I don't know how to introduce myself without sounding like a superior.
I am not a superior person, and neither are you. (although we are all equal IMO)
Anyway, I've been interested in psychedelics for over 10 years. 8 Years ago was my first encounter with mushrooms.
I've played around with various substances such as a variety of 2C-x/DOx Compounds, Dragonfly, cacti, Salvia, LSD. etc.
I once struggled with hard drug addiction in the past, and thankfully psychedelics have helped me in my recovery.
(Although I still do get cravings, psychedelics help keep me in check)
Recently I performed a DMT extraction and so far yielded about 3 grams. (I only have a gram left

Anyway, I'm interested in the same things you are.
Psychology/Philosophy/Mysticism/Shamanism/Ethnobotany/Language/Physics&Maths/Programming. ETC.
Which makes it difficult for me in terms of finding a 'major'.
****These two videos have completely shaped my entire life****