So I came up with this Idea when realized my 0.01 scale doesn't sense anything for amounts little than 50 mg at all, and begins to sense with +50mg. You may already know this solution I'm going to share, or a better one, but anything needs to be shared, you share your better Ideas too, please.
For this you'll need:
A cheap scale (even a 0.1g scale works fine)
A 10mL pipette
An smaller pipette, 1mL is perfect [OPTIONAL]
Ok here it is:
weight a good amount of the stuff, like 1 gram.
Dissolve it in 10mL of solvent.
Then say you want exactly 50mg, measure 0.5mL of the solution using your pipette (or your 1mL pipette if you have it).
Pour the measured solution on a glass flat plate.
Wash your pipette with 1mL fresh solvent and pour it in the plate too [To make none of the stuff remain inner surface of the pipette]
Evaporate the solution
Scrap with razor blade
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.