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first time extraction help! Options
#1 Posted : 12/9/2010 4:13:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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okay so SWIM has nearly aquired all materials to try marsofolds tek for the first time.
the only questions SWIM has is about how much naptha to use because the amount seems to be crucial to the extraction. it says to use 300mL but SWIM thought it would be smart to get an experienced opinion.

i mean of course marsofold shouldnt be wrong but the extraction seems so easy and SWIM is just trying to be as safe as possible so SWIM dosent make any unnecessary noob mistakes.

the other question is people mention somthing about multiple pulls, SWIM is pretty oblivious to exactly does one do a pull.

SWIM completely understands the marsofold tek as it is, written. but SWIM hears talk about multiple pulls for more yeild so how exactly does SWIM do multiple pulls?

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#2 Posted : 12/9/2010 4:39:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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A pull is the non polar extraction with naptha.
The first one gets most of the spice, but doing a couple more will increase your yield.
For a pound of bark, I'd recommend using 200ml for the first and then doing two more using 100ml for each.
The keys to doing the Marsofold tek properly are to make sure that the bark is ground good and fine, the acid cook is thorough, and that the solution is completely basified. When adding the lye, it should go from looking like a purple/grey milkshake to a slippery black clear solution with a slightly fishy odor. Keep track of how much lye it takes to get to this point and add 25% more. Then you can agitate the solution well once you add the naptha without getting a nasty emulsion.
Don't throw anything away and post your results.
#3 Posted : 12/9/2010 7:04:28 AM


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Noman wrote:

A pull is the non polar extraction with naptha.
The first one gets most of the spice, but doing a couple more will increase your yield.
For a pound of bark, I'd recommend using 200ml for the first and then doing two more using 100ml for each.
The keys to doing the Marsofold tek properly are to make sure that the bark is ground good and fine, the acid cook is thorough, and that the solution is completely basified. When adding the lye, it should go from looking like a purple/grey milkshake to a slippery black clear solution with a slightly fishy odor. Keep track of how much lye it takes to get to this point and add 25% more. Then you can agitate the solution well once you add the naptha without getting a nasty emulsion.
Don't throw anything away and post your results.

Great information, I'am about to try this very thing for the first-time but Iam still wondering about the consistency of the MHRB-- I thought with Marsofold's Tek and other A/B teks with naptha you wanted to use little chips, crumbs, shards and not completely powdered material, ideally.

Would you make much of a distinction between "ground" and totally powdered?
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#4 Posted : 12/9/2010 7:52:33 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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More naphtha in each pull means longer and less pulls, because you have to wait for all the spice to dissolve in the naphtha, but you get more spice per pull...Less naphtha per pull and you should do shorter pulls but it'll take more pulls to get all your goodies.
And if you're still not clear on the concept of a pull: Add your non polar solvent to your solution, stir (I stir three times over the course of 15 minutes), and seperate the naptha. What has happened is the non polar solvent has gently grabbed your spice while leaving behind nasties. I suggest freeze percipatating your naptha to wind up with a much cleaner product, and so even if you only have 200 ml of naptha you can reuse it to pull a whole kilo of bark.
Also, dmt is not all that soluble in naptha so I like to have my solution around 70F when I add the naptha. This way I get crystals on my pyrex before I make it to the freezer!
Even a 25 ml pull will get some goodies...but it might all evap away before you seperate it!
I'm thinking next time I'll try one 600ml pull on 400g of root bark, let it sit for half an hour...but three _is_ supposed to be the charm in organic chemistry.
#5 Posted : 12/9/2010 8:16:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Everything everyone else said.....

