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#1 Posted : 12/15/2010 12:19:41 PM

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For more than 30 years I have hoped and waited that a day would come when I could once again "get there". Under the influence of LSD from the early 70's & for more than 8 years I was able to "get there". After the my last "having gotten there" experience, I have been unable to go back. I have on 2 occasions made the attempt but I think the "mics" just weren't there. As you know there is not much in the way of "getting high" (on LSD) that is attractive. If I want "high" I can take a Xanax and a glass of wine & that in my opinion qualifies as "high". The point being LSD & getting high, just isn't for me.
For me at least I must quickly transcend the anxiety stage, rather than drop 75 "mics" and wallow in anxiety, I want to get "over the edge" in a timely manner.
I thought perhaps it was also possible that I had acheived all that LSD was ever going to provide me. For the last 10 years or so I have hoped that one day I could revisit that space in which my being would transcend my being.
In my youth I didn't exactly know what I was (if anything) trying to acheive. So many of my LSD experiences were Dead Show based or in that environment. For me there seemed a collectivism "tripping" with so many thousands of other prople just as dosed as I was.
I hate to say it, but for me "tripping" was wasted in large part on my youth. Perhaps because my Ego had yet to become amplified by my adult life experiences. As I have gotten older my ego has developed it's own sense of false humility and I tend to look at my life as a series of successes, over looking several series of failures, especially in terms of relationships.
Thanksgiving weekend I attended a 35 year Union College fraternity reunion. Back in those days we had a "house band" and a seemingly unending flow of strong acid. When we were all together back then, it felt like we would always be together and there ties that bound us together (eternally).
I feel guilty on many levels that I let so many of the friends I had cherished, slip through my fingers like so many grains of sand and dismiss those relationships by taking them for grantid. Many of these men and women I shared so much with have continued these realtionships with one another. For me as time passed, months turning into years, turning into decades.
I was invited to Woodstock where this reunion was going to take place. My wife of many years had only met 2 of these folks. She has no mind expanding experiences and can't begin to relate to my desire to revisit these youthful places and a "grown-up". I spent most of the weekend chaperoning my wife as there were 139 total strangers she was spending the weekend with.
Unlikely as it sounds "our house band" is still together after all of these years and were the "top booking" at this event. From thier first note until thier final one, I was able to recapture the desire to return to a place where my ego could be exposed to "the light".
After a "drum circle" to start the evening (before cocktails and dinner) one of my long lost friends took me aside and shared some of his knowledge of DMT & that maybe was the tool I am and always have been seeking.
Hence my informational journey, which brought me here. I am here to prepare myself for that moment when I can let go and become one again with the powers and forces that want to guide us into and through our lives.

Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#2 Posted : 12/15/2010 12:41:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the nexus.
elusive illusion
#3 Posted : 12/15/2010 12:44:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome aboard! Why don't you tell us more about your LSD experiences ?
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#4 Posted : 12/15/2010 12:46:21 PM

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Nice intro essay, thanks for sharing some of your life with us Smile

Welcome to the Nexus! You have definitely come to the right place for DMT information Very happy

As you may have seen already, DMT can be vaporized or ingested orally together with a MAOI (for example ayahuasca or pharmahuasca). The duration and effects are different with both methods. Is there any of these methods of ingestion that calls more your attention than other?

By the way, dont forget to check the links you received in the welcome private message, as there is a huge amount of very useful and important information regarding dmt health and safety, our attitude in the forum, chemical/extraction information, etc.

Also, we strongly advise you to, if you decide to use these substances, to either consume the ethnobotanicals or to extract dmt yourself. Please do not buy or sell dmt.

Regarding LSD, it is indeed a wonderful special substance that I learned a lot from. But do note that DMT can be very very different, so do expect to be blown away with surprise Very happy

All the best on your re-plunge to these realms, hope you find what you are looking for!

Be sure to share your ideas or ask anything that you cant find answer to in those links I mentioned.

See ya around!
#5 Posted : 12/15/2010 2:47:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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beautiful intro essay.

welcome to the world
Quetzalcoatl supreme letting off steam, Dimethyltryptamine make a man dream

#6 Posted : 12/15/2010 2:52:13 PM

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welcome fellow dead head , If you have yet to try the spice , your in for one hell of a surprise, for all the lucy I took on dead tour , NONE of it compares to the spice , and do yourself a favor and try the Changa , worth the extra steps I promise you.

Once you start this journey , it becomes a slight obsession, I look forward to hearing of your journeys, bring back some good stories for us.

my best to you~ Shaman
Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 12/15/2010 5:55:46 PM

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Welcome aboard, gramps. You've come to the right place.

