I made some nice Formosahuasca - really loved it. Had enough b caapi and acacia confusa for a couple of rounds, which for as intense as was the experience I was surprised to find myself feeling healthier than before I tried it. I had enough acacia for less than two servings so I ordered some MHRB to do an extract, which I have yet to receive, so in the mean time I am doing a trial extraction on the acacia, and from the looks of it, very little has been extracted as was what I guessed would happen, trying it out tonight so I can't yet attest to its potency (apparently the tannins and NMT make it difficult to A/B extract the DMT.) But it was a great dry run and I learned a lot about procedure. Going in with both feet through the winter, really only intested in vinegar/lime extractions, I like food grade cooking as opposed to having to wear gloves and masks and stuff. I'm too old for chemical burns, and I like my tattoos.
But seriously, the Formosahuasca was revealing. More than the combined years of acid and shrooms, fo sho. It's what we were looking for the whole time, and it turns out we were there our entire lives.
The whole order of nature evinces a progressive march towards a higher life.
- H P Blavatsky
Disclaimer: William Godwin is a figment of the reader's imagination. Furthermore, the author of the character named William Godwin exists in an artificial construct created by the reader which is commonly referred to as "reality." Nothing in any post by this character ever happened.