I've had an order of MHRB for at least 6 months, maybe a year I don't remember, I've just been waiting for a place to extract it, and I might find the opportunity soon. But before I do I heard about the risk of N-oxidization over time and if that is my case I'd want to fix that before/during extraction if possible.
My MHRB is powder, sealed in it's original bag wrapped in newspaper. It first spent a few months in my fridge (not freezer, just the fridge) and then spent 4 months underneath a bed, now it's back in my fridge. I haven't touched it otherwise, no steps taken for preparation yet.
So, from this information is it possible to guess how likely it is to have been N-oxidized at this stage? Or do I have to do an extraction first to find out? I've heard about fixing this with zinc powder, would I do that before or after extraction?
Or if it's impossible to know at this stage, can I do the zinc powder step anyway as a precaution, without much loss of N,N-DMT?
^^^that was a message transmitted to me from an alien, he seems to want to know so bad so I thought I'd find the answers here.