Found this on another forum and it's not on here so thought I'd post it up. Enjoy
Required materials
100g powdered MHRB
60g NaOH
300ml naptha
Large non-aluminium saucepan
Narrow glasses or bottles
Large pipettes or separation funnel
Measuring bowls
Time, patience and rudimentary chemistry knowledge
Water bath (recommended)
Ammonia (optional)
Measure out 100g powdered MHRB.
Boil 1 litre of water and add it to the MHRB while stirring for five minutes.
Leave to cool.
Measure out 60g of NaOH.
Slowly add NaOH to water until it has all dissolved to make a saturated solution.
Make sure it doesn't get too hot.
Gradually add the NaOH solution to the bark solution. You should see freebase DMT tumble out of solution.
By the time you've added about half the NaOH solution, the mixture should have turned black-brown and you can no longer see the precipitate. Continue to add the rest of it.
Heat the mixture while stirring in a water bath. Keep it at about 50-60°C
Meanwhile, measure out about 100 ml of naptha.
Tip the naptha into the hot mixture and mix vigorously for at least 20 minutes.
Keeping it warm, leave the layers to settle and separate for an hour.
Tap off the top naptha layer into a narrow drinking glass and use a small pipette to suck off the yellowly-colourless naptha layer and put in a separate glass. Be sure not to suck up any of the horrible black NaOH mixture.
Repeat this with a fresh 100ml of naptha at least three times.
Pour the naptha into a shallow baking dish and leave in the freezer overnight on its coldest setting.
The next day DMT crystals should have formed on the dish.
Take the dish out of the freezer and quickly pour off the liquid naptha (filter it if you like) for reuse. Be careful to ensure the crystals remain in the dish.
Evaporate off the remaining liquid with a fan and collect and weigh your crystals.
If you like, you follow this with a cold ammonia wash and recrystallisation by adding 20 ml hot naptha to every gram of product and removing the insoluble yellow gunk.
This method takes only a few hours and produced pure white crystals with a yield exceeding 0.9%.
Any comments >?