Hello there, first extraction here.
I accidently let some of the NaOH mixture on the solvent while separating (I'm using Hexane, couldn't find Naphta in my country). After the filtration and before the carbonate wash, I ended up with a yellow oily goo (aside from some real white tiny cristals from the other separations). I let this whole thing to dry, for some days, and the yellow goo didn't dry much.

Either way, since I know that I fucked up this step on the separations, I figured that its just some of the NaOH shit, mixed with DMT.
The real issue is:
I just did the carbonate separation, and in between the water/solvent layers, there are some tiny yellowish crystals. What are they? Are they going to dissolve? Sorry, I don't have my cam at the moment.
Thank you in advance
edit: It's not crystals. It's tiny droplets of yellow goo, floating on top of the water layer.