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First Extraction, Lazyman, Pictures of the result, Does this look right? Options
#1 Posted : 12/14/2010 12:58:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Description of extraction:

swim just performed his first extraction using lazyman tek, he used 500 grams of powdered MHRB, mixed with 2.5 litres of water basified with 150 grams of NaOH ( wilkinsons brand caustic soda), the mixtured turned black very quickly, left mixed for 30 minutes, then he added 499 ml of naphtha (3 x 133ml ronsonol lighter fluid) he mixed this for 30 minutes, however he was unsure about how exactly to mix it, he figured attempting to emulsify the naptha on the surface with the root bark from the botton of the mixing bowl would be the best option, he did this periodically, he allowed the naphtha to settle on the surface, like a lake of transparent oil on the surface of muddied waters below, then he resumed the mixing process, just below the 1 cm deep pool of naptha, there was a the dark black mixture, however, when the time came about 30 minutes later to pour off the naphtha, the pool seemed to be much shallower, there was just a couple of millimeters between the surface and the muddied mixture.

He assumed that the naphtha had evaporated faster than he anticipated it would, thus he decided to pour in 500ml of a differente naphtha (5 x 100ml swan lighter fluid), now there was a large pool of naptha above the muddy mixture, he mixed this into basified plant material and water, it became apparant to him after 30 minutes or so of mixing that the naphtha had hardly evaporated at all during this time, something was a miss, however his proceeded to pour off the naphtha, this was a challenging task as the black micture from below was highly fluidic and always attempted to leave the container with the naptha, approximately 500ml were eventually withdrawn with some considerable effort, using multiple containers and great care, the highly low vicosity black mixture that attempted to follow the naphtha was eventually separated.

This black mixture which occured just below the transparent lake of naptha, seemed almost to be one with the naptha, as if it was naptha itself, but swim and i infact, were both under the impression that naphatha is not supposed to retain particulate plant matter, merely dissolve the desired alkaloid components into it.

The naptha was then poured off into various containers, only two of which have as of yet, fully evaporated as they were the shallowest containing the least amount of lighter fluid, after a few hours a mixture of material formations of residue and/or possible crystaline formations appeared in both containers, one of the containers was a black ceramic plate the other was a glass tray.

Description and picture of results:

When the naphtha had fully evaporated after a few hours with no aid from heat or fan, on the black container a mixture of solid and sticky formations occured, however, when a blade was run over the surfaces of these containers, the and sticky elements combined into what you wil see pictured below:

Firstly, here is an image of the only thing i've seen from this extraction which could possibly, be considered to remotely resemble a crystal, they are circular formations that emerged on the side of a plate as the lighter fluid evaporated:

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The seemingly crystaline formations you will see below, were formed from the scraping of residue from across the surface of the glass tray and black ceramic plate evaporation containers, as the residue was scraped it appeared to solidify, prior to their present appearence, they were merely residues.

Here is a closeup of what was extracted from the naphtha in the glass tray that was used, this image is of what the residue looked like after scraping, the material pictured weighs approximately 400mg:

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Here is a closeup of what was extracted from the naptha which was poured into the black ceramic plate, again this is after scraping, this material remains on the black plate and weighs approx 300mg:

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Here are some pictures of them in the same frame:

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The consistency of the above substances, seem to be similar to that of a soft wax, it is still somewhat sticky, not unlike earwax (lol), the material is also prone to melting under pressure and handling with fingers, a peice may be taken and crumbled or crushed easily in a sticky film, which would then coat the fingers in stickiness (?).

The colouration of the two piles are different, one is a dark yellow the other a light yellow.

The lighter fluid that was poured onto the black plate was of a yellow tinge, this was a very small amount, perhaps 75 ml, the last attempt at extracting from a subcontainer which was a mixture of naptha and the dark mixture, the yellow tinge naptha was of the thin layer from the top of this container, this went on to produce approximately 300mg of yellowish material.

The lighter fluid that was poured onto the glass tray was seemingly completely clear, this fluid came froma subcontainer which held approximately 500ml of clear naphtha poured off from a subcontainer and apprximately 100ml of it was poured into the glass tray, this went on to produce approximately 400mg of lighter yellowish material.

Finally here are some picture of the muddy basified mixture of powerdered root bark in the stainless steel container he used to mix them together before pouring off the top into sub containers to get the pure naphtha out of it (note: the pictures were taken after he poured the naphtha out):

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Some 400ml-500ml of lighter fluid went missing into this container, it did not evaporate in 30 minutes, i highly suspect that the top layer of what remains of the basified mix is somehow composed of a naphtha powerdered root bark emulsion, even after many hours, there is still some 200-300ml of naphtha that has not evaporated out of some other glass trays he is using, therefore it is highly unlikely that the 400-500ml he originally poured into the container has evaporated, some of it still probably remains in the stainless steel bowl he used, it is however completely unaccessable, no amount of period of rest, has allowed this missing maphtha to come to the top of the mixture of a lake of clear fluid.