This experience, though very brief, goes WAY beyond LSD. You will emerge from it as if you've just been hit by a bolt of lightning.
#8 Posted : 12/15/2010 6:53:57 PM

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Thank you all for a wonderful welcome, I am sure I am found the right place be right now so I guess I will "Be Here Now" (borrowed from Richard Alpert).
I guess I have become fairly obsessive about the future experience already. It's only been about 10 days or so that it even crossed my mind that there might be another route or methodology of getting to that place so few even contemplate going.
I have watched a few youtube videos and surmise that the experience is rather hard to explain. Except that I have peeked into the realms, I would be equally challenged to understand the video's authors perspective.
Even as I have only just begun the research into DMT, I am taking this learning curve to prepare myself for "the journey". I haven't even yet started to look into the where and how I am going to first of get my grubby little paws onto it or who is going to be my mentor.
In fact I know so little about this substance I only know it is a botanical and that some maoi inhibitors will slow the metabolization down to extend the experience.
My LSD experience goes back to Orange Sunshine,sugar cubes & various other color tabs, predating blotter (as I recall). The "Dead Show thang"
was more of a gathering place into what I perceived as a collective conciousness, than it had anything to do with "the trip" although the music helps if only to stimulate the auditory aspects of tripping. Whereas there is less auditory distortion with DMT (as I understand it).
My earliest trips were facinating in one sense because my senses were overlapping. As entertaining as that is, it is not what I am seeking today.
When I did acid to whatever high doseages, there was always some level of apprehension from the moment I got "that sensation" in my mouth, until I got past the point of wondering how high this rocket was going to take me. The tingly spinal sensation was always accompanied by the anxiety of wondering if I am going to be able to handle it. As it were, I was an apt pupil and always managed well, not having any bad trips, so to speak.
I have come to the understanding that my experiences with LSD have little to do with what is about to take shape in my mind. I have been put on notice that I will be blown away.
As far as ingestion, I am at a loss. I am at a loss because I am clueless of my options... Except for doing drops in my eyes I am pretty much game for anything. In a clinical setting I would even go the intraveneous route (just in case there are clinical trials going on). :-)
I will have to look more into this.
I am doubting this is a do it once and you're done experience. How often do "we" take a dose of DMT?
I am so full of excitemant I can hardly contain myself. I feel like a man who has been promised vision after many years of blindness.

#9 Posted : 12/15/2010 7:00:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome wineart.

I too am 'returning' after a few decades of life experience. Definitely the best thing to be doing at this time of life (if you're still fit, that is), and to me this all feels even more 'right' than it did the first time around.

Regarding your questions, all that you need to know is available here on the Nexus - either in the WIKI, FAQs or Forum posts...lots there to digest!

#10 Posted : 12/15/2010 7:15:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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My friend, Ingestion methods are all over this site as well as instructions on how to acquire the spice from fairly readily available materials. You will end up doing your own extractions , so start with reading the different extraction teks.

you tube... meh, look for answers and guidance here.

as far as how often do you do the deed , ..that's a personal choice, depending on your mind set and environment. for me personally , once a month is a nice way to experience , give me time to put whatever lessons learned into practice. I have read some on this site partake nightly , certainly weekly.

Its up to you.

I think you will find that it is such a heavy experience , that you will want to take some time to adjust between sessions.

oh boy just wait, wait to you see what is behind the veil.

If Lsd was a fountain of inspiration and spirituality for you, Dmt is an Ocean of eternal bliss.

..as an old head myself, I can tell you ~ im excited for you to dive in.

just you wait and see ~! Ha ha~!


Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole
#11 Posted : 12/15/2010 8:58:45 PM

