Hi guys,
I read a post the other day from rave420 suggesting the use of polypropylene Ziploc containers instead of glass for freeze precip. He reports that it's much easier to collect the precip since it doesn't adhere to the plastic as strongly as it does the glass. SWIM will definitely be giving this a try as collection of the precip was an issue on his first time around.
Anyway, there was some question about how well polypropylene would hold up to Naphtha. Cole-Parmer has a great online database for relating the compatibility of various materials to various chemicals. Here's the link:
http://www.coleparmer.com/techinfo/chemcomp.asp It's the most extensive list I've found.
As it turns out, poly is fine for short term exposure to Naphtha. Can't wait to give this a try!
Everything contained within this post is pure fiction, written from a character's perspective within the author's mind as he dreams aloud... come what may