Also don't worry to much about the exact amount you use, if you use lots all you need to do is a quick evap of your solvent before you freeze percip. Just pop it in oven on like 40 - 50 C and keep checking on it every 15 min or so until it begins to have a milky tinge to it. SWIM always uses plenty of solvent, given its cheap, and at the end of the day its better to be safe than sorry - once you've gotten your soup you want to make sure you can pull as much of the spice out of it (but I'm sure to the more experienced guys around here it's probably overkill...). If your product doesn’t come out pristine white you can always do a re-xtalisation anyway. Best of luck!!!!!
#6 Posted : 12/9/2010 11:24:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SomeoneWhoIsMe wrote:
...I'm thinking next time I'll try one 600ml pull on 400g of root bark, let it sit for half an hour...but three _is_ supposed to be the charm in organic chemistry.

It is a fact that for the same volume of naphta more small pulls is better than fewer big pulls. I do as many as 5 or even 7. E.g. for 100g of bark I use at least 7 pulls 30 ml each.

FusionOracle wrote:
...(but I'm sure to the more experienced guys around here it's probably overkill...).

I think this is a sensible approach. Excess NPS is necessary if you do not heat your basic solution. of bark. If you do not heat your basic solution your product is much cleaner. I do many small cold pulls using ~ 150 ml of NPS per 50 g.
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#7 Posted : 12/13/2010 8:05:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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first off thank you all for your feedback it is greatly apprectiated.
okay i think i got the idea i only have a little bit more i need to clear up.

okay first is i just read somthing, it said that using powdered bark is bad. is this true? cause i was planning on buying already powdered bark.

second is the naptha situation.
noman you said to use 200mL for the first one and then 100mL for two more.
so im adding naptha to the basified soulution then it will seperate and then i suck up the naptha/dmt layer and put it in a jar.

that is the first pull right?

so then i want to do another pull with 100mL and i do that buy adding the 100mL of naptha to the stuff i didnt suck up right?

so if thats correct then my last question about this is, do i do the first pull with naptha and freeze it for 3 days and then do the second pull and freeze it for another 3 days? and the same for the 3rd?
or do i combine all the pulls into the one jar and freeze it once for 3 days?

would it be a good idea to evaporate my naptha/dmt a litte in the oven before i freeze it anyways? or how much should i evaporate if at all?

SomeOnWhoIsMe, you mentioned that even 25mL will get some spice but it might all evaporate before i seperate it.
seperate it as in when i pour it through the coffee filter or when its seperating from the basified product?

im not sure exactly what you mean.
im sorry ive been doing alot of studying but i have no experience so some points seem vague.

my next question is about the freeze/precip.

so i freeze the naptha/dmt for 3 days, i quickly take out the jar, shake it up and pour it in a funnel with a coffee filter.

my question is, when i pour the naptha/dmt liquid into the coffee filter should i expect the naptha to go straight through leaving behind the crystals or whatever needs to be evaporated or is it going to go really really slow?

because last time i used a coffee filter the liquid took very long to go through.

and im sopposed to wash it with ammonia.

so im expecting when i take out the jar, shake it up and pour it in the coffee filter it will go right through and then i pour the ammonia on it witch will also go through then i take out the filter spread it out and let it dry.

i just got a feeling it wont work like that or thats not right. im a little vague on this part to.

also how does one do a recrystalazation?
and my very last problem is i dont think my freezers are cold enough, is there some way i could use ice? or somthing else or some other way?

if theres anymore crucial points or tips to this extraction that i should know please let me know

again thank you for your feedback it is greatly apprectiated.
#8 Posted : 12/13/2010 12:45:26 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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my next question is about the freeze/precip.

so i freeze the naptha/dmt for 3 days, i quickly take out the jar, shake it up and pour it in a funnel with a coffee filter.

my question is, when i pour the naptha/dmt liquid into the coffee filter should i expect the naptha to go straight through leaving behind the crystals or whatever needs to be evaporated or is it going to go really really slow?

because last time i used a coffee filter the liquid took very long to go through.

and im sopposed to wash it with ammonia.

after freeze-precipitation, SWIM usually decants as much naphtha as possible from the jar and lets the crude product dry. Don't wash with ammonia.
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