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I am reading as fast as I can...LOL The extraction methods at least thus far look complicated. Before any of that happens, I haven't even gotten as far as resources for botanicals.
I am an artist and it's my busiest time of the year and have to try and focus on the tasks at hand. The truth of the matter is I am about done with all of the seasonal orders, except I put things on the back burner in mid stream and have to go back and pick up where I left off on a project. Mostly tedious work that I loath (ADHD I think).
I am hoping along the way here I will reach out to some of my old friends and see where thier experience has led them, as far as obtaining all of the needed botanicals. Perhaps they are exploring these alternate realities. At this early point I haven't talked to anyone that has even heard of this, except for rumor and inuendo.
"Tripping" is something I put away after the 1980 Radio City Music Hall Dead Shows. I took plenty of acid, giggled till dawn, spent 3 days with a Godess but still never "got there". Before that is was February or March 1976 or 1977 I saw the Dead in Utica, NY with Jerry forgetting words, Bob's amp was on the fritz and his guitar screeched and screamed the entire show long & Keith was nodded out on the keyboards. Absolutely the worst concert in terms of music I had ever seen, yet the acid was MIND BLOWING. That was the last time I ever acheived with acid the thresholds I wanted to cross. I figured acid & I had run our course together. I never wanted LSD to be a recreational drug (for me that wouldn't have been possible anyway, I didn't like the high without the trip)so I just quit taking it. By the time I considered it again no one I formerly knew had done it for years, without the expectation of ever going back there and doing it again.
Until now I didn't realize there some deeper, more far away place that offered humbling reconciliation with the power(s) of the universe. I am almost embarassed to say that at one point long long ago I experienced Jimson Weed. I of course never want to go to anyplace that dark, dreary or morbid and be stuck there for 3 or 4 days before I could even grasp the simple question "what's your name". I am hoping that DMT is the antithesis of the former.
Another juxtaposed thought: I think I have found a route to the profound. Perhaps to see or feel the unspeakable, that which plugs me back into the universe and makes me more sensitive to those powers around me. I am mortal, I was 50+ before I realized how fleeting life is. I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Surgery, radiation & chemo, sliced, diced, burned & poisoned. The surgery brought me to my knees, the radiation kept me from the barber for a year and a half and the chemo almost killed me. In anycase I am alive now and free of cancer for almost 5 yrs I guess, with a clean bill of health. My hair has grown back and I currently weigh more than I did when I was diagnosed.
Regardless I know my own mortality, we have been formally introduced. So in the years I have left, how few or many (isn't that wide a range regardless) I have, I want to be spent getting myself, my Creator and all of it's itelligent forms.
I guess now I know why I am excited to have had this DMT Avenue intruduced to me. So wave at me when you go by, I'm the dude on the corner of DMT Avenue & Shakedown Street.Wink
#12 Posted : 12/15/2010 9:00:48 PM

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Sorry, I should have proofed my ramblings. I sure hope I find the spell check button!
#13 Posted : 12/15/2010 9:23:27 PM

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Location: Earth, of course??
Welcome wineart.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#14 Posted : 12/15/2010 9:34:36 PM

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Congratulations on beating cancer, that is a remarkable achievement.

Im sure when your ready this will all come together for you , dont worry about the teks or supplies, it is as easy as ordering anything else on line , just be smart about ordering from in the cont. USA so you dont have to deal with any customs issues.

The teks are not to hard at all once you have some experience, You can do it. ..and it is rewarding.

keep reading here on the nexus, best place to start.

peace brother~!
Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole
#15 Posted : 12/17/2010 3:04:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome fellow New Yorker, also congratulation's on beating cancer
#16 Posted : 12/17/2010 5:33:15 PM

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It's been at least a couple of days since coming back to my essay page. Again I want to thank you all for the nice welcomes.
I have spent the last few days doing extensive reading here. So much so, my wife has called me obsessive. I tried to explain; it isn't the DMT I am obsessing about but the Break Through. Obsessing about DMT would be like a kid going to Disney World and obsessing about the car that takes you there. I tried to explain, it's Disney World I am interested in not the car. I think she is getting it...
I met and married my wife who is now 69 yrs old (cougar) many years after my active interest/involvement with LSD (in particular). She was married with children in 1961 and never even saw the margins of the 60's movement, except from in front of the TV.
As you can imagine, it is hard explaining metaphorically or even anecdotally. After 20+ years or trying to open her mind to my experiences, she is finally grasping why I would ever want to "go there" again (thanks to alot of what is written here). It seems "you guys" are way better at this than I am. She is actually quite supportive as she senses what my needs are in contemplating a DMT experience. She actually has initiated many conversations these last days wondering how I am going to integrate my DMT experience into my life & how long this learning curve is going to be.
She is definitely not a candidate for for any psychelelic (unless of course a kaleidscope qualifies as a psychedelic). I think these last couple of days she has felt I am pushing towards something she essentailly can't be a part of. I have emphasised the importance of a sitter & how much I will depend on her to be there with me.
Forgive me if my writing doesn't flow well and I get tangental ( I am working whilst I whistle) and forget where I was when I come back.
I am a little disheartened after spending so much time reading. I am going to be really Pi$$ed if I have come to this "new discovery" only to realize I am going to be far too challenged technically to ever do an extraction. Before I read teks I figured it couldn't be harder than isomerizing hash oil and hoped no harder than doing an hash oil extraction. This won't be the first time I ever made "the horse push the cart", I ought to be used to it.
I only have one "old friend" that has ever done DMT. He got several doses in Belgium (for like 2 bucks), while on the 1972 Grateful Dead's Europe Tour. He warned me against trying to do an extraction and told me I was better off if I just followed the music. He also warned that there is alot of "bad stuff" making it's rounds (MDMA in particular).
I am not sure what to do, except I am not ready to jump the DMT ship yet. I live in the rural extremes and the nearest juke box is 40 miles away, but I am thinkin' that wasn't the music he was refering to. Down near Woodstock there is an annual music festival (Mountain Jam) hosted by Warren Haynes (Govt. Mule) with the likes of Allman Bros., Phish, Phil Lesh & Friends, Levon Helm, Allison Krauss, etc. Four days long, with 50 or so "big stage bands". So I will make sure this next year's event is in my sights.
Again so sorry for such a disjointed post....This is a perfect place to scream YADAYADAYADA...
#17 Posted : 12/17/2010 8:25:17 PM

