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Converting Jimjam-Acetate to a Freebase~~Questions Options
#1 Posted : 12/16/2010 6:16:46 AM


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This post is about q21q21's writeup and the questions are about handling/converting the full-spectrum-acetate to a freebase. Still not sure which solvent will be used for the pulls though, sorry.
:arrow: GOALS:

1. To obtain a full-spectrum jungle spice (not separated from the N, N-DMT) following q21q21's writeup and end with a smokable freebase.

2. To use one part of this full-spectrum "jimjam" dissolved along with one equal part of pure, crystal N, N-DMT, dissolved in alcohol and soaked into some mullein and other herbs before being dried.

3. To become more at one with the all; And to emanate love.

:arrow: QUESTIONS:

1. (pertaining to goal #1) Instead of evaporating my solvent I can add acetic acid (vinegar) to the solvent, than separate that layer of vinegar---- Iam than left with a vinegar solution with the full spectrum acetate which now would be good for consumption but not as a freebase for smoking. Wut? Is the easiest method to convert the acetate to a freebase to simply heat-dry/evaporate the vinegar?
***My idea for this heated evaporation of the vinegar is to evaporate in a medium-sized pyrex dish that is placed inside of another large-sized pyrex dish hot canola oil bath-- I'll keep the oil close to 100°C, 212°F. Once it is dried for a bit at this temperature it should be all be a freebase, right?

2. (pertaining to goal #2) Wut? To make changa or a changa-style infusion can I simply dissolve the aforementioned dried jimjam in 91% isopropyl?
Once I find out where a local chemical-supply place is I guess I'll go ask nicely if I can purchase 99% ethyl or isopropyl, but if i can't, is the 91% alright?

3. Maybe Iam overthinking the following easy step, but indulge me for a second. Wut? Is there a single "best" cover for an evaporation dish when evaporating or reducing your non polar solvent?
What Iam getting at is stitching together a cover made from monofilament mesh material with a micron rating that wouldn't allow contaminants through without hampering air-flow too much. Iam not sure what micron size the screen should be, that's to be determined. Am I just overthinking this step; Wut? should I just tape down a single layer of clean t-shirt material and stop thinking about this?

Peace all.
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#2 Posted : 12/16/2010 7:04:01 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I can answer number one for ya with some certainty. Yes 91% will be fine. 99% will just evaporate faster.

AS far as your acetate freebasing tek I don't think that will work. Unless I misunderstand you you're saying that by evaporating a DMT acetic acid solution with heat it will result in freebase dmt...I don't see how that's possible. By heating/drying the vinegar would'nt you just be speeding up the the evaporation process resulting in DMT acetate?
Don't have much experience with the DMT acetate so maybe I'm missing something.
#3 Posted : 12/16/2010 9:15:34 PM


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Freebasing for Smoking:

DMT-acetate is a somewhat unstable acid-salt and because of that when heated to 90C-100C the acetate vaporizes off and leaves freebase DMT, this is the goal of the following. This method can take as little as 30-45 seconds and from experience it is faster and as precise and accurate or more than using an expensive .001g scale to dose by weight

-Basically all that is needed is to evaporate the tincture at 90-100C until there is no vinegar left, this produces freebase jimjam DMT.

Using a spoon with a lighter or candle underneath seems to be the fastest and easiest method. As much as it might remind someone of a heroin addict preparing his smack for injection it is very effective and is just vinegar being evaporated in a quick manner.

A FLAT and THIN piece of glass would work in combination with indirect heating from beneath with either a lighter or put on a stove element on MIN. (using this method the end product can be scraped up with a razor)

The liquid will evaporate with steam, possibly some bubbling and strong smell of vinegar. Once the water is close to gone watch it closely and don't heat constantly, only in bursts until the bubbling stops and/or it looks like all the water is gone.
You just want it to LOOK like a goo, the smell isn't the best indicator because it will continue to smell of vinegar for a minute after freebasing, then it will smell like DMT and faintly of vinegar.

If you see smoke (not steam) STOP. But really the window of temperature is not that narrow between freebasing and vaporizing, SWIM's NEVER seen smoke or lost a noticeable amount of product in the process

What Iam wondering is if I can instead of heating a tiny amount in a hot spoon, can I instead heat a small pyrex dish of the vinegar acetate to convert it to a smokable freebase?
arrive without traveling.
#4 Posted : 12/16/2010 9:25:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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q21q21 says in his tek that as long as you heat the vinegar and DMT Acetate to 90-100 C the acetate and vinegar will evaporate but not the Dmt. I don't know If this will work or not. Hopefully because that's what I'm gonna do.
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#5 Posted : 12/16/2010 9:28:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 236
Joined: 22-Aug-2009
Last visit: 12-Sep-2017
Intersting. I did not know that. I'd never heard of this happening with Mescaline acetate so I figured it wasn't the case with DMT either.
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