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#1 Posted : 11/25/2010 5:41:35 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 06-Apr-2018
Since I was a sophomore in high school, psychedelics and their culture have been my passion. I didn't come to find out about this amazing little corner of society in the usual ways, no stereotypical shady offer of pot behind the gym for me. The first drug that captured my attention was DMT, and my finding it was the result of an anti-drug assignment for health class. I was to make a poster about psychedelics and give a brief presentation. As soon as I found erowid, it was over. I spent most of that week digging into that site, and I gave a comprehensive and unbiased presentation the next class we had. I found out very quickly that I had been lied to, and that the stigma I had put on drugs was only a stigma, and had very little root in reality. I found out that psychedelics were non-addictive and incredibly safe physiologically, more importantly I found that they were more than escapism. Psychedelics can be used as tools for the betterment of man and mankind alike. They had the ability to reveal the inner workings of the mind. DMT in particular intrigued me, I quickly came to view it as the king of psychedelics.

In high school I scored my first sack of weed, and I experimented a lot with salvia (in the nascence of its popularity), also I gave LSA a shot. Other than those meager attempts there wasn't much else available to me. I first tried to extract DMT my senior year while a friend's parents were away, but we rushed the evaporation by heating the napthta (foolish for a few reasons, although the area was well ventilated) and we ended up with a puddle of yellow oil that I later identified as DMT-N-Oxide. This was put on oregano and smoked to elicit a permagrin and some mild visuals. The experience didn't seem very significant, but looking back on it, this was my first experience with a recreational tryptamine.

College brought mushrooms, lots of LSD (of impeccable quality), and a slew of other psychedelics, but still no DMT. While I was off using my resources to acquire those drugs, my friend at another university decided to use his resources to cook up some spirit molecule. He offered me 1.5g of the stuff, which is apparently relatively white, being of STB origin and freeze precipitated.

My friend has had quite a bit of difficulty smoking this stuff in the past. After playing around with The Machine, and sandwiching it among other herbs, he's settled on smoking it via a box vaporizer. However, I do not believe this can provide the "blast" needed to reach a full breakthrough, and I don't have one of these devices, so that's the main reason I came to this forum. I'm looking for answers about the use of DMT that can only be found here, and I'd like to contribute any knowledge I gain from my experiences with this mysterious molecule for the betterment of the community. I've only got the 1.5g to play with before I have to make a decision whether or not to do my own series of extractions, so I want to get the most of it, and also get some help integrating and understanding what I"m sure will be some complex experiences from the people who know best.

Anyway, that's why I'm here. Please feel free to message me on the forum any time, or email me.


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#2 Posted : 11/25/2010 7:53:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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By far the first thing I have to mention are some forum rules under the, "attitudes" section at the top of the page, which are absolutely clear in stating:
No discussion is allowed about selling drugs, buying drugs, prices of drugs or trading drugs. This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not. The only goods allowed to be discussed in the Supplier's section are legal ethnobotanicals and legal/unwatched chemical supplys.

Now, do not take this as in insult. I'm very happy that you believe how well psychedelics can benefit mankind.

To start helping the community all you need is a positive attitude, and an open mind to the infinite impossibilities that most of us encounter day by day, and subsequently everyones highly unique interpretations of every experience. In short, never take a single person for granted because their experiences may seem more insane than others. Always keep in mind why each of us is on this forum, and how, "crazy" what we do really is. And I do realize that because you are here in the first place, you've already taken this step Pleased

There is an endless amount of valuable information that you can learn before you take your first journey into the world of hyperspace, but know one thing, no one is ever ready for their first breakthrough experience. It truly is unimaginable.

Give this great article a read: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=10945

yardbirdrc55 wrote:
I've only got the 1.5g [DMT]

Only?! It only takes 30-40mg for most people to get a full breakthrough experience, but there have been reports on breakthroughs involving much less amounts. Dose really does not matter, although there exists such a thing as too much (75mg+, and that's still a lot!), and micro dosing.

Enter your journeys with a clear mind, and don't go trying to decipher each experience too quickly, or over analyze. It will hurt your head. It's been many months since my last breakthrough, and I still think about it every day.

Welcome to Nexus, my friend. Enjoy life!
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#3 Posted : 11/25/2010 5:28:20 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the info, steely! I posted this late last night and didn't get around to reading the basic site info until this morning, I'll go back and clean some stuff up in a sec. Also I'm aware 1.5g may seem like a lot, but it's also not very much really! I will probably be sharing this among like minded friends on a few occasions, and from the troubles my friend has had trying to smoke the stuff (although personally I don't see how it can be as hard as he's made it out) then I'm afraid I'll blow through a decent portion of it before I get any worthwhile experiences. Also should I be trying to titrate doses? Or just go for the big one?
#4 Posted : 11/25/2010 6:45:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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^^ surprisingly, it is really easy to mess up smoking it. It is really tricky to get it at the right temp, not burn it, or have it melt way etc. Make some enhanced leaf and it is a lot easier. You can muddle around with low doses to get aquainted, but nothing will ever prepare you for the big one. Good luck!
Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery.
Sic transit gloria mundi

#5 Posted : 11/25/2010 6:50:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Being conservative and measuring your doses helps you to get the most out of what you have. Like I said before though, dose amount doesn't matter much. Taking a large or heroic dose will not get you any further along than what 40-50mg can already do for you. I would highly suggest making this your limit to start, or if you are a more petite person, try 35-40mg.

