Good Mornin'
Just did my first Virola AB-Extraction.
After many tries over the years to extract Mimosa I finally was successfull after I found washbenzin is not Naphta, cause its heavier and forms bad emulsions.
It's not that difficult to extract if you have the right stuff. Real Naphta, in german called Leichtbenzin or Wundbenzin is quite light and always stays above the bas. water layer, even after heavy shaking it doesn't form emulsions.
So now I wanted to extract Virola for its 5Meo content. I ordered from Maya-Ethnobotanicals 100grs. Virola Peruviana.
After the usual steps- I let it soak with the acid for 2 hrs. and shaked extra long over 2hrs before the first pull- the first two pulls don't show a single crystal.
I guess the bark is old, shitty or not Virola, because I definately did everything correct. So I'll get some A.Peregrina or different Virola elsewhere now.
My questions would be
- Does 5Meo form crystals in the freezer and do they look exactely like NN-DMT? How do you seperate them then?
- Do you know a good plant source for 5Meo?
- what does it mean if the naphta gets cloudy while extracting -BEFORE been put in the freezer, while its warm. Usually with Mimosa the naphta stays clear.
Thanks for taking time to answer,
my best wishes,
LOVE is all there is.