tele wrote:Hi all,
what is the purpose of recrystallization and what is the easiest method to do it? And is it really necessary?
With the tek you used (Q21) i'd say its not necessary, its mainly used for purifying yellow DMT to white/clear DMT.
Endlessness linked to a good thread he made about 'do i need to recrystallize my spice?' or something like that, it was good. I can't find it now, it should definitely be a sticky in the newbie extraction forum but it isn't just yet...
I re-X for the fun of growing crystals

I like to add warm Naphtha with a glass pippette to an eyeballed amount of DMT 0.5-1g, adding
just enough to dissolve all the DMT. The Naphtha should be warm so it is super saturated, room temp Naphtha will hold less DMT & may crash out less/no crystals at room temp. This is of course if it is covered & left at room temp, if you slow evap then whatever DMT is in the solvent will be left behind after the evap.
Once i have the warm saturated Naphtha i pour it into a petri dish or any glass dish, cover, and leave overnight at room temp, in the morning i pour off Naphtha leaving beautiful clear crystals stuck to the dish.
Crystal growing is my new favorite hobby, you must try it at least once...
I'm doing a few re-x's this week in the build up to Christmas, hoping to share some nice pics with the community, any tips would be much appreciated.