Now, i am highly suspicious of the quality of the product that has thus far been extracted, sadly, no evaporation tests were performed and a massive quantity of naphtha from two sources totaling 1 litre has been used in a single two hour period of primary extraction, thsu i'm curious how much of what has been extracted is dmt and how much is impurities from the lighter fluid.

Based on all you might of read here, i have but one major question, is what has been extracted safe to vaporise and inhale?

The material vaporises in a bubble vaporisation pipe, both swim and i have never used dmt before, so are thus unsure of what is normal in regards to taste, look and feel of this substance.

Swim vaporised a very small amount of the material and inhaled, perhaps 10-20mg, he was unsure of whether he felt anything or not, there was certainly no breakthrough and what effects were felt, were perhaps more due to anxieties over the purity and healthiness of the substance, anxieties which have held him back from actually taking something which could be considered a real dose to test whether the substance works for him or not.

Would it kill me, or at all be bad for swim or i's health to take a hit of 50mgs of this stuff?


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#2 Posted : 12/14/2010 1:00:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I can't see the pictures but I can point you to this. There may be some answers in there.
#3 Posted : 12/14/2010 1:04:20 AM

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Opiyum wrote:
I can't see the pictures but I can point you to this. There may be some answers in there.

Thanks, i am working on the pictures, i have no idea why they aren't working, i will post up regular links in a minute while i try to solve the display issue.

The post you linked may go some way to explaining what swim has experienced, thanks Smile
#4 Posted : 12/14/2010 1:53:43 AM

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First of all and slightly off topic, but Lazyman is a terrible tek! Please people, don’t do it!!!

With regards to smokability– I would recrystallise your product personally. Evap will leave all kinds of crap in there if you didn’t manage to separate your basic solution from your solvent 100% efficiently.

It may be worth adding some more water (maybe more NaOH to keep the pH high too) to your basic solution. I have noticed what seems to be trapping of solvent in bark sludge when it is very thick.

When I used to do STB (I used something like Noman tek) the amount of water used was something more like 1.5–1.7L/100g bark.

Another note on getting the solvent out is that a thinner / transparent vessel will make the solvent easier to see and retrieve.
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#5 Posted : 12/14/2010 12:40:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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d*l*b wrote:
First of all and slightly off topic, but Lazyman is a terrible tek! Please people, don’t do it!!!

Not off topic lol, thankyou for your opinion Smile

d*l*b wrote:

With regards to smokability– I would recrystallise your product personally. Evap will leave all kinds of crap in there if you didn’t manage to separate your basic solution from your solvent 100% efficiently.

It may be worth adding some more water (maybe more NaOH to keep the pH high too) to your basic solution. I have noticed what seems to be trapping of solvent in bark sludge when it is very thick.

When I used to do STB (I used something like Noman tek) the amount of water used was something more like 1.5–1.7L/100g bark.

Okay thanks, nomans freeze precip and recrystalisation have been methods swim has considered.

One of my main concerns is any possible gunk that could be left over from the evaporated lighter fluid, at first i didn't think what i had been left over after evaporation looked right, i was concerned that the solvent had not pulled the alkaloid and what remains was just lighter fluid gunk, thus swims product was merely a mixture of presumably nasty chemicals?

Could that possibly be? or based on all the information and pictures i've provided would it be okay to smoke this stuff?

I am going to advise swim to try a freeze precipitation method like noman or just try and freeze precip the remaining pulls he gets out of his basified mixture.

Would Lazyman Extraction + Nomans Freeze Precip work?

d*l*b wrote:

Another note on getting the solvent out is that a thinner / transparent vessel will make the solvent easier to see and retrieve.

Yea, that is what is what swim ended up doing, transferring the top layer of clear solvent/muddy stuff to thinner and thinner transparent containers to make it easier to pour off more of the clear layer.

Here are some pictures of what was left in a another container than has now evaporated, notice the circular formations, these are what were seem on the black cermic plate and to a lesser degree the flat glass tray i referenced in my first post, when scraped they form into a dry solid soft wax like substance:

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#6 Posted : 12/14/2010 12:44:06 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Freeze precip is always really nice compared to doing an evap i find, give it a go.
#7 Posted : 12/14/2010 1:48:35 PM

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Chronic wrote:
Freeze precip is always really great over doing an evap, give it a go

£1.99 from morrisons!? cheaper dish than tescos Pleased

I am playing with the idea of advising swim to just redissolve what he has extracted, something in the range of 1.5 grams total from all of the containers, then proceeding to redissolve it in a cleaner solvent, probably ethanol, then reevaporating, then either doing the same with the rest of his extractions or switching to a freeze precip method as the fumes from evap methods can be irritating.
#8 Posted : 12/14/2010 2:47:17 PM

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Eeew, did SWIY really do the STB in a metal pot, and mixed it with a metal spoon???

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#9 Posted : 12/14/2010 3:35:40 PM

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Infundibulum wrote:
Eeew, did SWIY really do the STB in a metal pot, and mixed it with a metal spoon???

Large stainless steel pot and large stainless steel spoon (not pictured above, that's a tea spoon), is there some problem with that?

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