My plan is to use elements of both, as some chemicals are a bit harder to come by here. Can someone check it please?
1) Pulverize dried or fresh cactus (prep according to phlux). Probably a freeze/thaw in there too.
2) So with my ~100g dry cactus, add 50g (more? less?) of NaOH (in water) to cover the cactus. (I think HDPE is a good container, concentrated lye might be bad for my beakers?)
3) Stir the cactus and lye-water thoroughly.
4) Add 300mL d-Limonene. Shake periodically for 2 hours (or some time anyway)
5) Pipette off all d-Limonene, and place into a beaker.
6) Add 25mL of white vinegar (tek follows rons from here, although I also have HCl, will try both eventually, but will start with acetate), shake for 15 minutes, and pipette water layer from under d-limo layer.
-Repeat steps 5 and 6 twice more.
-Repeat from step 4 twice too.
So essentially using fresh cactus with lye, and then extracting with d-limo and acetic acid (Or HCl or citric, in due time) as per rons tek.
Did I miss anything?