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wineart wrote:

I am a little disheartened after spending so much time reading. I am going to be really Pi$$ed if I have come to this "new discovery" only to realize I am going to be far too challenged technically to ever do an extraction. Before I read teks I figured it couldn't be harder than isomerizing hash oil and hoped no harder than doing an hash oil extraction. This won't be the first time I ever made "the horse push the cart", I ought to be used to it.
I only have one "old friend" that has ever done DMT. He got several doses in Belgium (for like 2 bucks), while on the 1972 Grateful Dead's Europe Tour. He warned me against trying to do an extraction and told me I was better off if I just followed the music. He also warned that there is alot of "bad stuff" making it's rounds (MDMA in particular).
I am not sure what to do, except I am not ready to jump the DMT ship yet. I live in the rural extremes and the nearest juke box is 40 miles away, but I am thinkin' that wasn't the music he was refering to. Down near Woodstock there is an annual music festival (Mountain Jam) hosted by Warren Haynes (Govt. Mule) with the likes of Allman Bros., Phish, Phil Lesh & Friends, Levon Helm, Allison Krauss, etc. Four days long, with 50 or so "big stage bands". So I will make sure this next year's event is in my sights.
Again so sorry for such a disjointed post....This is a perfect place to scream YADAYADAYADA...

Welcome to the Nexus!
Many Nexians felt intimidated by extraction teks at first... Don't worry it's as easy as baking cookies. I failed my first 3 small extractions but didn't give up and just kept trying. I"M SO GLAD I DID! DONT GIVE UP!!!! It would be truly sad to see someone who longs for such an experience that DMT can provide to not ever experience it just because he doesn't have the determination to follow through with it. just trry it. You can't succeed if you don't try! Wink

Also I dont know your friend, but I would strongly advise against buying DMT. DMT is priceless. When you extract it yourself, not only do you get a lot more 'bang for your buck', but you develop a truly deep and personal relationship with the substance and the plants it comes from.

DMT is best experienced in a calm, peaceful, tranquil, tidy, room. It is so intensely personal, doing it at a show would distract you from the direct and penetrating power of it, at least for someone who is new to DMT. This is NOT LSD.

And who says your wife can't experience DMT? You? [I mean no offense and only respect and support] but If your wife wants to try DMT, it's ultimately her choice. How would you feel if she told you that you weren't allowed to do DMT?

And one more thing, There is no need to rush. DMT rewards patience [greatly] and If you rush into it just looking for something to scratch a decades-old psychedelic itch you probably won't appreciate it the same as if you extract yourself and are patient with it. [although it will certainly scratch that itch Wink ]

Safe travlels, SWIM
All post are made by SWIM. I am not SWIM.
#18 Posted : 12/17/2010 9:31:14 PM

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Welcome to the Nexus, wineart!

As said above, it just takes a little patience and thought to understand the extraction process. I think that the DMT Handbook [PDF] does the best job of explaining the overall process.

Suppliers can easily be found in the Suppliers section.

Something that SWIM did to help her learn, was chose a tek, printed it out, and then wrote in her own words what each step was intended to do.

It must be wonderful to have such a supportive wife.

Be well.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#19 Posted : 12/17/2010 10:37:56 PM

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I would love it if my wife was of the ilk that would give some consideration to exploring in an out of the box or Bible as it is. She'll probably be at Church when I first make an attempted break through, if that gives you any idea why she might not be so inclined. On the other hand she is grasping the out of the box concept in a much more interested way than I would have guessed. She definitely equates psychedelics to out of control recreational drug use. All in all she is supportive.
Also I wouldn't give a thought to trying to break through in any setting other than the most peaceful & tranquil.
I read about a non-toxic food grade extraction process. I may have to rent a place to get it done. As understnding as the "Old Battle Axe" is, if I did a "mad scientist" extraction and Frankensteinly experimented on myself, I am reasonably sure I would find my "things" in the front yard. I will only push so hard. I will surely figure something out.
#20 Posted : 12/18/2010 12:24:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Outstanding handbook. That changes everything, I don't know what I was reading before, but this sheds a gentler light on the extraction process.
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