. This is what I am studying and developing towards. This is what "growing up" truly means, in the spiritual sense.

I'm beginning to get a feeling for this accomplished state: it is like dancing or meditating on the razor's edge between all and nothing, it's like being at the zero point in the coordinate system, where all the dimensions meet, it's like being a valve or channel through which High and Low, Heaven and Earth can meet each other. And free will is what operates the whole thing, what drives the energy where it has to go. Without us taking stand at the center of our universes, there is nothing. And it will all go as we want it to go. Which is very frightening, but this is what God wants to give us. A personal kingdom for each and every one of us.

It is like grounding lightning at the zero point.
#10 Posted : 11/8/2010 4:55:48 AM

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I never sought after enlightenment. I sought after experience, and gained from the experiences wisdom. Jesus is an image just as Buddha and Allah are. They are all correct in their own way. But the human race is much too diverse for one single book of moral guidelines, or even a hundred thousand books. There are 6.599 billion other human beings on this planet, every last one of whom a natural born great thinker like the rest of us. Let people decide from their own experiences, unique perspectives, and interpretations of each meaningful occurrence in their life, how they should live.

Take the time to find what you like in each of the worlds religions, because many of which preach very peaceful messages. I like religion just for that. But go out and experience the world for yourself, not just through the eyes of someone who lived 2,000 years ago and definitely doesn't view the universe from the same perspective as anyone now does.

You can not abolish the ego, just as you can not stop love. It's as much a fundamental of being an individual and existing, as anger is a stress relief in moderation, and sex is a physical and mental exercise to be practiced if not out of love and compassion, but for the better of your health.

God to me is an image created from man to give people a reason for being good, when there shouldn't have be to a reason at all.

Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#11 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:18:50 AM

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live wrote:

The worlds SWIM has visited on DMT are peculiar and spectacular and so different from ours. But it also appears as if these worlds are so boring and simple that one should not be there more than 10-15 minutes to fully realize the boredom of these worlds.

im not sure if were smoking the same molecule my friend! Laughing

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#12 Posted : 11/8/2010 7:36:43 AM

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UniverseCannon wrote:
live wrote:

The worlds SWIM has visited on DMT are peculiar and spectacular and so different from ours. But it also appears as if these worlds are so boring and simple that one should not be there more than 10-15 minutes to fully realize the boredom of these worlds.

im not sure if were smoking the same molecule my friend! Laughing

#13 Posted : 12/17/2010 2:29:50 AM

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Well my perspective on free will, is that it is impossible to know if we actually have it or not, but if we do not have free will, we still have the illusion of choice. This means that even if you were destined to pick a certain outcome, it still appears as if you had chosen that outcome. So whether we have free will or not, is irrelevant because it appears as if we do.

As for god, i don't believe we were created in god's image, at least not in the sense that god feels human emotion. God in my view is omnipotent and omnipresent, meaning it would lack human subjectivity. From a truly objective perspective can one feel emotion? I would argue that you simply witness what happens. Emotions attached to events are due to the individual subjective experience, and as such would be lacking from something that experiences all thing completely objectively.
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
#14 Posted : 12/17/2010 10:09:16 AM

The Dude

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The summed up definition of the teachings of Jesus is love.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Love your enemies.

Many other people in history have expressed this kind of love successfully: Ghandi, Mother Teresa, different saints. There's not a shortage of them.

I agree with the conclusion you've come up with, and have experienced the same things before.

We as humans are the very definition of free will. By existing, breathing, choosing and just being part of this material world we are living out "free will"

through our awareness we are sharing the whole vision of "reality" with the universe! God!

every good and evil deed now and forever
every yin and yang
the whole span of time is Gods playground and he loves that we/he are experiencing it through free will!

we are an extension of God AS free will...if you can imagine it that way.
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
*A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading -C.S. Lewis
cephalopods are enlightened -benzyme
#15 Posted : 12/17/2010 1:06:47 PM

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