This advice comes from personal experience. I was stuck in a very similar situation as you are now in that I felt like I needed to breakthrough. I felt as if I deserved it, and that the sub breakthroughs I was having at the time weren't enough. Down the line, the sub breakthrough experiences of entering the infamous kaleidoscopic room, being given small bits of advice from unknown sources have meant more to me and being an open minded, trusting person than the hyperspace experiences have.

The full break through experience changed my perspective of life and reality, the sub breakthroughs - or what you refer to as the less worthwhile experiences Pleased - prepared my mind greatly for the next threshold by allowing me to ease into it.

Be calm each time. Meditate to clear your mind before hand, and please, do not rush into it. You have the spice in your hands, and it isn't going anywhere, especially so if you are rushing as I did to get to the next threshold of the journey.

Patience, tolerance, trust, acceptance, and gratitude are the feelings that should be present when entering, and being respectful to each experience. When you realize that every single journey has the potential to shape or re-shape your entire life, it deserves your full respect.

When dealing with a substance that molds lives every day, if you don't hold the utmost respect for it, it will show you, sometimes painfully why you should.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#6 Posted : 11/26/2010 5:28:30 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 06-Apr-2018
1664 wrote:
^^ surprisingly, it is really easy to mess up smoking it. It is really tricky to get it at the right temp, not burn it, or have it melt way etc. Make some enhanced leaf and it is a lot easier. You can muddle around with low doses to get aquainted, but nothing will ever prepare you for the big one. Good luck!

does enhanced leaf require the same dose and is it capable of the same strength? i read a bit about the electric sheep blend, i've got some freebase harmalas too.
#7 Posted : 11/26/2010 9:06:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: London
yardbirdrc55 wrote:
does enhanced leaf require the same dose and is it capable of the same strength? i read a bit about the electric sheep blend, i've got some freebase harmalas too.

Yes, enhanced leaf requires the same dose of DMT, and it is the same "strength". It is generally more gradual on the coming up stage than crystal, I would imagine because the vapour is diluted. It is normally mixed 1:1, so you would need to weigh a 60mg dose of yuor enhanced leaf to get 30mg of DMT.

Choose whatever blend suits, personally I would experiment a bit with a leaf only blend before adding caapi extract or harmalas etc. Check out the changa thread, it is pretty extensive.
Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery.
Sic transit gloria mundi

#8 Posted : 5/1/2011 6:49:28 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey there,
Sorry for bumping this obviously very old thread. However, I am still not able to post in the other forums, and I'm not sure why that is. It didn't matter much before, but I'm performing my own extractions now and I have stuff I'd like to contribute. How can i get my "voice" turned on?
#9 Posted : 5/1/2011 7:04:57 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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By posting more, and showing you are a genuine person. After this last week, don't expect to be bumped up to full membership anytime soon. I don't expect to, at least until everything goes back to normal here. If you want to contribute to post on a forum you cant post on, I think you can message someone (either topic creator, or traveler, or some mod), and they can post your message there for you, if they want. But from my understanding, account age =/= guarantee member status, you have to actally be posting actively and have someone vouch for you, or post an introduction essay (edit: did not realize i was posting on intro forum lol) and hope that works. Good luck! (in case you didn't realize it, i am in the same boat as you Razz)
#10 Posted : 5/1/2011 7:23:56 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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yardbirdrc55 wrote:
Hey there,
Sorry for bumping this obviously very old thread. However, I am still not able to post in the other forums, and I'm not sure why that is. It didn't matter much before, but I'm performing my own extractions now and I have stuff I'd like to contribute. How can i get my "voice" turned on?

why cant you post in nursery ? we all go there to read so your voice will be heard dont worry.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#11 Posted : 5/1/2011 7:34:23 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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smokerx wrote:
yardbirdrc55 wrote:
Hey there,
Sorry for bumping this obviously very old thread. However, I am still not able to post in the other forums, and I'm not sure why that is. It didn't matter much before, but I'm performing my own extractions now and I have stuff I'd like to contribute. How can i get my "voice" turned on?

why cant you post in nursery ? we all go there to read so your voice will be heard dont worry.

ah thanks, i wasn't aware i could post there. even so it doesn't really seem like any of the sub-forums there fit what i'd like to talk about but i'll hang out there for a while i guess. how long must one do so before access to posting in the whole forum is allowed? i wasn't able to find this info in the faq or the attitudes sections.
#12 Posted : 5/1/2011 7:38:57 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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yardbirdrc55 wrote:
ah thanks, i wasn't aware i could post there. even so it doesn't really seem like any of the sub-forums there fit what i'd like to talk about but i'll hang out there for a while i guess. how long must one do so before access to posting in the whole forum is allowed? i wasn't able to find this info in the faq or the attitudes sections.

Read this
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#13 Posted : 5/1/2011 7:43:33 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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smokerx wrote:
yardbirdrc55 wrote:
ah thanks, i wasn't aware i could post there. even so it doesn't really seem like any of the sub-forums there fit what i'd like to talk about but i'll hang out there for a while i guess. how long must one do so before access to posting in the whole forum is allowed? i wasn't able to find this info in the faq or the attitudes sections.

Read this

thank you!
#14 Posted : 5/12/2011 4:40:31 AM


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If it were me, i would either make some changa and use The KEY, or if you had the harmalas maybe give pharmahuasca a go.
Let the plants guide you, for they teach lessons beyond what we humans can offer.
Distorted is our perception of reality, because reality is much more distorted than we could ever perceive it to be.

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